Have we met before...?

Evlin chuckled looking at her adorable bunny face. "Just how do people even concentre on your words? Your delightful face is a big distraction." He smiled and then started eating again, in a cheerful mood. The girl had something in her aura which made the boy smile brining him out of his melancholic mood.

"Huh?" Sarah frowned a bit, now eating the fried rice in front of her. As the boy was now looking down at his plate Sarah smiles looking at him. There was something about him, which made the girl to hug him and keep him protected from the world. The boy always brought about a different protective side of the girl. She could not help but notice a little kid in him, who feared of his own weakness. Yet he was such a good man that he never failed to do his duties properly. ''You are a really nice man boss. You deserve every happiness in the world. I mean it." She smiled taking another bite from her spoon. She blushed a bit feeling the boy's gaze on her.

"Thank you. Your words mean a lot." He was now looking adoringly at her. She was the only girl whom the boy was sitting with without wanting her to take her to the bedroom. She was perhaps the only girl whom he was exceedingly attracted to, but was willing to wait for the right time, to make out with her just like any normal couple. He looked at her radiating face, amidst the candles and how cutely she was eating the rice from her plate not looking at him.

Sarah smiled a bit and was now constantly looking at her plate blushing even harder as she knew the boy was not willing to look anywhere else except her face. "Can you please look at you plate boss." The girl after several minutes spoke up feeling extremely coy.

"Oh yeah." The boy blinked several times and then continued to eat from his plate. He had now a very happy smile on his face and he was thoroughly enjoying having dinner with the girl, while they kept talking about several things from her book writing, to his next dream project.

"Wow! I have opened up so effortlessly with you. It seems like I have known you forever. How easily you get me Sarah. Have I known you before by any chance?" The boy frowned as he could actually feel some old connection with the girl, as if he had known her before and had not just met a day ago.

"Eeeshh! What a flirty line boss. Are you practicing it on me to use it on other girls?" the girl chuckled taking a bite out of the delicious pizza in front of her.

"No... I mean it. It is like the more I see you, the more familiar you look to me." The boy looked at the girl with much seriousness, his green eyes looking at her with much honesty and passion.

Sarah frowned a bit and then nodded her head. "I don't think we have met before boss." The girl got a bit confused as the man was looking at her constantly in puzzlement as if studying her soul. She was about to question him when suddenly there was a knock on the door, at the extreme edge of the room.

Evlin smiled and then turned to look at the door. "Please come in."

Suddenly the door was opened and a middle aged house maid dragged a gargantuan trolley towards them smiling looking at Sarah in extreme contentment and enchantment.