Sweet Home

The next few days passed in a blur, between the visits of the new family and she was unconscious for 2/3 of the day, in addition to the moments when she was subjected to several exams, with the only real damage she had caused by the fire, being a small smoke inhalation, to the surprise of many doctors.

It wasn't a surprise that Kuro felt extremely bored.

Yes Kuro (Kiritsugu) or Ku-chan (Shirou) as the male emiyas called it, yes so creative nickname.

But even though she knew the need for rest, the only thing she felt at the moment was boredom, she knew she was completely fine, besides and of course some traumas and a possible Pyrophobia, but nothing she couldn't solve in a therapy session or two, that was why there were psychiatrists, and who knows, she might not be able to drag the males of the family into a family session? so why the hell couldn't she just ... leave? Or something that could at least exercise your mind? my body was practically pulsating with nervousness and the urgent need to do something was increasing every day.

I believe that somehow I was sending signals in my silent anguish because Shirou who took the responsibility of big brother like a fish in the water, with his brand new big brother radar he found several methods to entertain me like drawing, reading, games among others, even if it is temporary, which was a relief for the poor nurses, they were not prepared for a child diagnosed with mental hyperactivity.

Yes, I was diagnosed with an extreme ability to think non-ADHD, I could still pay attention with a frightening focus, but my reasoning ability was much faster than a child my age, 6 years from what I found out, I'm a year younger than Shirou, much to your liking, making me more adept at absorbing, learning and adapting faster than the average.

In short, I am a probable fucking prodigy.

I believe this is because I am an adult in a child's body.

Urg, a lot to keep the profile low...

If it were narutoverse instead of nasurverse it would be doomed.

Damn my curiosity, stubbornness, and perfectionism.

You should have known it was an evil trick when Shirou brought those puzzles...

Or those books ...

What to say who the hell hands a 7-year-old child a book of genetics?

It is in these moments that I am grateful for being adopted by Kiritsugu, I don't know if it's because of the blame for the fire, for reminding him Illya or the combination of the two options above, but he didn't even blink when he was informed about this situation.

Maybe it's because of my reaction when he said he was a magus? What to say and it's normal for a child to ask questions about it, right? like comparing the magus with Merlin or the witch of João and maria and such? to say I didn't even say that Merlin was an incubus or speculate about him being the witch.

Besides that he was uncomfortable about it and I even asked in regret if it is possible to use it for healing.

"If the fairy godmother of Cindi can transform a pumpkin into a carriage, then because tó-cha can't get me out of here!".

After that it was more than half an hour for the poor confused man to explain to his upset 6-year-old daughter about magecraft and the rules of the moonlit world secret and why he couldn't take her home.

Sucker, haven't you realized that you've already lost? You're already wrapped around my little finger.

Jokes aside, I still thank you for Kiritsugu being a magus out of the standard with strong ideals, however, crooked they were, he was still a hero of justice, even if he was a murderer.

I give you 6.5, no and the father of the year compared to most other magus you would earn for a mile.

The positive thing now I had more excuses to ask him to teach me magicraft without raising a lot of suspicions, maybe I could even mix it with subjects I knew?

Maybe you can ask tou-chan to teach me runes as well as healing magic to help you with your illness, maybe if you have time I can even heal you.

But is this seriously good for the future? his death was one of the main points for the safety of Shirou, with it several enemies of the magus killer stopped chasing his tracks, relieved by the disappearance of his executioner.

On the other hand, his survival may become an extremely important point in our lives, his views on the existence of a hero of justice may anchor my brother's dream, perhaps it is the harsh perceptions of your inspiration on this subject that can get you out of the way of becoming a counter-guardian.


My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door.

Call your name and it will appear.

"Kuroko-chan I have good news, you are being released today" informs Dr. Katsu who accompanied my new family.

"Yes!!!" I applaud with happiness.

"' Laughs 'I see you are excited as always? Good before we release we will do one last check-in, after that you can change and go home like your new Otosan ok ?!"

"Hai". I nodded

After that conversation, a few minutes passed between questions and nudged by the doctor and the nurses.

The doctor and his team saying goodbye no more, before saying a few words to tou-cha informing me that I do not try very hard during the next two days.

And by the determined look on Ni's face (Shirou), I will be stuck in bed for the next few days, it will be a miracle if I can go to the bathroom with my own legs.


Moving to Kiritsugu's house was strange at first.

I had never seen a Japanese house in real life, so I was surprised by its size and how spacious it was with such simple architecture.

In a way, I felt like I was living in a mansion compared to my home in my previous life

It was too big for a simple family of three.

At least there was enough bathroom for everyone.

"Kuro-chan, are you hungry?"


"Shirou is cooking for us right now, so do you want to help me set the table?"


Overall, the first few days were normal in a way, except for the first two days as, as I had predicted Ni had vehemently forbidden me to get out of bed if it weren't for my whining and tou-chan's intervention was sure I would be trapped in bed for longer than necessary.

Another situation was the incident in the kitchen when tou-chan decided to cook something during the period when Shirou had gone out with a "Fujimura-neechan", that name rang some bells, but I didn't know why.

Although Kiritsugu almost burned the house.

I still don't understand how he managed to make the water burn.

How does someone burn water anyway?

No wonder Shirou has to learn to cook.

The next day, I had an unpleasant surprise.

"Hello! Emiya-san !? Your favorite student is here!" Says a female voice in a high-pitched tone breaking the peaceful peace of the Emiya residence.

"Shirou, did you get this?" Kiritsugu said in a resigned tone as if the owner's voice was a troublemaker that he couldn't get rid of.

"Right." Says Shirou heading for the door, with me following him on his back, there I find a girl that I instantly recognized, who was pacing impatiently from side to side while carrying a giant briefcase.

Taiga as the future guardian of Shirou, his self-proclaimed older sister. She was a family to him, Kuro couldn't imagine what Shirou's life would be like without the care of his nee-chan. Even with all the noise and headaches it will probably bring.

He couldn't help the smile that graced him when he heard the voice of his self-proclaimed older sister. At least, if the events are the same, your future partner in crime.

"Fuji-nee? You arrived early today" said Shirou.

"Of course, Shirou-Kun, the older taiga sister couldn't miss the chance to meet her cute nine, maybe she can even teach a thing or two about girls."

The teenager speaks in an animated way punctuating each sentence with several dramatic and spontaneous movements.

"Nii, what a freak". I ask in a low tone, watching her actions while staying half-hidden behind her back.

It had started with sparkle floating around her that sunset was changed right behind her .... and Shirou was sweating? Damn there was a huge drop coming out of your head, because no one is noticing it! It reminds me of ...

-Lee... gai-sensei .....

I need bleach for this traumatic image.


However, there was something ominous about meeting Fuji-nee. Why was that?

"Cu ..." Kuro looked at her and found that she was staring at him intently.

Oh. Shit. shee was six years old now, so that meant ...

"BEAUTIFUL ~~~" Taiga who, true to his nickname, throws himself on a terrified Kuro like a hungry predator taking it in an overwhelming embrace.

"NII !!!" screams the little prey.

"Ooohh, you are so adorable," Taiga said while pinching her cheeks and squeezing the life out of the girl.

"Fuji-nee! Drop it please you are scaring her." Shirou said as he fought like a loyal knight against the cruel monster that had kidnapped his beloved princess.

"Aaa mou Shirou-kuun she is sooo cute! hello Ku-chan, I am Fujimura Taiga your beloved Nee-chan and we will have a lot of fun." says the older woman rubbing her face on the younger girl's cheek as if she were a kitten.

Completely ignoring the pleading eyes and desperate attempts to escape the youngest.

"Yes more so you will make a bad impression for her" said her hero trying to release her diplomatically.

"Fine," she said, releasing her

Without thinking twice, I run to hide behind Shirou.

"Well, are you going to ask me in or not? " she said with her hands on her hips

"Errr, yes. Come in." Shirou replied slowly as he looked at her warily.

Feeling my discomfort Shirou-nii intervenes in a way that covers me from the sight of the taiga.

While it was nice to meet Taiga, it is still scary to know how intense she was, something seems totally different from the behavior of the men in the house.

In a way it would be refreshing in the times to come.

Especially for this family.