"I came from a vast world called Earth." Xiao Yan's voice narrates the novel.
"And I fell down from a tree." My voice interupts his narration. He ignores me. 🙁
"There is no magic, nor any technology." He stubbornly continues his narration.
"Yet." I commented. A vein popped from his temples. 😤💢
"Dou Qi is what everyone seeks!" He exclaimed.
"Not exactly. Power is what everyone seeks out." I corrected. Yan grit his teeth.😠💢💢
"Only the strongest will survive here!" He continued.
"Or the smartest. Luckiest? Unluckiest?" I quipped. Yan clenched his fists.🤬💢💢💢
"WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP?!" He shouted at my face. I showed him my shit-eating grin on my face to him. 🤣🤣🤣That only made him more furious than angry.
"Depends. Why were you monologue-ing?" I asked randomly. He was about to retort with rightous anger, but no words came out as I held a very compelling arguement.
"Shut. Up." He hissed. I smiled troll-y.
"Why were you monologue-ing? Isn't a bit stupid, monologue-ing to no one? You must be so lonely~" I sang with possible trolling in my tone.
"SHUT. UP." He warned me. I still had my troll grin planted on my face.
6 months ago, I was led to the Xiao Sect, I managed to convince Xiao Zhan to adopt me into the Xiao Family over my 'useful' experieneces I had from Earth. I was basically became an almost househusband. Almost.
I knew how to cook, fix, and help the Patriarch and others in the Xiao Sect. He mostly adopted me because of my massaging skills, due to his old age and stress. While others saw me as the 'most useful adopted Xiao member' in the Sect.
I had the Second Rank of Dou-Qi at my disposal, which was currently lower than Yan's stage, I still was proven a member of the Xiao Family despite my Dou-Qi stage.
"Other people become great heroes when they go to an alternate universe..." Yan muttered.
"Some do. But some land on cow shit and deemed useless and a nobody." I commented. Yan seemed surprised at my comment.
"They do?" He asked.
"Yeah. A lot of people died tried to pursue into heroes. They failed, because they weren't the main hero." I replied.
"Well isn't that depressing..." He ate on an apple and gave one to me. I accepted the apple and ate on it too.
Then we heard a creaking sound. I acted quickly and held my hand on a branch, but I was too late to warn Yan.
"Wha?!" He said out loud in surprise and crashed down from the tree as the branch broke. While I, was hanging on the tree branch that I held.
"You could've told me earlier that would break, Mark!" He shouted from below.
"I would've, but I was too late!" I shouted back in response.
"HELP!" Both Yan and I heard a crying girl's scream.
"Erk!" "Ack! Somebody's here!" Both heard three male voices.
Xiao Yan stared at the scene. "..." He simply said nothing.
Idiot 1 decided to finally grow a brain and noticed Xiao Yan's appearance.
'He's bearing the Xiao Family insignia! We're doomed!' Idiot 1 thought.
"Oi!" Yan shouted. He narrowed his eyes to a glare.
'A killer's glare! We're so doomed!' The idiots thought the same thing.
"RELEASE THE GIRL AT ONCE!!" He struck a "Queen" pose. I would've facefaulted to the ground, but I facepalmed with my other free hand.
"Do as I say, and I'll let you live!" Seriously, Yan? Not only it looks stupid, you just gave them a solid hint of your goddamn reputation...
"Those are all very threatening, but the name tag on your chest gave you way! You're Xiao Yan!" Idiot 1 realised.
'Shit, I didn't know I was that famous...' Yan thought as he was doomed.
'He's screwed... He really is the retard of the century...' I thought as Idiot 1 decked Yan to the face. Later the idiots joined in kicking and punching Yan, insulting him at the same time.
"RUN! NOW!" Yan shouted at the poor girl. Unfortunately, she did not have a chance to run as she was caught by one of the idiots and was threatened to hit Yan, or she were to be cut by a knife.
I watched as I saw the girl hesitantly smacked Yan's face with a wooden club. Suddenly, the idiots were finally kicked by a blur and went flying from the force. All of them went unconscious.
Gracefully standing next to Xiao Yan was Xun-Er. She later saw the poor girl who hit Yan and the poor girl denied it wasn't her fault, if it wasn't for Yan's intervention. The poor girl ran as fast as she could from away from them.
She helped Yan up as she became worried. Yan decided to act like a fool and comfort his long-time friend. And that only got him to 'comically' break his spine. And still survive.
I let go of the branch and fell to the ground. "Seriously, I heard your spine crack. How come you're still even alive?.." I asked.
"Mark! Why didn't you help Xiao Yan Ge-Ge? Isn't he your brother?" Xun-Er narrowed her eyes in displeasure.
"He had to deal with his own fights. He isn't THAT weak, to be honest." I shrugged.
"Bullshit! You totally left me to fend on my own!" Yan shouted in rage.
"It was for character development! Besides, I was too buzy eating my delicious apple." I pointed at my almost half-eaten apple that I was holding.
"Yes. You weren't going to die, anyways. If you did, you'd be the worst main character I have ever met." I said in a monotone. Yan wanted to retort before he was interrupted by Xun-Er.
"Isn't today our family's Dou-Qi examination day? Don't tell me, Xiao Yan Ge-Ge had forgotten how important it is?..." She leaned closer to Yan, face darkening as she pointed at Yan shamefully. Yan sweatsdropped.
Is that a Jojo reference?! Oh, God. The references has trasended into this cultivation world... God has given up on us.
Yan sighed. "Eh, why does it matter? I'll become a joke to them to those bastards anyways..." He muttered.
"If Xiao Yan Ge-Ge isn't going, then I'm not going either!" Xun-Er stated loudly. She had crocodile tears on eyes. Yan's heart were pierced by the shame and guilt he had done for Xun-Er.
"Xun-Er, you can't do that! Those old farts would lose it! They'd blame me for leading you astray again!" Yan exclaimed. Xun-Er simply smiled next. He realised that Xun-Er guilt-tripped him.
He sighed, as Xun-Er won with her cuteness. Something I taught her... "You spend too much time with Mark... Okay, you win. I'll go." He gave up with a sigh as Xun-Er giggled.
"Okay then, we'd better hurry up!" She said and she left. Yan glared at me as if I'd unleashed a monster. I shrugged. I didn't release a monster.
I unleashed a very cute waifu of cuteness of knowledge of using her own kawaii-ness to her own benefit. What was wrong about that?
Murmurs of praising Xun-Er and insults of Xiao Yan filled the area of the Dou-Qi examination day.
Yan simply ignored at the murmur of insults with huff. I placed a hand to his shoulders.
"Fuck 'em. It doesn't matter if they insult you or not. They're all idiots, anyway." I whispered to him.
"I know." He nodded in agreement.
"Anyway, I gotta go. Gotta work in my lab/workshop. Bring me any type of Monster Core! I need it for my research!" I asked Yan. Yan looked shocked.
Monster Cores were basically types of crystals that monsters had. They are formed from pure, concentrated, natural energy made from monsters as a way to store their powers, sort of like a limit. Due to their powerful contained energies, they have been used in weapons, and elixir manufacture. Because of this, they were very famous and expensive.
It was something that caught my eye. I could make something out of it.
"Are you serious?! You know those things are expensive!" He exclaimed.
"You're the MC! Your misfortune will turn into luck! Maybe you'll get a discount!" I shouted back in excuse.
"I call bull!" He shouted back.
Xiao Yan looked at his adopted older, yet his little brother, ran away to his lab. He smiled. He knew that Mark was a hard-working genius. After living for 6 months with Mark, he knew his cruel and unfortunate life, and how he kept on going. He wasn't human per say, as he literally lived over BILLIONS OF YEARS.
And he acted like a normal teenager although his age. He wasn't sure if Mark acted it, or just acted like this for some unknown reason.
He sighed. 'Let's get this show on the road...' He thought with a sigh.
"Sorry we're late!" Xun-Er apologied to the old farts.
"Let's get this started, we've been waiting for you!" The Xiao Family Second Elder and the Head Elder hmm-ed.
Xun-Er flew off into the pedastal gracefully and measured her Dou-Qi. She showed the Ninth Rank. The audience cheered for her success.
"Last subject, Xiao Yan!" The announcer yelled. But Xiao Yan was nowhere to be seen.
"Subject, Xiao Yan! Where did he go?" The announcer yelled.
"There he is!" A random dude pointed at where he was.
Xiao Yan somehow got a ladder(?) to climb the test station. The audience and the elders laughed at his embarrissment and unintended joke.
'Bloody test station, so high from the ground! Quit laughing at me you morons!' He thought as a tick formed at his temples.
Eventually, he climbed up to the test station. He measured his Dou-Qi, and showed the Third-Rank. Yan was disappointed.
'So it's the not fated day...' He thought.
A messenger from the Xiao Sect met the Elders and the Patriarch. "Urgent news! Elder Ge Ye and Miss Na-Lan of the Yun Lan Sect are coming to visit!" He said.
A group of soldiers marched into the Xiao Sect. The Yun Lun Sect were the most strongest faction of the empire. They were related to the Xiao Sect, due to Xiao Yan's arranged marriage with the next leader of Yun Lan.
"You do me a great honor with your visit, sir!" Xiao Zhan greeted the Elder.
"The honor is all mine, Patriarch!" The elder greeted back. However, Na-Lan's face showed business.
In the rooftops of the Xiao Family, a resting Xiao Yan laid peacefully without a care. A random leaf branch tickled his nose to awakening.
"Ah-choo! What the- Who interupted my beauty sleep?! It better not be you, Mark!" He shouted. He was relieved that the person who woke him up was Xun-Er.
"Wake up, I've got some good news for you!" She smiled. Yan grunted.
"What, did Mark build something useful now?" He asked with enthusiasm. Mark had been living over a billion years, and he learnt some useful stuff from the modern and also the future age. He hoped that he built the internet. She shook her head.
"No. Na-Lan Jie-Jie is here!" She said. He blinked in surprise.
"You mean Na-Lan Yan-Ran?" He asked.
"Yep, your fiancee, arranged before birth. She's probably here for the wedding ceremony!" She said. Yan choked on his breath.
"Jeez, who'd even want to marry they don't know?" He said, disgusted at the law of arranged marriage. "Besides, we've been friends since kids, wouldn't you be happier if I married you?" He asked. Xun-Er bit her lip.
"As long as if Xiao Yan Ge-Ge can be happy... Even Xun-Er became a maid to be at your side, I'll do it in a smile..." She blushed lightly. Yan stared at his childhood friend. Her love for him had no shame.
"Silly girl." He rubbed her head and smiled. Suddenly, the rooftops bursted a brown blur from the inside and got stuck in the rooftops.
Both of them stared at who it was.
"My brotherly senses are tingling... Xun-Er, don't you dare sell youself short on becoming a maid! You're better than that!" Mark warned comically.
"How'd you get here in the first place?!" Yan shouted. Mark stared at him in confusion.
"I sensed a massive disturbance in the Force... Anyway, what's up?" Mark asked the two. Xun-Er stared at Yan. Xiao Yan shrugged.
"We were talking about my arranged marriage with Na-Lan Yan-Ran. I agreed to marry her if she's at least half the pretty as Xun-Er!" He stated with mock proudness.
Xun-Er blushed. "Stop talking nonsense!" She pouted in denial. Yan and Mark laughed at her.
In the meeting room between the Xiao Sect and the Yun Lan Sect, three figures poked from the side of the door.
"See? I told you she's very pretty." Xun-Er said. Xiao Yan stared at her. She was indeed beautiful as his childhood friend told him.
"Oh wow, not half bad!" He commented, hearts in his eyes.
"I give it out of 6.8 out of 10..." Mark also commented. Yan looked at Xun-Er with a smile.
"Still not compared to Xun-Er!" He jokingly said. Xun-Er blushed.
"Uwa! Quit it, quit it!" She flailed her hands all over the place in embarrissment. But Xiao Yan developed a serious look.
"But the atmosphere in here seems strange, what are they talking about?..." He asked, noticing the tension between the Sects.
Premium quality swords, elixirs, and potions were offered to the Xiao Sect for unknown reasons. Mark frowned as he put two and two together.
"They're talking about an agreement of some sorts. Nobody gives great-quality resources for free. It comes with a cost..." He deducted. Both stared in shock at Mark's observance skils. He was right.
"It's regarding Na-Lan, she is our current leader's only apprentice, and her fate is tied to that of our sect... Thus our leader requests that... If possible... What I'm saying is..." The Elder Ge Ye failed to focus on the main reason. Na-Lan huffed in annoyance.
"If it's so hard for you say it, Elder, I'll say it myself! Patriarch Xiao Zhan, please forgive my bluntness!" She said impatiently.
"We're here for one purpose! I, NA-LAN YAN-RAN..." She stated loudly.
"Wish to cancel my engagement with Xiao Yan!" She said.
"I knew it..." I muttered.