(Spoiler!) Emiya Files: Character sheet (Emiya Kuroko , By Emyia Kiritsugu).

In the hidden silence in the house of the Emiya family there was a quiet figure who walked through the corridors of the house, although it seems thin his mind was still stuck in the revelations that happened that same night, walking to a familiar door the old male will observe his children sleeping snugly, the youngest curled up in the older people's protective embrace, a reassuring scene that would normally warm her soul.

But at that moment he was only afraid and uncomfortable.

After checking on the children, the man moves to his office, returning to the rooted habit since leaving that island, the magus killer sits down and in his chair, opens his desk drawer and removes the delimited fields that hid the bottom false of the same.

There were several folders and files, files that were described from their targets to their greatest allies.

His fingers move through the files, until he stops at a specific folder, removing it Kirigtsu puts on the table while saving the rest.

Opening the file, the elder Emiya adds new information anyway...


Emiya Kuro

Description of Appearance:

Female subject with 3'7 in height, long dark hair and light skin, with bright black eyes.

Name: ? ? /Emiya Kuroko.

Biological parents: Unknown, Possible Heroic Spirit ? (unknown class).

Adoptive Parents: Emiya Kiritsugu, Known as magus Killer, Self-proclaimed Hero of Justice.

Origin: Propagation / Adaptation

Element(s): Secrets

Species: Demi-servant, Half-Human (Creator of spells).

Master: Unknown possibly Emyia Shirou.

Alignment: Unknown.

Alias: Ally of justice.

Age: 6


Subject acts many times in a mature way with intelligence beyond peers of her age group, has an extreme degree of understanding and perception, in addition to the praiseworthy but honesty with her superior.

A lovely and friendly little girl, a little naughty, mature and extremely intelligent, has a certain difficulty in lying something that relieves and scares me.

Note: Train in the arts of deception.

The subject shows a lesser degree of disdain for the magus and their ideals, although he prefers to be neutral about her prejudices, the subject showed a certain hostility to those who decide to harm her family.

I am proud that she used her Kendo training to defend her more Kuro magnet. She has to understand that Shirou needs to learn how to defend himself. In addition, she learns to be more discreet, to hear complaints from her parents worried by a little girl who managed to break an arm. a teenager is not a very pleasant thing.

General Stats: ​

Strength(E +)





Learning curve (B + >> B +++).

N. P(N/A)

Trigger word: Synchro start.​

Personal Skills​

Magecraft (D++>>C+):Still in development, it is worth noting that Subject can not only easily absorb what has been taught, but also discover what her has learned and change it as her sees fit.

Structural analysis (D>D+): A spell which records the conceptual paradigms, material composition, and historical record of a given object or phenomena. Subject has a great talent for analyzing and discovering hidden knowledge of the items used.

Reinforcement (C+): It is the most difficult Magecraft for the purpose of taking a base to the maximum limit.

As the name says the reinforcement has the purpose of reinforcing a determined concept, be it objects such as the sharpness of a knife, the nutrition of food, or a living creature: physical strength and durability. It is impossible to reinforce something vague.

Tecnocraft (E ++): With that in mind Subject created a created branch that consists of using Technologies created as a tool to exercise his spells.

Item Creation (E +):It is a skill that allows the production of mystical codes, mostly technological items.​

Runecraft(?): Ability to use a known rune system to replace a worldwide phenomenon. Subject showed interest in learning.​

Thought Acceleration (?):Subject showed interest in learning.

Memory Partition (?):Subject showed interest in learning

Trace of witchcraft

Oneiromancy (?): Witchcraft called Oneiromancy the divination of the future through the interpretation of dreams, a very rare skill that few have.


Subject known as Emyia kuroko has a wide level of development, its obscure origins lead me to believe that it may possibly become a risk to those around you, since it may possibly be a result of an experiment carried out by magus, his apparent dislike for them may be the result of a profound trauma that was recorded in his subconscious.

Her protective instinct with her family may also be the result of her subconscious, leading her to act in a protective way towards her family.

Note: investigate this case but thoroughly.

Note: Observe this behavior

The subject has a deep bond with his brother Emyia shirou.

Note: Nourish this bond.

Threat level (D +>> ?)

You need more data to complete this file.

By Emiya Kiritsugu.


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