the beast...

The girl gasped in shock, as she looked at the man's enchanting face, shining under the moonlight. She planted her hands on his strong shoulders, as the boy had tightly clutched her waist. There as pin drop silence everywhere and they could feel each other's breaths. They both were equally nervous and excited about getting to feel each other's bodies. "Please stop looking at me like that Fasik."

"Oh my name sounds beautiful, when spoken by your lips. It has never ever sounded more amazing to me." the boy took deep breaths, feeling the girl's tender waist with his hands. "Your waist is so thin. I could hold you with my one arm and pull you anywhere." The boy quickly encircled the girl's waist with his arm, pulling her up in the air.

 He then planted her on the table in front of them, and the girl was completely left startled. "You... You are so strong."