His true identity...

The beautiful girl had become the centre of attraction, as everybody as intrigued by who she was.

"She is the one. The master of herbs and potion and the daughter of king." whispered a boy looking at the beautiful girl, who was with full concentration was only listening to her teacher, without her attention diverted anywhere else.

"She is so beautiful. I have seen the queen once; she does look like her a lot." Spoke another boy, ogling over the girl's beauty.

"Yes. Her name is Marigold. But she is even prettier than the flower. Look at that hair." Another boy sitting besides Gothis whispered.

"But I have heard that all her brother, including King Khufu is very protective of her. If they see a boy around her, they punish him badly. It is only with her permission that a boy can talk to her." Spoke another boy, talking to Fasik.