Author Note for Reader Questions

Hello all my readers! You've all been very responsive to these latest chapters and I think it would be best to answer them all here rather than everyone individually. All the feedback has been excellent, and definitely been helpful in solidifying some more long term details I'll been mulling.

First, the debate of non-human MCs getting a human body as a goal. Frankly, isn't a story more fun with hybrids, creatures without human origins, and other strange non-human beings? I do. Movies like MiB, games like DND (which heavily influenced the Status box), and stories like Narnia all have fantastical worlds where humans are just a small part of the universe. Even local hits on Webnovel like WDS have cool non-human side characters. Blake is a rock, will always be a rock, but will go on a journey of self discovery for what they want. So some back and forth with experimentation is needed.

That was the first big question that a lot of you had. I loved every one of them.

The second question is a grammar one. As you have probably noticed, once Blake became a rock, the pronouns changed from "he" "him" to "they" "them". This is due to a few reasons. The first is personal. I wanted an MC that was closer to how I feel about gender and sexual expression. I wanted a more fluid character. My logic for this is. If you lost your downstairs bits and all the social, biological, and cultural importance for those things, would being a "him" matter? I don't think so, least not to me. The second reason for this decision is much more simple. More diversified romantic encounters! What? Rocks need love too. The latest chapters have touched upon this loneliness of isolation.

As for some of the system questions, I'll give a quick rundown. System is a stingy uncle who doesn't want Participants to succeed, Handbook is a helpful AI, skills are active and can be physical, mental, magical, etc in nature that can intermix between those natures, and Blake is our little rock that I've thoroughly enjoyed grinding into the dirt these past few chapters.

Hoped that answered some questions. Please leave comments for your thoughts and concerns. My teaching experience has shown me that when people have concerns, it means there's a failure on my part to explain. Or in this case, write. So to improve I need your comments. And I love reading them! Thanks all for your support. New chapter tonight!