First 'Canon' Steps of Development

Yan meditated on a stone while he transmuted his own Dou-Qi into the Terminal Blaze Skill. Energy was swirling around him, causing specks of flares to create around him.

"How is it? Have you trasmuted the Dou-Qi into the skill?" Lao checked his student's progress. Yan snapped his eyes out of meditation and nodded. He focused his palm and created a yellow flame.

Mellow Yellow Flame: Huang Rank Low-Tier Flame's signature color. The stronger the Dou Skill, the deeper the color will become.

"Your Dou-Qi still lacks stamina and depth. In the future, when you're fighting someone else, you must end the fight as fast as you can!" Lao explained how fightning worked around the Dou Continent.

"Yeah, no shit. Short and simple." I answered as I nurtured my black eye with a icebag. I soon got back from the Omake incident later after it ended. Yan looked at me in concern as to why I was HURT. As far Yan knew, I never got hurt because of my constant regeneration of my use in Dou-Qi manipulation and my combat skills.

"What happened to you?..." Yan asked as he extinguished his flame. I groaned in displeasure.

"Something something about Gungans, Jar Jar Fucking Binks, Siths, Future Selves, and a lot of memes and lightsabers that would make Grevious cry of his collections not being enough." I sarcastically answered as I scowled as Yan shrugged.

"Why would Jar Jar Binks be scary? He's annoying, but he looks pathetic-" "NO. Yes. He does look pathetic, but the internet-" I glare at the viewers and the internet itself with hate. "-has 'assumed' Jar Jar Binks to be a Sith Lord, being the master of all of the Siths or what not, and created him to be vastly powerful to kick my ass over and over." I explained with a scoff. Yan raised an eyebrow in my direction.

"... I don't know if I should be terrified of the concept or just how he looks like..." Yan turned his face away and muttered. Lao reluctantly nodded in agreement. He also did not want to imagine that...

"Don't think both or anything related to him. Trust me." I moaned in warning, as I pressed harder on my icebag on my black eye. Lao turned once again to his student.

"If you successfully mastered Terminal Blaze, and mastered the skills you currently have, I will teach you a new Dou Skill in response!" Lao stated with encouragement. Yan's eyes gleamed in excitement as he would learn a new skill.

"Oh? What rank will it be?" Yan asked in half-excitement, half-controlling.

"It will definitely not be lower than Octadic Smash." Lao grinned in playfulness. Yan shook his fist in excitement.

"YES! AWESOME!" "Let's not get too excited, continue on your training!" "Yeah, Master!" They cheered out as I was away from them, still groaning in pain from the Omake incident.

Wait, but did I successfully 'encourage' Yan?...

"By the way, why do you want to be strong again? I wasn't there, because I was too busy getting my ass kicked by Gunguns..." I asked with a raised eyebrow. Yan blinked at the sudden question.

"Ah... I know that the world is messed up and crazy, and I do want to be on the strongest peak of power... I want to rewrite the rules of the land where only strength speaks, and I will grow stronger to protect everyone I love!" Yan loudly stated. I rolled my eyes on that.

"Yeah yeah, I know. You have to grow stronger because there's so many assholes running around, and kill their asses if they mess with ya. GET ON WITH IT!" I shouted impatiently.

"WHAT IF YOU FAIL?! WHAT IF YOU LOSE?! WHAT IF THIS IS ALL WORTHLESS, AND YOU SHOULD'VE FATED TO BE FALLEN?!" I shouted back to Yan in visible anger. Yan's face steeled himself as he stepped closer to my face.

"I. Don't. Care. I will continue if I fail, I will get back up if I lose, and fuck. FATE! I CHOOSE MY FATE, AND IF ANYONE IS GOING TO SAY ABOUT IT, THEY CAN GO TO HELL!" He vowed as I saw the steel in his eyes.

"Who cares if I'm trash?! I will continue to protect my family, and I will gladly sacrifice my life for it!!!" He shouted in front of my face. I gave him my best serious look on his face.

"Whatever it takes?" I asked.

"Whatever it takes." He answered.

I slapped his face.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Yan cried out in retort, enraged at the sudden slap from his face. I deadpanned in response.

"You shout too much. Okay, your gonna try your best protecting your family, whatever... Good. Just don't give up again." I replied as Yan rubbed his cheek.

"At least make me experience the moment..." He pouted as he glared. I shrugged instead. Moments were a waste of time in growing strong.


Yan crossed his arms and rested them on his shoulders as he walked in the Xiao Family Sect, thinking about how he ACTUALLY got killed by Mark. He deadpanned at the thought at the absurdity and ridiculousness of how he really did die and resurrected by himself...

By normal logic, IT SHOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED. He should've died instead, although he didn't want to, but by all means he should've been dead.

Yet he lived.

'Is this what 'bullshittery' feels like?...' Yan thought with a flat stare, remembering Mark's classification of bullshittery was pure nonsense and chaos. He sighed as he was thinking too much...

'You are right, Xiao Yan Zi. Try not to think of it any longer, even I don't understand it too...' His Master replied inside his mind, and he nodded in agreement.

He noticed the Head Elders from far away, were arguing and they were aggrovated for unknown reasons. Yan's emotions turned to confusion.

'To be in such a bad mood, I wonder who provoked them...' Yan thought as to why the Elders were pissed at something.

"Xiao Yan Ge-Ge!" Yan's heart skipped a beat as he heard Xun-Er's voice. She was alive and well. No crying or tears of despair. Just normal Xun-Er...

"I haven't seen you for a few days now!" God, if there is even is one, how would he describe the guilt of letting her cry in tears although it didn't existed?...

Yan steeled himself in determination. 'Mark only showed me a possiblity that would not happen unless I gave up. I will not give up. No matter what, I will protect you Xun-Er.' He vowed in his mind. He will not let that nightmare come into reality.

Even he dies for a second time.

"Wow~ Xiao Yan Ge-Ge has already promoted in a Practitioner so quickly!" Wait, what? Why was he still in the Practitioner state? Wouldn't he be promoted from the Practitioner state from a slightly amount after he died?...

After all, when he resurrected himself, he almost beaten Mark to a stalemate in which he shouldn't have, since Mark is already powerful enough to beat him a million times, but he still almost beaten him.

The only reason that he thought of because of this, was his sudden advancement from the Practitioner state, or something he did not know.

'It's something we should look on. Resurrection is not a easy task, as it is practically impossible to do so. Maybe Mark has the answers for this...' Lao spoke inside his mind.

'Yeah, I should ask Mark...' Yan made a mental note to speak Mark about this fact. Yan noticed the look of the lack of praising from Xun-Er and later smiled as he finally patted Xun-Er's head.

"Really now? Couldn't you have let me say it by myself for me to feel proud about it?" He said, still proud of the effort he's put in, from the hellish training to the Practitioner state.

"Then you should have learnt a new skill too! What rank is it?" Xun-Er leaned closer to Yan. Yan started to sweat bullets as his cover was noticed. He awkwardly turned back away from Xun-Er.

"Keh... My skill... That, as long as I diligently train it, does it matter what rank it is?..." Yan struggled to come up an excuse. Lying to Xun-Er was harder than beating Mark...

Xun-Er frowned. "Xiao Yan Ge-Ge, please show me your skill..." Xun-Er asked pleadingly. Yan bit his lip and gave up as he sighed.

He opened his palm to show the yellow flame swirling around on his hand. Xun-Er's eyes narrowed and leaned closer to the yellow flame.

"Xiao Yan Ge-Ge, this was the better skill you mentioned?" Xun-Er spoke in slight disbelief and frowned. Yan winced at the tone Xun-Er gave.

"You already know that by having a higher ranked skill will make training in the future more advantageous, but you still rejected me! Xun-Er wasn't giving the skill out of pity, but you would rather choose to train a skill of the lowest rank... Are you deliberately making me angry!" She shouted as she frowned. After a moment of silence, she turned away from Yan and sighed.

"... We have been living together for over 10 years, and you know that I'm not an idiot who would choose a lower rank for no reason." Yan spoke out from the moment of silence with touch of regret and sadness. Yan's eyes steeled.

"I'm unable to tell you the reason right now, but in the future you'll understand. Believe me, Xun-Er. I won't ask you to trust me without reason." He replied as his eyes burned with determination.

"Really?..." Xun-Er turned to Yan. She froze as she noticed Yan's eyes. They were filled with burning deterimination than before for a moment. They changed into more softer and kind emotions.

"Why would I lie to you? And I wanted to ask, has something going on to the Clan recently? Why do the Clan Elders look so distressed?" Yan asked the obvious question of the situation.

"Clan Leader! This is bad, another batch of merchants are shifting away!" A random person ran passed the both of them. Yan and Xun-Er stared at the running man.

Xun-Er leaned closer to Yan's ear. "You see, the Clan's Market Square seems to be facing with issues!" She began her explanation.

"Recently, the Jia Lie Clan has been selling a recovery medicine called the 'Rejuvenating Powder'. It is a cheap and of excellent quality, and has resulted in soldiers in the vinicity of Wu Dan City liking it. Now, the number of customers coming to our market square has decreased, and the merchants are moving out to the Jia Lie Clan's Market Square as well!" She explained the financial problems of the Xiao Sect.

"Something like this is happening?" Yan put a hand to his chin and thought. Xun-Er nodded in agreement.

"Xiao Shu-Shu and the rest are already very troubled over this problem!" She added in. Yan 'hmm'-ed in thought and turned to Xun-Er.

"Then it means that the Jia Lie Clan must've have a receptarier to sell the recovery medicine as a source...!" Yan stated to Xun-Er in realisation.

"Yes, I heard it was a First-Grade Receptarier!" Xun-Er spoke in response. Yan immediately turned to confusion from this fact.

'How the hell did the Jia Lie Clan create such havoc and trouble with a First-Grade Receptarier?...' Yan thought as he wondered what the hell was going on.

"Xiao Yan Ge-Ge, are you alright?" Xun-Er's face formed into visible concern. Yan turned to her and smiled.

"Nah, I'm-" 'One training sword coming up!' Lao added. Yan casually caught the spinning training sword that was aimed for his face with one hand. "-Fine..." Yan noticed the training sword in his hands and glanced from where it would be thrown.

Yan groaned as he saw Mark on the rooftops in the night to motion him to come over here. Xun-Er just stared in dumbfoundness at the feat that Yan had casually just done.

"Was that... Mark?" Xun-Er asked hesitantly.

"Yep. I gotta go, Xun-Er. See you later!" He waved his hand to Xun-Er as a goodbye and ran to Mark. He had a lot of questions, and he hoped that Mark had the answers.

Surely, he would get answers.


In the insides of Yan's room, there held me and Yan thinking about the sudden lack of promotion state.

"You're saying that you haven't advanced anywhere from the Practitioner state?" I asked again, and Yan nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. When I... 'Resurrected' myself, I remember almost beating you at that time. It felt like a new experience than before, but it didn't mean I had advanced through the Practitioner state." He explained the unknown mystery of his lack of advancement.

"It is also interesting to say so. My student hasn't advance through the Practitioner Stage even to his supposed 'Resurrection'." Lao emphasised on the resurrection part.

"Hmm... I don't know about this, either." I said, narrowing my eyes in thought. Yan looked surprised for some reason.

"What? I thought you knew everything! You're like, Billions of years old! How come you don't know anything about this?" Yan asked incredulously at the fact my knowledge was limited.

"While I am billions of years old, but that doesn't mean I know everything to the point that I know every corners of the whole universe." I explained as I scribbled my notes with theories and investigations while Yan was confused.

"The universe has no corners! What are you talking about?" Lao exclaimed.

"EXACTLY. The universe has no corners because it's infinite. You theoretically can't know everything about the whole universe, because that would mean equal infinite knowledge to store in your mind and brain." I explained.

"And you can't store infinite knowledge in your brain without frying it. It's like a river, you can't stop it, but you can flow with it. It doesn't mean that I know everything, but I just know a lot of things that's useful for finding out what's wrong with you." I said, and finished the last word on the paper and dropped my makeshift pencil. Yan and Lao looked dumbfounded at the explanation.

"I think that your rate of Dou-Qi was temporary increased to the point that you sucessfully rivaled my skills." I simplified my theories into a more easy explanation that Yan could understand.

"What?" Yan dumbly spoke out, and I facefaulted out of shock.

'Okay, calm down. Do not murder the MC again...' I mentally groaned at the idiocy of Xiao Yan. I got back up and stared at his face.

"Imagine that... Instead of a Dou-Qi limit, think of a Mana Limit. You currently have 200 Mana Points, and the rate of Creating Mana is 1 Point per a second." I explained as Yan nodded to show that he was listening. Lao looked confused.

"It takes about 50 Mana Points to activate Octadic Smash. So far, you can use about 4 times of your Mana Limit, and it takes about 200 seconds to refill your Mana Limit." I continued on the explanation.

"Okay, you're saying that it takes time for my own body to create Dou-Qi so I can use it for Octadic Smash, right?" He checked, and I nodded in acknowledgement he was right on.

"Correct. From what I can theorise, when you 'resurrected' yourself, your rate of creating Mana Points had increased into 100 Mana Points per second, but your Mana Limit did not change." I spoke, thinking that the adrenaline and the emotions might've caused him to increase his Dou-Qi rate to an absurd amount.

"Wait, you're saying that my rate of creating Dou-Qi was increased, but not my limit?" Yan asked in realisation. I shook my head in agreement.

"Basically, yeah. I don't see any changes of your storage of your Dou-Qi, but only your rate has increased to a slight amount. Might be a temporary thing." I suggested.

"I dare say it's going to be useful in long-enduring fights." Lao crossed his arms and rested them on his shoulders. I eyed him.

"Not... exactly. I'll call this state the 'Berserker Mode', since it's temporary and unique. It only activates when Yan's SERIOUSLLY pissed. And I mean seriously pissed." I debriefed him the use of the Berserker Mode to Yan.

"Sounds... Ominous. I can tell what I'll be when I'm in a Berserker Mode... So it activates when I'm pissed?" Yan asked. I shook my head in denial.

"Not to the point where you see your family members die. Well, it does activate, but not completely. I'm known for pissing off people to the point where they're REALLY angry. So, I think it'll completely activate when all of your friends die or something..." I replied, casually speaking of death and murder that caused Yan to wince.

"Is this a unique state? Or does it apply to everyone?" Lao asked curiously as he glanced his student in interest. I shook my head.

"Nah, I don't think anyone has it. Except for me, but... I'm very hard to get pissed off, so it's kinda useless to me..." I wondered, knowing that my vast experiences of the multiverse made me almost completely in control of my emotions.

"OKAY... That... was, knowledgeable... Wait, doesn't the part where I spilled boiling hot water to your face counts as a Berserker State?..." I froze at the thought. Now that I think about it, it does count as a Berserker Mode...

And I was very, VERY sensitive of my sleep...

"...I think it does. Anyway, what's with the bottles?" I pointed at the batch of vials on Yan's desk. His face turned to the batch and turned back to me and shrugged.

"The Jie Lie Clan has been stealing our customers with this. It's called the 'Rejuvenating Powder'." He picked up one of them and inspected it. I snatched one from the batch with the Force and uncapped its contents.

"Master, can this really be considered a recovery medicine? The medicinal smell is really thin!" Yan smelled the contents inside the so-called Rejuvenating Powder. Even without my Dou-Qi senses, I could even tell he was right.

"It is a recovery medicine of the lowest grade, and it's effectiveness is average. Only a few First-Grade Receptariers will bother to concoct it..." Lao explained the contents of the bottle. I raised an eyebrow. If this was the lowest medicine that a Receptarier can even create without looking, then why it was so popular?

"... Master, do you have some recipes for recovery medicine of... higher grade?" Yan asked to his master. Lao 'hmm'-ed in thought.

"Many, but these medicines are too low grade, I would not normally concoct it. Unless, you want to make some for the Xiao Sect? By the way, since you have achieved the Practitioner state, I guess it's time for you to try your hand on concoction as your first lesson." Lao stated as Yan pointed himself in surprise.

"Wait, I'll be doing it?" Yan checked as he asked back Lao. Lao huffed and transferred knowledge to his student's forehead as Yan was talking.

"Yeah, it's your first lesson/step on being a Receptarier now. You have to learn SOMETHING and do something by yourself." I added in, causing Yan to shrug in agreement and followed on.

"And, were you expecting me to help you something that simple?" Lao sighed and finished transferring knowledge to Yan's mind. I guess it was time to teach the MC of the 'proper lessons of advancement' instead of my non-canon training.

Yan simply shrugged. I rolled my eyes. Lao put a hand on his chin and begun to explain. "First, go look for a good medicinal kiln at the Auction House! You will also need a large amount of some low-grade ingredients for this!" Lao said.

"Alright! I'll go and prepare those!" Yan spoke enthusiastically. I grasped his shoulder before he stepped outside the room. Yan turned back in obliviousness to face me.

I punched him straight in the jaw.

"ARRUGH! Ta fuk, Mak?! Mu tongs messt uoop!" Yan grasped his mouth, accidently biting his own tongue from the punch. I scowled and pointed at him.

"I still haven't forgot that my lightsaber's fucked. You broke it in the first place! I have to fucking fix it again now!" I hurriedly left the room with a flip of a bird. Yan gave one in response as he spat red.

"PHEOooo! I hate it when he punches me... If he'd known that his lightsaber was broken at first, why'd he punched me later?!" Yan glared at the door.


In the Mitre Auction House, there held the dark cloaked figures in the Goods Room waiting for the members to be present.

"I've come today to ask your help in procuring a good medicinal Kiln!" Yan spoke in Lao's voice to Ya Fei and Clonney. Ya Fei giggled in amusement.

"Hehe... Old Mister came at the right time, coincidentally! Just this morning, we received a medicinal Kiln made from Fire Elements, and it will increase the effectiveness of the Fire Element Dou-Qi and chances of success!" Ya Fei announced. Yan nodded.

"Alright, additionally, prepare a low-grade 'Storage Ring' too! Separately, I will also need 500 blood-coagulating grass, 600 bone-growing flowers, 500 poppy flowers and 500 vitality fruits..." Yan began to list the ingredients that he needed. Ya Fei and Clonney were surprised at the sudden demand of large ingredients...

'Even the lowest-ranked 'Storage Ring' costs about 70,000 to 80,000, and those ingredients costs at least a hundred thousand... Together with the medicinal Kiln, the price would already be around 300,000...' Clonney calculated the costs of the demanded ingredients.

Storage Rings were made from 'Storage Stones'. It has a special space contained within and is able to store inanimate objects. Because it is hard to create and the materials are rare, it is extremely expensive.


'And I'm guessing that the 'Storage Stones' are either naturally formed in the Dou Continent, or it came from Outer Space...' I thought the origins of the Storage Stone's existence.

While the origins of these materials are unknown, it helps the fact that it is very useful in future projects, especially my broken lightsaber. It stores only inanimate objects, so I won't be able to store living things inside like a prison...

But what about a battery? An Arc Reactor could be put inside in a small Storage Stone, removing the disadvantages of a proto-saber, and adding more mobility and the access to the Lightsaber Throw...

While I could get pass the containing system of the Storage Stone to allow it to continue feeding energy to the lightsaber, but I don't know if the spacial storage inside the stone can be used to power the Arc Reactor.

Arc Reactors are basically fusion reactors. I won't explain the full science behind it, but it absorbs the atoms and particles around the area and turns it into energy, I guess. If it were to be put inside a foreign space, will it still work?...

'I guess it's a question I never can answer until I obtain a Storage Stone or Ring...' I had to stick with the Proto-Saber for now (I fixed it earlier). Until then, I'll get a proper lightsaber...

"I believe there isn't enough money in this, but in exchange for the shortfall, I'll concoct a 'Qi-Accumulating Pill', this should be fair?" Yan lent the card to the members. They both looked at each other and sent silent messages and nodded in agreement.

"Yes. Thank you, we will prepare everything within an hour!" Ya Fei told him and Clonney went back to obtain the materials.

After an hour (yeah no shit), Clonney handed the chest to Ya Fei, who revealed the contents of the chest. It was a small ring, and it was a Storage Ring in fact.

"Mister, the Medicinal Kiln and the ingredients you asked for are all in the Storage Ring." Ya Fei gave the chest to Yan, who accepted it gladly. We both turned to the exits to leave the room.

"When I am done concocting the 'Qi-Accumulating Pill', I'll bring it over. I'll be leaving until then!" Yan called out and left the room. With my heightened senses, I could hear what Ya Fei and Clonney were saying.

"Clonney Shu-Shu, to be able to concoct a 'Qi-Accumulating Pill' in one attempt, could he be... Higher than a Fourth-Grade Receptarier?" I heard Ya Fei ask to Clonney.

"Possibly... but for him to want so many low-grade ingredients, unless-" I stopped listening to them after that. Wasn't worth listening to, anyways...


"We have lost 70% of our customers in the last few days, and at least 30% of our merchants have gone over to the Jia Lie Clan's Market Square!" "If this continues on, in half a month's time, our market squares will have to close down!" The Head Elders argued in the room.

"Lower the rent for the Market Square. We will split the losses with the merchants, try your best to keep the remaining ones from leaving! Start more sales too, even if we spend all our money, we still must protect the Xiao Clan's business!" Xiao Zhan proclaimed to the Elders.

"These kind of high expense plans won't be able to last! We are finished the moment we ran out of money!" The Head Elder shouted. Xiao Zhan's face frowned.

"Of course I know that, but other than this, is there anything else you can think of?!" Xiao Zhan shouted back. The Second Elder scoffed in irritation.

"Ugh, if only we are able to find a Receptarier!" The Second Elder complained.

"What about the mysterious Receptarier from the Auction House? Didn't he say he will work with us?" The Head Elder asked. Xiao Zhan simply sighed.

"We wouldn't know if he were just casually mentioning it. Seeing how respectfully Clonney is, he must be very high grade! I'm afraid the Xiao Clan does not have any fortune to depend on these people..." Xiao Zhan confessed.

"Hgh! Spineless! Let's just go fight it out with them!" "Yeah! If they don't cease and desist, don't blame us for fighting back after being forced back into a corner!" The Elders shouted out. Xiao Zhan mentally groaned.

'Is the Xiao Clan really going to chased out of Wu Dan City this time?...' He thought, unsure of the future of the Xiao Clan/Sect.

Meanwhile, Yan was carefully and silently listening all of the conversation that the Elders and his Father spoke of the business. He soon left the building and smirked as he fitted the Ring to his finger and left the area.


In the Deep Forests of the Mountains, a fiery light illuminated the insides of the caves, as if two people were arguing (and they were).

"So... It's a Medicinal Kiln." I commented, looking at the designs of the large Kiln to be... Stylish. The ingredients that we bought were organised and neated for use, as I recently knew that the Storage Ring activates when a person's Dou-Qi intends to store or to take out.

"It looks rather tyranical!" Lao added in, and inspected the large Kiln. It had a red-bronze colour pallete, with two metal cobras as the handles of the Kiln.

"A dual-intake kiln, for a newbie such as you, it's already looking good." Lao spoke, as Yan was confused on the new term.

"Dual-Intake Kiln?" Yan asked. I stopped to listen to Lao's explanation of Kilns and what they were.

"Medicinal Kilns have a Grade, too. The higher the number of intakes, the greater the grade is, and the more exquisite it is. Intakes, are the essence of Medicinal Kilns, the more intakes there are, the stronger the effects of the Kiln!" Lao explained the terms of Kilns and of their values.

"But this Kiln has only two intakes!" Yan exclaimed, possibly feeling a bit tricked from Ya Fei, saying how great it is.

"If you wish to control more intakes, you will need stronger spiritual control. For now, you can only control two intakes, as that is currently your limit!" Lao explained.

"Ahh... So it's like that..." Yan realised and understood the basics of how to use a Kiln. Yan glanced at me.

"Too bad you refused to learn any of this. Why did you refuse on learning to become a Receptarier, though?" Yan asked in confusion. I simply shrugged.

The reason I didn't want to become a Receptarier is because I didn't need to. Yan and Lao could be my Receptariers on creating Pills, Elixirs, such and such, and I needed to focus on the weapons and firearms.

Besides, who the fuck in this world is going to expect something like a AK-47 blasting to them? I'm using that as an element of surprise and the unknown of the strangeness of lightsabers and firearms into this world.

"I'm too busy making lightsabers and guns. Whatever you do, I make it better." I stated simply, and Yan 'ahh'-ed in realisation and then to agreement. Lao motioned his hand to get his attention to Yan.

"Come, put your hand on an intake and transfer your Dou-Qi into the Kiln." Lao called, as Yan put his hand on an intake and transferred his own Dou-Qi into the Kiln.

The Kiln suddenly became red-hot temperatures as the fires spiraled out of the Kiln and blew our hairs. Yan seemed uneffected from the flames as they were harmless to us.

"Now, concentrate and extract the Wood Element energy within you and slowly transfer it into the Kiln." Lao called out, as Yan nodded in agreement and focused his inner Wood Element to appear on his other hand and to shine in green light.

Yan slowly transferred the Wood Element into the Kiln, as the raging wild flames slowly calmed into a more controlled and focused flames.

"The fire that was going wild... It actually calmed down?" Yan spoke out in awe and surprise. I used Force Sight into my eyes to see inside the Kiln, to see how it actually-



"MARK?! WHAT'S WRONG?!" Yan immediately ran to my sides after I sat on my ass after the almost blinding moment. I grasped my eyes as tears came out.

"Urghhhh..... I shouldn't have looked inside the damn fucking Kiln, I forgot extremely hot temperatures can cause light that would blind your eyes... FUCK! My eyes are fucking up, I may be permanently FUCKING BLIND!" I uncovered my hand to reveal my crying eyes to Yan, who grimaced and took a step back.

"ARE MY EYES WHITE OR PERFECTLY NORMAL, YAN?!" I yelled in front of Yan (I think, I'm fucking blind), who checked my eyes.

"UHHH.... Seems perfectly fine to me. How many fingers am I holding up?" Yan raised his hand in front of my face. I swiftly whacked his fingers.

"OW-" "NONE! I'M PERFECTLY FINE, I CAN SEE SHIT NOW!" I lifted myself up and planted my feet on the ground. Yan raised a certain finger up in response.

"I can see one, now. Right in the middle..." I commented, causing Yan to flip me two birds and hurriedly went to Kiln.

"FUCK, YOU!" The sudden blindness may have made me exaggerate my emotions to unknowingly whack Yan's fingers when I shouldn't have. Oh... I'm a bit dizzy...

Imma... Just going to lie down for a sec...


Yan was rapidly cursing about his fingers hurting a lot and returned focusing on the Kiln instead of Mark. He could kill him later, if he tried really really REALLY hard and putting a lot of effort trying to kill him.

"Though, not bad. You are learning fast. This is a recipe I created myself, let's have you try out concocting it while I guide you from the side." His Master guided him into the steps.

Blood Coagulating Powder Recipe: One Blood-Coagulating Grass, Two Poppy Flowers, and One Vitality Fruit.

Yan grabbed one Blood-Coagulating Grass into the Kiln, and unexpectedly burnt from the flames. Yan blinked twice to check what he saw.

"Ahhh? Why did it burn up! This..." "When learning to concoct, you will naturally fail continuously so as to gain experience! Continue!" Lao advised Yan. The large amounts of ingredients were not for mass production, as they were just spares for the lesson.

"To fail continuously... For such expensive ingredients to disappear in a puff of smoke, being a Receptarier is hard for an occupation..." Yan muttered as Mark might've known this from the start and didn't rely on this.


Ten days after Yan's training as a Receptarier, I decided to focus on firearms instead of melee-based weapons, since my arsenal of long-ranged weapons weren't exactly enough.

So I spent my time creating projects based on rifles, guns, and slugs as to use them for combat. Why would I use slugs? The ammunition that I was using on my 'Dou-Qi' pistols depends on the Dou-Qi limit, and I saw this as a flaw.

Sure, it does make explosive results including EXPLODING large rocks in a single shot, a flamethrower bullet if one infuses it with a Fire Element, and also a Wind Bullet if one infuses with a Wind Element.

But it drains your Dou-Qi before you can think. Since my constant use of Dou-Qi drains me down to a 6th Stage, I would be screwed if I meet a stronger foe.

Now, how about bullets? If one would think about this, bullets don't exactly use Dou-Qi as a power source to fuel it, making it more efficient. It's like comparing this to a railgun. The bullet is the bullet, the energy is the Dou-Qi... You get the point.

The only downfall for this is that creating bullets is sooooooo hard to make. I don't exactly have a factory, a business, or a right timeline. I'm basically in the medieval ages, or way older than that.

Add to the fact that I don't have enough materials to create a single bullet. Or knowledge how to make one in first place. I do know how to make bullets, guns, weapons, lightsabers, and so much more, for some reason I can't just remember them.

You would be confused as to why I can't create a single bullet, although I made an Arc Reactor, a lightsaber, Dou-Qi guns... Which are VERY hard to make, compared to bullets.

The 'system' inside my head that lets me keep forgetting stuff to prevent brain frying, remember? It's a pain, not even remembering what you need. I don't know how it works! It just lets me forget stuff randomly!

Basically, I don't know how to make bullets, although I know how to make lightsabers. So I'll go with slugs. I'll make rifles and long-ranged weapons. That's all.

I came back with burritos in the cave where Yan was hiding his pot stash. Yan was there, breathing deep breaths as he focused his Dou-Qi in the Kiln. For ten days, he's completed his first 'canon' training lesson.

"Hu..." Yan sighed as the red liquid inside the Kiln levitated in front of him. Lao appeared into existence and smirked in pride.

"Not bad, Xiao Yan Zi!" Lao complimented his student, and levitated the red liquid to disperse into small quantaties, into hundreds of empty bottles.

"Congratulations, this is the first time you've succeeded at concocting medicine!" Lao stated with a proud expression on his face, causing Yan to smile in accomplishment.

"With this, I can now be considered as a receptarier, right?" Yan asked, barely speaking from his mouth from the exhaustion. I rolled my eyes and pulled out a flask from my blazer.

"Bend over." I grabbed his head with a tight grip and forced his head to bend. He opened his mouth in shock and in that moment, I spilled the contents inside his open mouth.

I screwed on the cap shut as I gave him enough. Slowly, Yan moved his head to his original position and tasted his lips. Yan glanced at me in curiousness.

"What's this stuff? Tastes... Like an energy drink." Yan replied, as he slicked his lips again with a deadpan. I shrugged.

"Just some experiemental drink I created yesterday. Might've caused effects such as transformation, explosion, implosion, exhaustion..." I casually explained the possible effects of the drink. Yan stared with the 'are you serious' look.

"You... Forcibly dumped the contents of a experiemental drink that would've killed me." Yan stated with a monotone.

"Yes. I wouldn't use myself, because it was too dangerous." I replied with a monotone.

"And you used me as a lab rat." Yan stated.

"Yep." I said.

"That would've killed me." Yan eyed the flask.

"Yeah." I shook the flask.

"Why?" He asked.

"Cause you're the MC, plot armor, resurrection, yadda yadda yadda..." I explained, causing Yan to roll his eyes.

"... It didn't kill me. Sick." Yan got up with a flip of a birb. I sniffed the contents of the flask. It did smell like Mountain Dew...

"Well, considering your progress, you have a long way to go!" Lao exclaimed to Yan. Yan smirked as he saw the bottles.

"Jia Lie! Get ready for the Xiao Clan's retaliation!" Yan muttered.

"Why don't you say that in your mind instead of your mouth..." I eyed him. Yan shut his mouth.


"The last few days, in order to keep the merchants and customers, the Clan has already spent a hundred thousand!" "If this continues, we will only last for three more days!" The Elders grumbled. Xiao Zhan sighed as he put a hand on his forehead.

"Although Clonney has helped us concoct recovery medicine for us, the quantity is too still low and cannot solve the problem. At this rate, the Xiao Clan really be chased out of Wu Dan City..." Xiao Zhan confessed.

"The Mitres have already stayed neutral in Clan Feuds, for them to help us is already extraordinary!" The Head Elder spoke.

"I can't take it anymore! Let's bring the men down to Jia Lie and kill that Receptarier!" "Don't be rash!"

"Clan Leader Xiao, why do you look so distressed?" The unknown cloaked figure's voice called out from the doors. Suddenly, the doors were blasted open from the wind, revealed the dark cloaked figure standing.

"Mister, it's you?! I didn't know mister was visiting, Xiao Zhan has failed to show proper decorum and seek your understanding!" Xiao Zhan greeted the Receptarier.

"Haha.. I just happened to come by to visit the little genius of your family. I just met him and we seem to get along pretty well!" The mysterious Receptarier smirked.

"I happened to know about the situation of the Xiao Clan as well, let's work together!" The figure stated.

"Work together?" The Patriarch spoke out.

The mysterious figure revealed his Storage Ring and pulled thousands of bottles out of nowhere.

"These are 1,083 bottles of recovery medicine here, named 'Blood-Coagulating Powder'! Compared to the Jia Lie Clan's 'Rejuvenating Powder', the effects of these are more superior!" The figure proclaimed as the rest of Xiao Clan were shocked.

The figure coughed to gain their attention. Xiao Zhan snapped into reality.

"Mister's action is truly helping us in our time in need. The Xiao Clan is already lucky to be able to sell these medicine, for the profits, Mister will take 90% while we take the remaining ten..." Xiao Zhan stated.

"Ah... Clan Leader Xiao is too generous. Although I had made these, selling these are not easy. Let's split it fairly, 50% each." The figure changed the deal.

"Mister's kindness, we truly cannot thank you enough!" The Patriarch said.

As the figure turned his body to the exit, he leaned his head to the Patriarch. "I will come back when I have time. I still have things on, I will be leaving first!"

"Oh! Xiao Yan is not bad. I give my thanks!" He added, leaving a very confused Patriarch in the room. The Elders cheered on with glee and hope, as their despair weren't their downfall.


"I guess this will help them." I rolled my eyes as I walked with Yan and Lao.

"Yep, it's settled now." Lao said with certainty. His medicine may be the superior powder to the Jia Lie's, but who's going to sell them? Xiao Clan.

"I hope the Jia Lie Clan doesn't look for trouble... Or else, I'll make sure I'll completely and utterly destroy them!"

[AN: Please review. Stay safe. No Omake. Sorry.]