Wisdom. Time to Get Back Up.

Hello. I'm F. Since, well... Mark ditched the perspective and gone off from the fanfic, going to who knows elsewhere, so Author decided to put me in here in the talking.

I know, I know. This is all confusing. Author's sort of 'unexperienced' person I'd like to call it. I'm trying to find Mark, continue the story, and hopefully won't get collections dropping like flies. We kind of regret this decision... We, as in me. I know I'm confusing you a lot. I could tell.

There are many ways to calm down a very pissed off person who is frustrated. There is one effective way for a certain person, and that is rain. Rain symbolises renewal, fertillity, and change. I'd like to think that Mark's frustrations would 'wash' away.

Now, how I can control the weather to cause all of Remnant to rain like a hailstorm...? I may be master of True Bullshittery, but it doesn't work like that.

Aah, fuck it. I lied the part about controlling the weather, because why not?


I'm done doing my task. Now, lemme just go back to my anime/manga stories I've written for now- NOOO! A lightning bolt just hit my stash of mangas and burnt them into a crisp! NOOOO!!!

I slumped down, knees on the wet floor while crying on the floor. All of my hard work, ruined in a flash. Eeehey. Get it? Flash? Just like in a flash, the lightning struck. I'll shut up now.


How did the fucking camera perspective caught on to me this fucking fast? Fuck off! Get your annoying ass away from me! I SAID GO AWAY!


"Well that wasn't a good endeavour... Poor cammy. He's trying to do his job." I stood next to Mark, wearing a black fedora, blazer, shoes, white shirt and tan pants. While holding a cane. The same cane that almost beat me to death.

It has some symbolism into it. I kinda like holding a cane.

I'm Jack. The lad who shredded the copyrighted music and split persona of Mark, thank you very much. I'm very different to Mark, you see. I'm... sort of his polar opposite.

Whatever happened to the original Markus Underwell caused him to break into two split personalities, Mark, and myself being Jack... When Mark's drunk, I happen to manifest his true feelings and emotions as Jack.

That is why he cannot remember. I'm the second brain inside his body. The two of us... aren't the same person, but merely fragments of the original boy. The nameless one. The nobody. The main character, if you will.

"Why is it raining?! For fuck's sake!" Mark ranted his rage out. He can't see me, since I'm inside his mind or astral projection as merely a spectator. I've been watching all his life until he drank some damn whiskey.

Though, my job is to calm him down, so he won't kill himself again. Whatever he feels pain, I feel it as well. I'm different to Mark, due to the fact I don't have an absurd amount of pain tolerance, I can't handle the pain.

How can I calm him down if he can't see me? Well, there is one solution...


Mark grunted as the rain fell on top of him. He didn't notice the camera far away in the distance but he wanted to take cover from the wetness of rain.

He found one, an empty bus stop in Remnant. No one. Just him, as he walked inside the cover, he sat on his ass on the cold metal seat and dried his hair and clothes. He grunted, wanting a cig for his troubles.

Pulling out a pack out of his blazer, he lit the cig with a lighter, before breathing the nicotine compound through his lungs-

"Smoking is bad for you." Then a hand took the cig from his lips to his massive irritation. He glared who the fuck took it from him. He froze, when he saw an exact replica of himself standing next to him, wearing black texture clothes.

"Mind if I sit-" Jack grasped the fist before it could hit his face, before slowly glancing at the roundhouse kick from Mark. He blocked the kick with his arm, his body pushing from the force of the kick in result.

"Alright... we'll settle this your way." Jack sighed, before Mark threw multiple batarangs at Jack. Jack flung them with the cane, before jumping back into the rain when a bomb was thrown at him.

The explosion caused him to fly back, rain dripping and water tides pushing from his wet legs. Jack predicted the attack from Mark, as he pulled out a switch knife and held it backhanded.

Mark rushed him, before going for a strike to the arms as he swished and stabbed at the arm defense of Jack. Jack parried each blow as he landed a counterattack on the cheek, disorienting Mark for a moment, before whacking him with a cane.

Jack dodged the knife by moving slightly away from the blade as he dodged again from a hook. He continued to block the blows away from his body, as he slapped the knife away from Mark's hands.

Jack got hit in the face as a result, backing away as he quickly defended with a cane from the gut kick from Mark. Jack swung his cane, before twisting and swung a wide arc into Mark's head as he dodged.

Jack grinned when the hook handle part of the cane caught Mark's blazer as he yanked him towards him. Mark, expecting this, he went to headbutt into Jack's head as he determinedly glared.

Jack smirked. "Sometimes you gotta butt heads in this situation!" Jack slammed his head against the headbutt, both knocking Mark and Jack to walk back as they clutched their heads.

A blood vein bursted from both of their skulls as Mark scowled and Jack smirked. Jack taunted by motioning his hand towards him. Mark scowled deeply, before letting out a cry of fury against Jack.

Mark let out a barrage of powerful blows, Jack lost his smirk as he concentrated on blocking the hits. He parried, blocked, slapped away the blows as Jack kicked him away on the gut.

Mark leapt and swung a hook down at Jack's head. Jack merely dodged the attack as he slammed his arm at the back of Mark's skull before kicking him in the back. Mark stumbled, before he was pushed back from a cane.

Mark glared in deathly coldness that could freeze hell all over. Jack was unfazed from the glare, as he pointed the cane down and stood patiently. Mark gritted his teeth, before running straight at Jack.

Mark landed a dropkick at Jack, both falling into the wet ground as the puddles splashed away from them. Mark groaned before he was stopped when a cane was stabbing him to the ground on his chest. Jack had a smug look on his face.

"Why solve everything with violence? It isn't going to work at all. You know that more that I do." Mark scowled as he pushed away the cane and got up. He rushed towards Jack's side and went to strike a blow to his head.

Jack grabbed the fist. "You never learn." He twisted Mark's arm with unimaginable strength as Mark howled. Mark grit his teeth and headbutted him again. Jack's fedora was off his head, before Jack frowned and gripped on Mark's neck. He dropped the cane to the ground.

"You never change unless someone does." He held Mark by the feet, and he threw him to the ground as Mark groaned in pain. Jack stepped on his chest as Mark tried to get it off. Jack had a disappointed look on his face.

"And here we are, fighting yourself." He replied, before Mark spat red on his face. He glared hard, as he grasped tightly on the shoes as he gritted his bloody teeth.

"You're not me...! YOU NEVER WERE!!" Mark shouted as he landed a kick behind Jack's back as Jack stumbled as Mark grasped his blazer and threw him backwards into ground. Jack groaned, as Mark got up and leapt.

"True... I'm merely a fragment of what we once were...!" Jack gritted his teeth blocked his feet under his face as he pushed away the feet and slammed the ground into his feet. Mark kicked Jack's chest, as Jack in response grabbed his leg and spun him around and smashing into the puddles.

Mark kicked away Jack's face as he backed away. Mark spun and twisted himself to the ground, as he ran to Jack with furious intent to kill him, as he landed a powerful blow to Jack's chest. Jack coughed, before using the momentum to back away.

Mark noticed the knife laying down as he picked it up and went screaming towards Jack. Jack, struggling to hold back the knifepoint to his stomach, spat at Mark's eyes as his opponent howled in disbelief.

"UURGH!" Jack landed a blow towards Mark's chest as he landed on the ground again. Jack, having enough, grabbed the cane and rush towards Mark. Mark was disoriented as he wiped his eyes. Then, he widened them when he saw blood.

There was a blade going through his chest as blood dripped from the luster sliver metal. Mark slowly reached up, watching as Jack dragged the blade cane deep inside the chest, coldly.

"You didn't expect this one, didya?" Jack whispered, before pushing Mark's body back into the bus station as Mark crashed into the metal seats forcibly. With shaking hands, Mark tried to pull out the blade. He grasped it, but it wouldn't push...

"PPPT!!" Mark spat out the excess blood out of his system, glaring back at Jack as he struggled to pull out the blade out of his chest. Jack had his fedora back, before turning the cane into a umbrella.

"I just want to talk. That's all." Jack simply shrugged it off, as he wordlessly sat next to Mark on the blood cold steel. Mark slowly breathed, letting his grasp on the blade as it was difficult to breath.

"You just made it more difficult. It's your fault, not mine." Jack answered the wordless question sent from Mark's tired eyes as they glared deeply. Jack pulled out a packet of bubblegum. He nudged it towards Mark if he wanted some. His response was the middle finger.

Shrugging, he popped one inside his mouth. "... You know, we've never met before. Although you and I are both the same, we're very different. As you can see, I just... kicked your ass....?" He waved/pointed the scene. Mark glared harder.

"Hmmh... Why are you so mad? This review..." Jack didn't flinch when Mark thrashed around to grasp his lungs after he failed. Jack sighed before grabbing Mark's hands and putting them into Mark's laps.

"Are you having an identity crisis? Just mad that you're a product of fiction, where the 'real viewers' freely insult you and step on your life?" Jack guessed as Mark clenched his fists. Jack overlooked it, as he watched outside the bus station.

"It's empty. A dark, shallow, wet place. No one to look, no one to find. Or to care enough." Jack explained the vast empty dark place. Mark did not answer. Jack continued.

"You know you're pathetic. Full of shit. Piss. Bullshitty, and nonsense without any goals or agenda. You're a pushover. You get pushed by others from their reasons only. Because of that, you rant like a bitch." Jason replied. Mark glared as he gripped tightly on Jack's shirt.

"Does it really fucking matter to run your mouth?! It. Doesn't. Matter. No matter how much you say, you can't change my mind that I'm sick of everything! I'm done!" Mark shouted while seething in pure rage. Jack was unfazed as he took Mark's hand away from his hand.

"You can't just give up like that. That's too easy. Think of your friends, family, your closest ones-" CRACK! Jack eyed the fist through the cracked glass as Mark was livid.

"Don't you fucking. DARE. I wouldn't give two shits about them of HOW I SUFFER! FUCK OFF! YOU MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD!" Mark was pissed beyond belief as he got up and gripped Jack's neck.

"You will never know. I've lost them, game over! I forgot them, and those sons of bitches won't miss a single thing about me...!" Mark shoved away Jack. Jack was unfazed as he straighten his shirt back.

"So you're going to moan around, rant until some Good Samaritan or a knight in shining armour to save you? No, that's not true... You want to die, and end your life including your suffering..." Jack guessed. Mark glared at his azure blue eyes.

"Nobody came to save me when I lost everything. I refuse trying to be what I once was, and I don't give a shit that you'll try to stop me. You're nothing but a cracked mirror reflection. A fake. You... have nothing in common." Mark spat out. Jack frowned, before grasping the hilt of the cane and pulling it out.

Mark gritted his teeth when the blade slid out of his chest.

Clutching the flow, he turned and walked away with an all-too-familar emotion in him. "It doesn't matter what I am... It's what I do, that defines me. Ever heard that quote?" Mark continued to walk away. Jack gripped his cane tighter.

"It's not your fault that your friends, family, and closest ones died... You never change, but someone did it for you. Someone took them from you. You took them back, and they're alive. You got what you wanted, but why DO YOU WANT TO DIE?! YOU'RE NOT ALONE IN THIS SUFFERING!" Jack shouted out.

Mark gritted his teeth as he stopped.

"They don't even know... I saved them all, but no one knows it. Nobody knows, and what did I get in return? Nothing. Nothing but pain, a horrible day, and one character who rants a lot of their life." Mark turned back as he spat venomously.

Jack's frown deepened as he heard that.

"You can meet them again. Make more bonds, more friends to guide and help you out... You can do that, rather than killing yourself!" Jack shouted back through the rain.

Mark clenched his fists and glared a withering look at Jack.

"THEN WHAT?! DO I TALK TO THEM ABOUT HOW LIFE SUCKS, AND IT'LL MAKE ME FEEL BETTER? BULLSHIT!! THE ONLY THING THAT I GET, IS BULLSHIT AND SUFFERING!!... People die. I don't. I'm cursed to live forever, and I tried. Tried to kill myself, to end a living nightmare that passes by day and night, but the screams... They won't. STOP." Mark clutched his skull hard as the pain came back.

"I hear screams. Friends. Family. Close people. All calling out for help, while I helplessly watched them die from the very hands I reached out for their help... I murdered every single one, and I know it's not my fault... I know it isn't. But these 'friends', you call them... scream like hell like I betrayed them but I DIDN'T. They didn't listen to me. Consult me. Help me... They were all scared of what I could do. And what I did to THEM." Mark explained. Jack was silent.

"Before all of this... despite the cries of betrayal, pain, and hate... I still cared for them. I really did cared... They were crying. Suffering. Screaming. Painful as I was. I don't like that bullshit. I never did, never once..." Mark muttered. Jack looked down with dark eyes.

"Millions and Billions of closest people, all through out the multiverse... was gone in an instant. Because of me. I killed them... even fixing and restarting the whole multiverse did nothing. They didn't know that a nobody who was hated was so damn stupid enough to save the whole world... I stopped caring before that."

In an endless void of darkness, a boy stood emotionless in the place.

"PTSD, or whatever... When I was that young 15 year-old boy excited in travelling the whole world outside the box, I wanted something. Some godamn geniune care and love... Learnt that the hard way, and soon I was making many friends. It was happy, normal, and perfect for a guy like me... Then, it all just snapped out, out of my grasp, and I was alone again. What was worse, I destroyed what I worked hard in my life. I was broken. Dead. And alone."

Multiple corpses laid around the pile of bodies as a bloody battle damaged warrior stood.

"I took back what I wanted. Killed, murdered, sacrificed, all the dark shit you'll ever think of... Nothing special. I'm Seventeen, and everything's changed." Jack stared at the brown eyes of Mark, broken and hopeless.

"Then why...? Why do all of this?" Jack asked. Mark lowered his head.

"I don't want to do it again. I don't want to repeat the same mistakes. I'm afraid... that if I let a person close to me, I'll break even more. I'm afraid to feel the suffering beyond what I felt." Mark confessed.

"I'm the boy who lost everything. And nobody cares that fact. Nobody will, and never will be. You know why...? It's because they don't care. Either they'll be afraid, or something else." Mark wiped the wetness on his face. From the rain.

"Basically... I've got nothing to lose. If I let someone inside my life, they'll either be scared of what I am, or they will run away. Just let me go. I found peace by sleeping forever instead of sitting in that vast void of nothingness I call Death. Leave me alone..." Mark replied. Jack was silent.

"What you're saying is bullshit... sleeping forever instead of being in a boring place of blankness you call death is enough for you...? Why do you say that, even though you accept the fact you go in worlds. If you really wanted to die, you should've stayed in that void, braindead." Jack's comment ticked Mark off.

"Why do you even interact with people? Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang... even Eevee. I don't think someone that wants to die and be left alone in the darkness searches for people to talk to. More, you should be more focusing on dying alone. But you aren't." Mark was silent.

"What I think, is that you want to be the same person having that life again... but the truth is, you can't have it, right? You're scared and afraid everything's going to go down to hell and fuck everything... You push everyone away even though they call you 'friend'. You don't see them as friends, but people you avoid or as tools to help your goals. But you never hurt them to the core. Not that much, but you hurt them enough to endure the hells of the multiverse puts you through." Jack deducted, Mark narrowing his eyes.

"I know. But I don't know what you're doing with your life right now. Are you a hero, who saves everyone in the name of justice? A villain, maybe to vent all the rage and suffering toward others? A saviour, who saves from the messed up world of bad chaos you call 'bullshit'?..." Jack suggested. Mark turned around, and left Jack in the Bus Station, alone in the rain.

"... Even though we're not same as we are in the inside, I know enough.... but, please... don't waste your life wanting to be a lone corpse that everyone would pass by." Jack sadly sat on the metal bench, gripping the cane hilt as he sighed.


I sat on the rooftops of Vale. It was a rainy day, and I was soaking wet. I didn't care. I didn't know... what to even think of myself.

I'm a pathetic teen who has the memories of a billion year old jackass. I'm a joke. I'm literal shit mixed with piss and ass. I have nothing to live for, and here I am, standing in RWBY's Vale comtemplating on suicide or not.

I had friends. Many friends that I butchered them. They won't remember me. They won't remember the horrific memories that I killed them. Sometime when I was like 15... A mastermind of evil decided to make me into his own brand of guinea pig weapon of mass destruction and chaos.

He did very fucking well. I remember the lives I took, innocents, children, men and women, babies, gods, demons, devils, scum and more. I was his ultimate killing machine in 'destroying the whole multiverse' by myself.

I killed him, obviously. It just wasn't the same. My body is 25% organic and 75% unknown. The brown eyes I have right now, aren't exactly mine. I had different eyes. What was so special about me, was that-

I radiate chaos. By chaos, I mean an interdimensional 6th reality radiation that spreads like wildfire that lets me control anything that touches. I could absorb a star in an instant. Kill the whole population with a snap. Control everything, that even touches this 'radiation'.

I was kind of broken at first when they made me into a weapon. Gave me a damn serum, causing my mind and soul to break as I suffered infinite possibilities and deaths and suffering from the toxin. Sort of like the Anti-Life Equation, but way worse.

I dare to say that I'm still suffering the effects right now. No one can cure it. Not even killing myself, because its stuck inside my soul, spirit, mind- You get the idea it can't be curable.

The source of my power which is proudly called 'bullshittery' is because of this. I manipulate reality little by little, helping me in some way possible. I've been very weakened as the aftermath of killing the son of a bitch that made me into a weapon, and my ability to become God is basically doo-doo. I'm weak.

And... I really don't know what to do. Sleeping is what I think I want, but I interact people despite being broken. Do I really want to be alone? Or even, live my life as something more than this-

"Mark...?" The mysterious of why and how Ruby's voice calls out to me is unknown to me, as I think she's right.... behind me. Covering herself with that red blanket of a cloak she has.

I sighed, noticing the look of concern Ruby gave me. "Hello, Ruby." I replied, I didn't really care about anything right now.

"Why are you here, in the rooftops- WHERE WERE YOU?! I was getting worried that you would've gone missing, until Blake told me you were occupied!" Ruby ran towards me as she stopped my tired state.

"Are you alright?" She asked honestly.

"No... I'm not." I answered, as I sat inside the rain. Ruby covered her red cloak to block the rain, as she sat by me.

"What happened? You look... messy." I scoffed. Messy is one way to describe it.

"Well... Ruby, how can you solve a man's problems when they are in their depression thinking their life is pathetic and worthless?" I mused, not caring about Ruby's reaction.

"Don't think like that... it'll hurt more if you think like that. Your life isn't pathetic or worthless! If someone tells that to you, they're wrong! They're not you. They don't understand your feelings, because they're not you." Ruby exclaimed.

"You're not pathetic. I know you aren't, and don't listen to other people who say that. Those guys are bad people who just... had a bad day. You're also having a bad day, right? No matter how bad you think your life is, it isn't true when someone else decides it for you." Ruby determinedly spoke those words. I looked at her.

"What if I decided that my life is like that? It's the truth." I replied, as Ruby frowned and pouted. Before she PAINFULLY squeezed my cheeks and spread them wide.

"That's not the right! It's bad for you, and everyone knows they don't like the hard truth. Imagine my surprise when I got a bad grade in my last academy... and I refused to believe that. So I studied hard, harder so I got that grade. Everything changes when you work very hard to change." Ruby stared at my brown eyes. She stared for a moment before letting go and realised what she done. She blushed, before backing away from my face.

"Ehem. I know you're going to say something about 'It's not easy as it looks' or something sarcastic-" I froze my mouth before talking when she said that. "It's scary when you're trying to do it. I'm not going to ask what your problems are, and it's not my right to know. I know it's scary to take the steps you've never done, and anything can go wrong." I narrowed my eyes.

"I know it's scary. What about it?" I asked to Ruby. Ruby sighed before pointing at herself determinedly. Why was she-

"That's why you need friends. Friends that will help you, support you, and go with you. I became a huntress so I could help people. Sooo, why not become your friend so I can help you? We're friends, right?" Ruby awkwardly smiled.

"..." I blinked. Ruby looked at the weather.

"Hey, it stopped raining! Oh man, Yang's going to be so angry when I'm soaking wet... Ugh..." She groaned when the sun was shining from the clouds. The sunlight illuminated a certain rooftop that we were in.

"I mean, friends help each other. No matter what problems people has, it all just works when you have someone to count for. Don't count on people who say stuff you don't like. Count on people... who think that'll help you and you'll be happy to help them back." Ruby smiled as the sunlight illuminated her. I looked up to her.

"... You know what? Fuck them. I don't care what everyone thinks, and they can suck a-" "Language." Ruby pouted as she crossed her arms. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Ruby?" I said, before looking at the sun. It was burning brightly, like the giant star source of the solar system or something.

"Yeah?" She turned around. She looked down to see a fist holding out from me, as she blinked furiously in confusion.

"Thanks." I replied. She smiled and fistpumped each other, as she did the- butterfly thing. Huh. She blushed like a schoolgirl after that. I don't know why I did a fistpump, but I just did it. It felt... odd.

Actually, fuck everyone else. Nobody's going to care what I do, and I'll just rant like a bitch everytime without giving a fuck. I wondered why I stopped caring from everyone else who was a dick, and why would I bother someone's rant about me ranting?

This doesn't matter, does it? What everyone says, does, comments... I've begun to stop caring. It doesn't matter what everyone says, I'm going to keep going. Nobody's going to stop me... and no one will.

"... Ruby, thanks." I replied to no one but myself. Ruby was gone from my sights, nowhere in the rooftops. I glanced at my hand.

Even for a billion years, I still haven't learnt shit. But, now's not the time for staying. I'm still mentally seventeen, and I knew I haven't grown up since. Jesus, did it take me billion years to realise I haven't grown much?

"Leap of faith, huh?" I looked down. Reality was collapsing, walls and objects turning into static as I watched calmly. This wasn't real. That's because... I fell down to my death as I was thinking.

I was in a dream.


In the morning of the dorm room of Team RWBY, the red reaper suddenly woke up, dazed and groggy after a weird dream that she couldn't remember.

"...?" Ruby looked down as she saw her fist. Why did it feel like she made a new friend? She had many friends, but this one... was special.

"Espeon~" Espeon yawned as he woke up from Ruby's bed. It was hard connecting dreams between Ruby and Mark, and he knew that it was very tiresome. He needed to sleep more, or get coffee.