The guest...

Three days later....

The boy has just returned from his visit to one of his allies and after reporting the entire matter to his brothers, he walked to meet his mother in her private chamber. He crossed the gargantuan stone made several corridors and entered a huge garden, full of striking red and yellow colour exotic flowers. Just next to the garden was Delilah's chamber, where only her personal guests and family members were allowed to enter.

The boy entered an enormous hall, which was beautifully decorated with several engravings and gems on the walls. Right in the middle was situated a huge stone made counter, which was surrounded by numerous chairs. Today the hall was well lit by numerous tall candles and was decorated beautifully by flowers all around. Several dishes were being placed on the table by the palace staff, and Delilah was standing in one corner setting a few flowers cheerfully in a stone made vase, humming a song blissfully.

The boy smiled looking at his mother's joyful face and rushed to meet her. He hugged her from the back lovingly just like he had been doing ever since he was a child. Delilah was startled for a few seconds and she giggled loudly and merrily. "Oh my dear boy has returned." She patted the boy's head lovingly and then turned to look at him happily, while still in his strong embrace. "How was your travel my boy? You look really tired." Delilah looked at the boy's messy hair and tired eyes.

The boy smiled and nodded his head in an approval. He then turned and frowned looking at the tremendous arrangements in her chamber and then turned to look at her, in a questioning manner.

"Oh, aunt Maya is coming for a meal today. She will check on you and also her daughter has returned from over sees, after several years of study. So she is also coming along. I have this entire arrangements one in her honour. You also go and take a bath. I don't want aunt Maya to get worried looking at you in this condition." The lady touched his rough locks and nodded her head in disapproval. The lady not only had aged gracefully, but had also grown more gorgeous while her face was glowing brilliantly.

The man smiled and finally left his mother from the embrace. He gave a quick peck on her cheek and walked away towards his own chamber. The boy's chamber was not much far away from his mother's and he could easily glance at his mother's chamber which was just across the gigantic garden.

The boy's chamber was the most unique hall as compared to his other siblings. The boy had several instruments made out of glass, each one of which was used by him for different purpose. One would show a same thing, in multiple reflections, while the other instrument could clearly show a distant object. One instrument could produce fire on anything it was focused on; due to excessive sunlight heat it could store inside it due to multiple reflections. The boy was indeed a genius and could mould the glass and stones to create such amazing instruments.

He instantly walked inside an adjoining chamber and removed his robe. He then dipped himself in a fresh lukewarm stone bath filled with water and oil, covered with fresh flower incense and rose petals. In these past three days, the image of the gorgeous girl had yet not vanished away from his eyes. He always had a bright smile on his face, whenever he thought about the unknown girl.