Chapter 12 “ Today is the day”

"Isabel's POV"

So today is the final day for preparing for the ritual. It will take place tonight. Jack and I are to go see the priestess so she can talk to us about what is expected of us during the ceremony. I am very nervous about what is going on, so nervous that I am sick to my stomach. I don't think I can even eat. 

Audrea came up to my door crying, she looked as if she had been crying all night. I asked her, " What is wrong?" I was not even thinking about the fact that I will be leaving the pack house after all of this is over. She hiccuped, " You are going to be leaving me and we won't be able to have our midnight chats any more." Tears were streaming down her face, and what little makeup she had on was a mess. " We will still be able to talk and see each other. It is not like I am going across the country. I will only be a few miles away and we can still have or girl only days." I smiled, "Now stop crying before you make me start." Tears were starting to roll down my face and I do not want to look all puffy and snotty. 

My mom knocked on the door and peeked in, Isabel, Jack is here for your meeting and ask him to stay for lunch. Your dad wants to talk to him." "Ok mom, I am coming let me wash my face." I answered, Tell him I will be right down. I freshened up and got Audrea cleaned up too and we went down stairs.  Jack was sitting on the couch waiting for me. I cleared my throat to get his attention, " Are you ready for this? Because I don't think I am not, but we don't have a choice do we. Tonight is the big night and I am so nervous." Jack looked up at me and smiled. " I am always ready for you, but I know how you feel. I am nervous too," He replied.

"Mom told me to ask you to stay for lunch, I know you may have a lot to do today before tonight," I asked biting my nails. He looked at me and said,  " To spend more time with you I will. I don't have much to do but get ready." We went to meet the priestess for the pre ceremony  stuff. She said as we entered her office, "Come in and have a seat. Ok I will not waste any time. Have you already had any sexual relations between the two of you? With each other or any one else." We looked at each other and both said quietly, " Um, Yes."  "It kind of just happened the first night we went out to eat and have a discussion about what we have to do and what is going on. We really did not get much past dinner though.  I ad started crying and he picked me up and carried me to his car. We went to the park and ran to the falls and went for a swim and it just happened," I said. 

"Jack's POV"

I looked at her when she told the priestess about that night and kind of smiled at the thought of that night. Isabel looked at me with questioning eyes and then back at the priestess. The priestess said, "Ok, I just need to know so I can change the ritual if needed, so if there has been no one other than the two of you for you Isabel the regular ritual should be fine, How about you Jack have you had any others before Isabel?" Isabel looked at me, and I said, "Well, I have had other girlfriends. But I have not really gone any further than oral with any of them because it just did not feel right." 

The priestess  said, "ok, this should be fine. Now Isabel you will be led out to the area by your mom, once you get to the ceremony grounds your dad will take your other hand and they will both give your hands to Jack. Jack I know it will be hard not to stare because she will only be covered by a sheer gown but you will need to focus on everything I will tell you. Jack you will take her hands when her parents hand her off to you. You will then both look at me. Now Isabel do not be nervous, nut everyone present will be able to see your whole body, but they are not going to be staring at you. They have to concentrate on the chant so most of them will probably will have their eyes closed." 

I looked at Isabel and smiled a big grin as she slapped my shoulder and said to me in a low tone, " You will be just about naked too." I looked at her and said, " Don't need to see you naked to get a boner. I just need to think about you, as a matter of fact, " Then I looked down at my lap and she followed my eyes.  At that she blushed three shades of red. The priestess cleared her throat and said, " Let's get back on track you two. I know the pull between you is strong but you will need to focus on this right now." Isabel blushed even more but she smiled at me and my boner twitch in my pants and was making it hard to just sit here next to her. I  wanted to take her right there on the floor but I know I have to wait till after the ceremony. After that I will never have to wait again because we will be expected to have an heir to the pack may be even both packs. 

After the meeting was over Isabel and I made our way to the dining hall to eat lunch. As we walked, I kept watching her. She had a wiggle in her walk and it made me want to grab her and go somewhere private, where I can have my way with her. I know that she may be thinking the same thing. As we walked I noticed that every now and then she would cut her eyes over to me. I just wish we had marked each other that first night, then I would be able to read what she was thinking. 

We finally made it to the dining hall, and just before we entered, I wrapped my arms around her. She looked up at me as if she was surprised. I leaned down and whispered to her, " Do you know what you do to me?" She looked up in to my eyes and smiled, " It is torture isn't it. I am so horny right now. If it was not for my parents expecting us to come eat lunch with them I would run away with you." I got a big grin and smashed my lips to hers and she responded buy opening her lips just enough for my tongue to enter. We stood there locked together and my dick got so hard it started to hurt. 

Someone had walked up behind us and asked us to move, because we were blocking the door. We looked at the person and blushed because we forgot where we were for a moment. I does not seem that we have only known each other for only a few days. It seems more like years, but we still do not know each other very well.

We stopped what we were doing to make an appearance in the dining hall and say hello to her parents. We grabbed a few sandwiches and drinks and snuck out the door. We got a bag and put everything in it and walked away from the main house. The father we got the faster we got till we were running  and laughing.  

We were running toward the woods at the edge of the main lawn, so we could have some privacy and time alone together. When we got there, we looked back to see if anyone had noticed and was following us. There was not anyone that we could see. They must have all decided to go eat lunch at the same time. I set down the bag that had our food in it and turned around to grab Isabel as she came to a stop next to me. 

She looked into my eyes and bit the edge of her lip. That look was driving me out of my mind. There was so many dirty things I started to think about that I wanted to do to her. My hardened member was straining on the buttons of my jeans and each timed she would sigh it would twitch.

I wish I had known her longer, but I had never gone to Auria Falls before that day. I was meeting someone at the strip mall, and while I was waiting, I saw her. Her scent was so strong I couldn't help myself, I just had to meet her. She is my angel.

My hands roamed down her back as I leaned down to kiss her. As my lips met hers she opened ever so slightly so my tongue could caress hers. She moaned as I layer light kisses down her neck to that soft spot were I would mark her after the ritual was over. I lifted up the hem of her shirt and she lifted her arms so I could remove it. Then she started to lift mine and I finished pulling it off. I then laid my shirt on the ground so I could lay her down on it. As we laid there searching each other's bodies, there was only one thing on my mind, I wanted to fuck her for the rest of my life. 

I reached down and pulled off her pants and she undid the buttons of my jeans. I then kicked them off. She gasped as she looked at the size of me. I wondered if she would be able to handle it all. 

*Isabel POV*

When Jack kicked off his jeans after I undid them I looked down and saw how big his penis was. I gasped and wondered if I could stretch enough to handle the size of it. I trailed my fingers down his chest to his dick. I ran a finger around the head as I did I watched it twitch with anticipation of what was to come. My mouth started to salivate as I played with him. I leaned down and ran my tongue around his head and he groaned. I wrapped my lips around it and pulled it in as far as I could. I wrapped my hand around the base and began moving up and down as I sucked him like a lollipop. He grabbed my hair which hurt a little but felt good. After a little while he pulled me up his body and he then kissed me. He trailed Little kisses down my stomach to my mound. He looked up at me with shaded eyes. I could stare forever into his Ice blue eyes. He touched my sensitive spot with his tongue and swirl it around. He then entered me with one of his fingers as he played with my clit. I started to move my hips as it was kind of ticklish but was so good feeling. The more I moved the more he fucked me with his fingers. Just as I was about to cum he stopped. He moved so I was under him.

He asked with a husky voice, " Are you ready for me?" All I could do was shake my head yes. He rubbed the head of his penis on my opening and then started to enter when he did I gasped at the sheer size of him as he entered me. He slowly pushed in so my body could get used to the size. I began to breath heavy and he stopped and asked, "Are you ok?" I said, "Yes, Don't stop." He then proceeded. We moved in unison and I did not think I could hold out any more. I let out a moan and was trying not to scream in delight but it was getting harder and harder to keep quiet. We did not want to let anyone know what we were doing and where we were. He put his hand over my mouth so I could let out a muffled cry but even that was nearly enough. We came to our climax together. After that he just laid down next to me and we both went to sleep from exhaustion. 

It was almost dinner time when we woke up and got dressed. There was a lot of things we needed to get done before the ritual was to start. We definitely both needed a bath. I was to take my last ritual bath and be rubbed with scented oils before the ritual. I am not sure what he had to do as that part was not discussed between the males and females of the wolf packs but I am sure he had some things to do.

I left him with a kiss and went up to the house and he went to his car. As I looked back as he drove off I could not wait till the day that we no longer had to separate and go our ways. I went in the house and my mother looked at me and said, " Where have you been? We have a lot to do and so little time to do it. Go take a bath!" As she pulled a small leaf out of my hair before my father could see it. She leaned closer and said, " Straighten your clothes before your father sees you and call the whole thing off. Now go get ready for your bath, I will be there shortly." We both laughed and I went to my room for a quick shower and to prepare for the ritual bath. 

When I reached my room the door was slightly open, I carefully pulled it open and peeked inside the door. There standing in the middle of my room was my best friend and her brother. They were arguing about something. I snuck in and walked right up behind them and cleared my throat. They both jumped. I said, " Don't you have somewhere else that you two can argue. This is my room you know." They both looked at me and we all started to laugh.

 Walked over to my bed and sat down and offered them both a seat. "So what are you two fussing about now. I have things to do," I said. Andrew looked at me and said," I was just telling her that she would have to go with you as your beta and live at Jack's house. She says no that you will live here till after you go to college. What do you say?" " I don't know anymore. I was going to stay here till after college and then move to his house after graduation. Now I just don't know. Jack and I have never got around to talking about it. I guess we will have that conversation after the ritual tonight," I said while thinking about what just happened moments before. Audrea said, " See, I told you. What? Wait you two have not discussed what will happen after tonight. What have you two been talking about when you see each other." " That is none of your business," I said and then whispered in her ear, "We will talk later. I don't want your brother to blow up." We giggled and Andrew just shook his head. 

I shooed Andrew out of my room so I could get ready. I let Audrea stay, it is not like she has not seen me naked before. As I was getting undressed Audrea sai," So are you going to tell me now or do I have to wait longer." "Well we talk about you know what happens between a man and a woman. Well more like do what happens," I said as Audrea gasped so loud and deep she nearly sucked the bottle of perfume off my table. I just looked at her and then started laughing. She started to laugh too. We laughed so hard we began to cry. She said, " Now I see why you did not want to say anything while my brother was here. He is so protective over you and me. He might just exploded and then want to kill Jack, mate or not." We laughed even more. I went into the bathroom and stepped into the shower, just to wash off any dirt that I may have gotten on me and to wash off the scent of sex off. I put on my robe and walked out into my room. 

Waiting in my room was one of the priestess helpers. " I have come to take you down for your ritual bath," She said, " Are you ready?" I shook my head yes and she lead me down the hall and down the stairs. I started to ask a question but then shut my mouth. Audrea followed us down to the chamber were they had set up the items for the ritual. I was told to climb into a steaming bathtub that looked like a large cauldron. I was not sure if they were going to wash me or cook me. After I climbed in they added some fragrant oils and rose petals to the water. Then two of the girls standing there proceeded to scrub my entire body. After they were done they had me get out and lay on a table. They began to rub an oil that smelled like flowers all over me. When they were through I stood up and they placed a robe that felt like silk but was almost see through on me. I was then told to sit down and wait. While I was sitting there someone came up behind me and started to comb my hair.

After a few minutes my mother came in and I was told to take her hand. She was to lead me out to the ceremony grounds. As we were walking my mother looked over at me and started to cry. Then out of nowhere I felt this big hand snake around my waist and over my mouth. Someone was trying to kidnap me. I tried to scream but could not. My mother lay motionless on the ground. There was no one around as they would all be waiting for us to get to the ceremony grounds.

Chapter 13 " Abduction"

"Isabel's POV"

I heard a gruff voice say "Be quiet and don't squirm around." I did not recognize the voice at all. There are a lot of wolf packs who have grudges against my father because he will not give up his land or share the wealth of the pack. Yes we are a large pack and cover a lot of land but I do not think we are wealthy.

A bag was placed over my head and I was placed in a vehicle. My mom was thrown in next to me. The voice from before said, "Don't yell or your mother will come to harm. Hey you shut the door so we can get out of here." I set up and tried to wake my mom, but it was hard to find anything with a bag over my head. They had tied my hands just before throwing me in to this vehicle. I heard my mom moan and I inched closer to where the sound was coming from. I said in a quiet voice, " Mom can you see where we are and who has us." I nudge closer to her and tried to place my head on her shoulder so I could feel some form of comfort. When I did, I felt the slick goo of blood that was running down the side of her head and I feared that she may die before this was over. 

My mom growled a moan and I could hear her trying to move but we were in a tight area in this vehicle. The ride seemed like it took hours before they stopped and opened the door and pulled us out. I could smell a sickly sweet earthy smell when they took us out of the vehicle. They carried us for a few feet before I heard the jingle of keys. Someone said, " hurry up and open that door they are getting heavy. And this one is bleeding all over my new shirt." " Quite whining you baby it will wash out and you know that. If you had not hit her so hard she would not be bleeding all over you." So now I know there are more than two of them. They were not that smart because one of them had me thrown over his shoulder the bag they had put on my head was starting to slip off and I could see that they were taking us to some kind of mill. The one with the gruff voice said, "You two knock it off. We don't want them to know where they are at. Then we will have more trouble on our hands." "OK, you're the  boss," they said in unison. I now know that there are at least 3 of them and they sound like idiots. 

"Jack's POV"

I was waiting all arrayed in the ceremonial attire and ready to get all these eyes off me. As I stood there waiting for Isabel to arrive and the ceremony to start, I started to notice that it was starting to get close to midnight and she should be coming into view any minute. I looked over at her dad and he shrugged his shoulders. We both know that there are certain things that have to be done at specific times and it was getting late. Danniel started to look around and waved Aundrea over and spoke softly to her and she shook her head, then she left almost running back to the main house. After a few minutes she came running back with a ghost white look on her face. She yelled, " They are gone and there is blood on the path to here." Danniel's face turned white and ran and I ran after him. The priestess told all the rest of the pack to go into the main house and wait for instructions. 

As we approached the area with blood I could see Danniel fall to his knees and start to weep. When I reached him he was holding his head in his hands saying who could have done this. He looked up at me and said we need to find them. This is my wife's blood on the ground. I wondered who could have done such a thing and why. Danniel and I went to the main house and he addressed the pack as to what was going on.

He said, " Everyone as you may have already heard the whispers and rumours starting, our luna and my daughter have been kidnapped. We have not yet determined how or why yet. I need to see my warriors and beta Zach to meet me and Jack in my office. The rest of you stay close to the house as there may be rouges wandering  around out there and we do not need anyone else to go missing. Audrea please come see me as soon as you can." At that we left for his office. Danniel's office was on the third floor of the main house and was already beginning to get quite full as the warriors entered the rather larger room. 

Danniel was stopped by Audrea and her mother as we were heading toward the door of the office. Danniel asked her, " Take as may maids as you need and search Isabel's room and see if there is anything missing or out of place. Come back and let me know as soon as you can. I want you to oversee this as you are her best friend and know were everything in her room is at." She said, " yes Alpha, I will hurry and get this done. I will be back in about an hour." He nodded his head and they took off.

 We entered the doorway and a path to his desk was cleared so he could sit down. Danniel looked at each and everyone of them present and said, " We do not know exactly what has happened but we do know that my wife has been injured and that they both have been kidnapped. I need a detail to go out and post watch over all the borders and a few to remain. Zach you are my beta I need you with me. Send out those of your men that you trust to watch and keep your most trusted ones here we need to find my wife and daughter." Zach said, " Yes Alpha, you men of green group go to the west border and set up watch. Red group go the the south and blue go north. Yellow you will stay here and watch the east border and the house. Men go now, and keep me posted. If I did not call your group stay and I will give you your orders in a few minutes." Danniel and I both nodded our heads and Zach came over the desk with a rather large map of the area. As we were studying it I said, "do you think they have thought to mask their scent so they can not be followed." Zach said, "good thinking, if they were in a hurry someone may have forgot or they may not have even thought about masking their scent. But if they did that stuff has a smell of its own and we may still be able to follow it. Purple group leader select 5 men to go down and search around the area of the abduction for any signs and scent the air." He said, " Yes sir!" They left in a hurry and then there was about 10 more men plus Danniel, Zach, and me left in the room. I pulled out my phone and called my Stephen, my beta, and told him to get his white ass over the Rosewood Manor and bring our pack land maps. He may be my best friend but sometimes he can be super lazy. 

As soon as my beta had arrived, we all looked over the maps. We had one of the pack lands and several of the surrounding area. I looked at Danniel and he was super focused on the map. He was staring so hard at it that he could burn a hole right through them. One of the purple group men came in the office and whispered into Zach's ear as he was looking at the map and was pointing to different spots. Zach said, "Ok, this is what we have, they found some tire tracks that do not match any of ours over in this area, we know the blood was found in this area and we found some loose strands of rope next to the blood. I have been told that even though they found some masking spray here in the bushes they do not think they sprayed the Luna and we may be able to follow her scent, Danniel I know this will be hard for you are you sure you do not want to stay here and direct the search." He looked up from the map and gave his beta Zach a look that could kill and said," She is my Luna and heart and they have her and my precious daughter, you think I am going to just sit here and not do anything. You are wrong I will go and we will find them before. The end of this night." By the time he had finished he was yelling at the top of his lungs. 

Audrea knocked on the door and came in. She said, " Sir, we have finished the search and all we found was this a letter that is addressed to you Alpha Jack. I have not read it as I thought it may be something that was between the both of you and not for my eyes." I reached over and took the letter and slowly opened it. I read it silently to myself. I went pale when I had finished it and dropped it on the map. Stephen reached out to take it when Alpha Danniel grabbed it and started to read out loud.


 You have 12 hours to come up with 5 million dollars or your precious luna will not live to see another day. Also tell Alpha Danniel that he also should not try to contact the police or his luna will also die. We will contact you in about 6 hours with more demands and were to take the money for a drop."

He also dropped the letter before he finished it and Zach and Stephen started to read it and felt the urge to destroy something or someone. They all looked at me and Zach said, " Alpha Jack, Do you know of who this would be?And why they would want you to deliver 5million dollars." I looked up at him and said, " I am not sure, there are several people and packs that have fault with my pack. They do not like how my Grandfather has run things over the years and some may fear that I will do the same. I know I can be self centered and want things done faster than humanly possible, But I do not know who it could be." I eyed Stephen and he shook his head.

Danniel had noticed that he shook his head and said, "Stephen, is there anything you want to add? I noticed you shake your head after Jack finished. What is it?"

Stephen looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders. He said," Alpha, I do not know if it is of importance but a while back Jack and I got into a fight at one of our local bars where we live. Those men might have been holding a grudge because they said that they were cheated out of a game of pool. They think we had swindled them and won but we did not. It was just dumb luck." I looked at him with a look that was like good boy.  I spoke up and said, "I think it might be someone who does not want us to combine our packs."

Another guard came in and spoke up, " There has been no sightings of any rogues on the west border, but those in the north said that they have seen a lot of tracks at the edge and that they do not belong to any of our pack some though do smell of human scent not wolf. We have not heard from the south or those patrolling the east yet." Danniel dismissed him and we went back to looking at the maps. He pointed out the north border and the area where the main camp was for that patrol unit. He had Zach call in the ones that had found the tire marks and sent them to the north border to see if any of the tracks were the same.

After a few minutes one of them came in and spoke to him and said, " Sir, we searched all the tracks to the north and did find one set that looked similar. We think they may have been taken in that direction." He looked at him and dismissed him. "Ok, so we need to go to the north border and start or search. Some of us will need to stay behind to protect the rest of the pack. "Zach, Stephen, Jack, and I will go check out the area where they found my wife's blood and the tire tracks. We will make our way to the north border or to wherever the tracks and scent trail leads us. I need 5 other men to join us and the rest of you are to watch over the women and children." 

At that we all made our way down the stairs. Andrew made his way to Danniel and said, " Sir, I know that I am only a rookie but I would like to be able to join you and Alpha Jack in the search for our Luna's." "Andrew, I know you want to go and search for them but you can better serve me here with you mom and the rest of the people. I need to to help protect the pack house from any intruders and be ready to move if needed," Danniel replied. Andrew held his head down in submission and then backed out of the way so we can continue on our way.

"Danniel's POV"

I was devastated when I found the blood of my mate and Luna on the ground. She is my heart and soul. The only thing I wanted to do was find whoever did this to her and make them pay. I had to keep my cool because as leader of the pack I have to show restraint. It was hard to do. Both my daughter and my wife were taken and we did not know by whom. 

My beta, Zach, Alpha Jack, and his beta, Stephen, along with five other men are with me to help search for where they been taken. We went down from my office and on the way I was stopped by one of Isabel's friends, Andrew. He asked if he could go with us but I said no, that he was of better service helping to protect the women and children . We finally got out of the house and to the area where the kidnapping took place. We each took turns trying to scent the women with very little luck. I had one of the guards to go back to the house and retrieve an article of clothing from both my room and my daughter's. 

The guard returned with one of my wife's scarves and one of my daughter's shirts. We each took turns scenting them and then we had a hit. One of the guards started to follow the trail to where the tire tracks were tire tracks were. We followed him to that point and he lost the scent. We then started to follow the tracks till they reached the far north side of the property were they got lost on the hard rocky ground. We tried to see if we could pick a scent from the vehicle but it was no use. They must have put masking spray on it at that point so it could not be followed. I am worried that they will not be found in time.

When we lost the trail we headed back to the house to regroup. Halfway there we were met by one of the omegas, " Alpha Danniel, we just received a phone call and the person wants to talk to you and Alpha Jack." "Do you know who it is?" I asked and the omega shook his head no. We then ran as fast as we could go back to the house and I grabbed the phone receiver with impatience, " Hello, who is this? Are my daughter and wife ok? If you harm them I will snap each one of your heads off." The person on the other end replied, " Alpha Williams, I have both your daughter and wife no harm will come to them if you do as I ask. Now put me on speaker so Alpha Fitzpatrick can hear this too. I will release your wife and daughter only if you and Alpha Fitzpatrick does not sign the agreement to buy the park lands." We both looked at each other. No one knew the terms of our agreement except our betas and families. We must have a mole in one of our packs. "Ok also you are not to join the two packs together." This tells me this person must be a wolf, otherwise they would think that our lands would just be communities and farms. 

" Who do you think you are, giving me demands? I will not give in to such idiotic things," I replied. Jack just looked at me and said, " Neither will I. Even though I am marrying Alpha Williams daughter I am not one to take the demands on another lightly. If you do not release them right now, I will hunt you down and kill each and every one of you." I shook my head in agreement. At that we heard over the phone my wife cry out. It made me go crazy to her hear and not be able to do anything to help her. " Like I said do not sign the pack agreement. I will give you 4 hours to make a decision and I will call you back." The caller hung up and the phone went dead. I asked the omega that answered the call what the caller ID said and he said it was an unknown number. 

For anyone to have the number to my pack house they had to know us personally. There is no other way they could get the number. I turned around and looked at those present and said, " I want the name of everyone who was there the day the Alpha Fitzpatrick and I came to this agreement. I will punish anyone who may have leaked this information." I was so mad. The terms of the agreement was that we would buy the park land from the government under the guise of it still being in their hands. The only thing is it was to be used to join my lands to the Fitzpatrick's so there would be a link and a way to travel to either without having to get on the main roads.

Chapter 14

*Isabell's POV*

I tried to look around once they removed the bag that covered our heads . I knew they would not have any harm come to us other than a few bumps and bruises and if we bleed a little they could care less. I knew we were at some kind of mill from the glimpse I got when they carried us inside this building. The inside of the building itself was plain with very little furniture around. I could see a few chairs, a small table and a cot. I guess this might be a guard shack or break area. The smell that I had got a whiff of when they first took us out of the vehicle was familiar but I could not place it. It is a smell I remember from the past when I would go on trips around the pack land to visit the various businesses with my father. We would go and inspect the places to make sure everyone is being treated fair and that the buildings were being kept in good shape. By this I could assume that we had not really travelled far from where we had started. They may have driven around so that the scent of the vehicle would have been crossed over so many times that even the best tracker would get confused.

I looked over at my mom to see how bad she was hurt. I was able to convince one of my captures to untie me  so I can tend to her. It looked worse than it was. She had a small cut on her temple that was bleeding.  I asked them if they had any bandages and they threw a small first aid kit at me and said to deal with what was there. I opened the small tin box that was rusty on the sides and corners. Inside was a few bandages and some antiseptic wipes. I used the wipes to clean up around the cut and then placed a bandage over it and tied a piece of cloth around her head that looked like it was made for a sling. It provided enough pressure that the bleeding would stop. After I finished with her I checked to make sure she was not hurt anywhere else. 

I took another look at the men who had kidnapped us. One was slightly tall maybe 6 foot with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. Another was more stout about 5 foot with brown hair and eyes that were green like emeralds. There was at least two more but they had left before I could get a good look at them. One of them when he talked sounded familiar but it had been so long since I went around with my father that I wasn't able to place it with a face.

My mother seemed fine so I leaned back against the post she was next to. The blonde guy came over and said, " Are you done tending to her yet?" I looked up at him and replied shyly," Yes, what does it concern you if I am done or not? You hurt my mother and now she is bearly conscious. What do you want anyway? And can you please get us some water at least?" He looked at me dumbfounded and said," I am sorry I am just doing what I was paid to do. If she got hurt that is her problem not mine. Now give me your hands so I can retie you up. You will water when the boss says you can have it and not until then." I just stared at him and held my hands out. I am not going to start a fight I can not win.

The other man called over to the blonde guy, " Hey come over here and leave the merchandise alone. The boss won't take kindly if we bruise her up."  " I am just doing what I was told to do and if the other broad had kept bleeding we might have gotten in trouble. Ok or do I need to beat it in your head." He said with a slap to the back of the other man's neck. 


The conversation between the two of them was quite but loud enough I could hear them talking. They talked for quite a while and I started to drifting off to sleep. It was getting harder to keep my eyes open. As I drifted off to sleep the usual dream with me flying over a green meadow to the waterfall started. Just as I was coming out of the water I was jolted awake but someone putting a bag over my head. He said, " Wake up, we are moving you somewhere else." He was kind of rough with the way he drug me up to a standing position.