Her body and soul...

The petrified girl was yet again stunned to look in his green eyes but then she immediately blinked several times, as if trying to evade the fascination of his beauty. "Ah! Yes." The girl instantaneously straightened up her body and jerked away the boy with much coldness. She did not even momentary look at him again and the boy was stunned looking at the girl's bitter attitude towards him.

She had now bent a little and was picking up the fallen script papers from the grass. The boy could not help but admire how stunning the girl was looking today. She was wearing a plain white colour mini dress, which had a very stylish heart shaped off shouldered neck, giving a view of her enthralling cleavage. Her long legs were simply too alluring and the boy could not help but gaze at her visible thighs as she bent a little to pick up her dress. As the girl bent a little more, her entire thighs were visible and the boy gasped in shock looking around him. The girl was wearing high heels, and was already particularly long so she had to bend a lot, to make her hand to reach the papers.

Her appealing thighs were now catching everybody's attention and the boy clenched his fists and rapidly walked towards her in much rage. A massive wave of protectiveness and jealousy had yet again erupted in his heart, as he could feel several men staring at the girl with lusty eyes. Evlin quickly walked up to the girl and bumped his body on her hips a bit, covering the view of her thighs from everybody. The girl was startled feeling somebody's body behind her and before she could even react a strong arm had encircled her tiny waist and she was lifted high up in the air.

"Arghhhhh!!" the girl screamed in fear and turned her neck to see Evlin, looking at her in much determination and passion in his eyes. "What are you doing boss? Do you think I am your toy that you keep carrying me around?" The girl's back was touching his chest, while her legs were floating in the air as she struggled to get away from his arm's strong grip.

The boy did not reply but he had now carried the girl holding her waist and also her thighs and was rapidly walking towards his own tent, with a very sombre look on his face. "Keep quiet." The boy slapped her frontal thighs gently, rebuking her furiously. Yet again his sense of ownership towards her had erupted in his heart and he was acting more obsessive for the girl. The entire crew present over there were now looking at the two of them in awe as their boss had held the girl up in the air with her tender waist and thighs in much anger. He had then turned her around efficiently to make her look at him and at nobody else. His one hand was now at her back while his other hand was now below her hips and he looked in her eyes for a few seconds. "Just look at me and nobody else. I think I have made myself clear to you earlier also. Why are you looking at other people, when I am right here in front of you?" the boy slapped her round and luscious hips with his palm as he walked towards his tent in much furiousness, while his eyes were fixed on her beautiful face.

"But... Everyone is starring at us. I am embarrassed." The girl spoke in much nervousness not daring to look in his angry and passionate eyes.

"Let them. I do not care and neither should you." The boy turned his face away from her, looking at the tent ahead.

Their faces were now just a few inches away and the girl could not help but look at his handsome face and well defined jaw line yet again. The boy was looking straight ahead, as if trying to cool down his resentment.


Hearing the girl's shriek, Sofi too had come out of her tent and gasped in shock looking at Evlin carrying the girl towards his tent. She quickly walked towards the boy and covered his path from entering his tent room. "What are you doing boss? Where are you taking her? The entire crew is looking at you! At least think about me once."

The girl in bikini stood authoritatively, looking at Evlin who had clutched the girl close to his body. ��Move aside Sofi. Who are you to question me? Don't forget I am your boss." The boy spoke in much antagonism looking at the girl. Sofi gasped in shock and quietly moved aside looking at the boy's fuming face.

"Boss what are you doing? Why are you angry at me? What did I do??" Sarah looked in the boy's eyes yet again as the boy entered the tent house. This time the boy too looked straight in her gray eyes and she shivered a bit in nervousness. Those eyes seemed like a gargantuan enchanting sea, which would make a person to get lost in its beauty.

"You made me angry again." The boy instantly closed the door of tent locking it from inside and made the girl stand on her feet carefully. The girl was now standing motionlessly, looking in the boy's eyes in mystification.

The boy was glaring at her straight in her big stunning gray eyes, without even blinking. The colossal tent house was converted into the boy's vanity, which indeed was no smaller than a full VIP room of a hotel. The circular room had a dressing area in one corner, while in the other corner was a colossal bed laid for the boy to rest. The dim lights inside the tent were falling on the two of them as the tension increased between the two of them.

The girl finally gathered the courage to speak up again and she looked straight in his eyes. "I don't know what have I done to make you so irate, but I have to leave. I have some work to do." The girl walked ahead rapidly towards the door trying to walk past the boy, but the boy instantly covered her path looking at her with a poker face. The girl bumped in his strong body and moved a few steps back looking at the boy in much perplexity. "What did I do now?"

The boy glanced straight in her eyes and walked a step closer to her. Sarah took a step back in nervousness and gulped in fear. "wh ... whaa..?"

The boy was taking deep breaths looking at her in much passion and the girl could not help but blush under his intense gaze and she lowered her gaze, biting her lower lip. "Stop starring at me like that." She took another step backwards further inside the room, while the boy walked a little closer to her.

"Then stop torturing me like that Sarah." His gaze travelled all the way from her head to her stunning thighs and legs and he moaned in much obsession and yearning. "This beauty of yours will kill me one day." He closed his eyes as if in much pain. "But....." The boy suddenly walked a few steps closer to her, opening his eyes widely. "But... I will not let anybody else look at your body. You soul and your body are just mine. I will one day possess and worship every inch of this beautiful body..."