
The boy jumped a little and held the rim of the bowl, pulling it closer to him a bit. They both were now laughing hard as the girl once again pulled the bowl above her own head, snatching it away from the boy. The boy walked further closer to her once again holding the loaded bowl. "Not so fast Sarah!"

''No! This is my bowl.'' The girl held out one hand, placing it on the boy's chest. She tried to push the boy away giggling uncontrollably. ''Hehehe. Don't touch the bowl.'

The boy too chuckled loudly. The girl's hand did not make him budge even a single inch and he once again jumped to catch the bowl. He bent a little forwards and after holding the rim of the bowl was about to pull it towards himself, when the girl lost the grip of the entire bowl.

"Arghhh!!" She screamed as the bowl fell from her hands.

The bowl was titled towards Evlin as it flipped instantly and landed straight on his head. The entire sticky white and brow colour contents had now poured on his head and was travelling to his mouth.

"Argghhhh!!!" The man shouted feeling the wet contents pouring on his scalp.

The girl gasped at the boy in shock and pursed her lips. She was trying very hard to control her laughter looking at the boy standing in much astonishment. She covered her lips with her hands as the entire contents were now flowing down to the boy's neck and he simply stood in disbelief like a statue, at what just happened to him.

After a few seconds of enough restraint the girl burst into uncontrollable laughter and held her stomach with her hands, laughing out loudly. "Hehehehehe! Heeheheeh!"

The man starred at the girl in astonishment, who was now laughing like a little girl while her one hand was now pointing to his face. "ohh! My God. This is an epic moment. You... hehehe.. you look so cute... hehehe."

The girl instantly took out the phone from her pocket and started to click the boy's pictures while still amused frenziedly.

"What are you doing Sarah?" the boy gasped in surprise and covered his face with his hands, only to make them sticky and mucky too. He frowned looking at his dirty hands, while the girl chuckled clicking him on her phone. "Can you just turn a bit around and maybe plant you hands on your waist. And also maybe pout a little with your lips. I want some nice poses for my latest insta story." The girl chuckled now recording a video of the boy.

"Oh really??" The boy let out a big sigh, giving a devilish look to the girl.

The girl tried to control her giggling and placed her phone on the table. ''Ok, I believe, I should try to help you." She tried to make a poker face acting very responsible and then walked closer to him.

But she could not help and let out a loud snigger looking at the massive bowl resting on top of the boy's head like a cap. She quickly held the rim of the bowl and picked it up a little. . As soon as the bowl was lifted the entire contents of it that remained in the bowl, too dropped on the boy's hair making him gasp in shock.

The girl looked at the boy with her eyes wide opened and she slowly placed back the bowl on his head. ''Whoops! It think it's better this way. Let it remain on you head." The girl chuckled once again not able to have power over her hilarity.