The Special Kid

After returning back into Beacon Academy with a changed personality (somewhat), I kind of expected loud noises of cries, outbursts of 'where the hell were you', but I didn't expect Ozpin of all people (I should've) to meet me first.

"Mr Underwell... take a seat." Ozpin calmly asked. I took a seat in his office of clocktowering, gear-grinding, whatever the office had. Grudgingly taking a seat, Ozpin stared me down as if studying me intensely.

"First of all... I've been missing for more than 3 days, right?" I asked. Ozpin hummed at the thought. He's got cameras everywhere, and he's bound to notice...

"Yes, Miss Belladonna has reported this fact of your abscence. Due to your stunt, I've heard that you took refuge on a faunus orphanage... during that, a certain armed vilgilantee got away from the Atlas Military near the orphanage that you were in..." Ozpin trailed off. I raised an eyebrow at that.

"And?" I said back, oblivious to the context. Ozpin sipped from his mug and stared me down. He didn't say anything about me being Batman...

"Have you always been on the orphange, or were you out strolling?" I scoffed at that. I crossed my arms and acted displeased.

"I've always been on the orphange on my ass waiting to get away from the annoying orphans. I swear, the amount of pranks they did drove me almost insane. They even got to the point they dyed my hair neon pink..." I grumbled. Ozpin lightly chuckled at that. Half-truths.

"Well, you took your time well. Your team... is worried about your abscence, and I would recommend not partaking any part-time jobs outside Beacon for now." He stated, and there goes away my excuse of going outside... I simply grunted.

"But that isn't why I called you here, Mr Underwell... it's concerning about your unique Aura." My eyes perked up in interest as to why my damn Aura isn't unlocking itself for unknown reasons.

"You see, Aura is the manifestation of one's soul. It protects us, strengthen us, and also fight against Grimm. Each Aura varies from each person, and yours is unique than others." He explained. New lore incoming.

"Your Aura, in a basic sense... refuses to be unlocked when we tried to use the aura inchantation on you. Acording to more research, the aura inside you is helping your inside body rather than the general aura manifesting on the outside. The effects of this predict of a healthy body, increased regeneration, and a far more impressive strength than an average huntsmen..." He explained.

Basically, he's saying that my aura helps on the inside (which explains the 6-pack, the regenerating bones, and the strength to knock out a person with one punch, etc.) but it doesn't want to be manifested on the outside. It's nothing bad, but I don't have any excuse to get shot.

"Which leads to my concerning question, Mr Underwell: Why do you not have a weapon to defend yourself?" Ozpin raised an eyebrow. I was silent, not having a good answer to that.

"I... good question. I really don't have to use a weapon in the first place, and I've been pretty good without it as well. Professor, I don't think I'll need a weapon." I stated as Ozpin frowned at that. Gosh, that sounds arrogant, doesn't it?

"I think otherwise, Mr Underwell. As enlisting in a Huntsmen Academy for growing protectors of the world against Grimm, I doubt to think that only your two fists will only be enough to take down Grimm." Ozpin said. I narrowed my eyes at that.

"Alright. I'll get one. I'll just ask Ruby to make me one, I guess." I shrugged it off as Ozpin calmly sipped on his mug. There was no doubt Ruby taking joy in making new weapons... especially relating to weapons.


After greeting back welcome from the reincarnate, I was pretty peckish and decided to go in the dining hall. Seemed that my strange body also increased my hunger as well. Note to self: Bring snacks just in case.

"RUN!" "IT'S A FOOD FIGHT!" "HOLY GOD!" A couple of terrified students ran past me from the dining hall as I wondered what was- Oh shit. The fucking food fight from Volume 2. FUUUUAAACC-

"MMMHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Nora, Pyrrha, Ren, and Jaune stood on the castle of chairs and desks from the dining hall as Team RWBY watched in mock anger as they stared them down. Neptune and Sun was also there, staring at the clusterfuck of food.

"Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me..." Team RWBY roared on as they prepared for battle against the Nora Queen. I just wanted some fucking food, and THIS IS WHAT I GET?!

Oh, here comes the watermelons. And the turkey Yang special. Oh god... I dodged a remainder of the watermelons by moving away, as I spotted my lunch. One leftover pizza slice on a dish.

While they were playing with their food (literally), I calmly took the pizza and tried to take a bite of the cheezy Italian food of the gods and sat down on a bench-



Everyone froze when a random pie ran straight towards a random student who was casually eating some pizza. The pie dragged down from the disfigured cream face of Mark as he said nothing, and the pizza slice was also splat on the ground.

"..." He said nothing, as somehow everyone noticed him as they bursted into laughter. Mark clenched his fists and calmly lifted himself out of the bench and snapped his fingers.

[AN: Insert cool Mexican guitar music]

Everyone was surprised to hear an intense guitar tune strumming inside the dinning hall. And Mark was gone, in a blur of brown petals zipping and running across the hall.

He ran and kicked the plates off the tables, as the group saw the oncoming plates and prepared themselves. Blake and Pyrrha used their breadsticks to deflect the projectiles.

Yang backflipped away from the projectiles as Ruby took a metal plate and slid on the table chasing Mark. Mark stopped and flicked the tray under his boot and grabbed an apple mid-air.

Twisting his body, he threw the apple at Ruby in which she deflected it with the tray that she had. Glancing backwards, Mark sensed Ren and Nora coming straight at him and leapt over the ketchup stream on the floor coming from Weiss.

Ren slipped on the red substance and crashed on a pile of tables, as Nora kicked and leapt over the tables and grasped one of the metal poles, ripping it from the wall and stabbing on a watermelon to make a makeshift hammer.

Mark backflipped to observe the fight between Weiss using a swordfish as her rapier, and Nora using her watermelon hammer. Mark looked back the food behind him. Idea.

As Nora slammed Weiss into the tables and towards the stone pillars, the pillars cracked and Weiss fell down unconscious. Ruby held her unconscious body and dramatically morned her 'fallen comrade' as the pillar fell down slamming the food upwards.

Yang ran passed her and got her turkey knuckles and ran to the table castle. Ren, noticing this, grabbed a pair of leaks and ran towards her. Ren and Yang fought through blows and blocks, before Yang uppercutted him to the air.

Ren threw the leaks at her in that moment, as she dodged the attacks and leapt up, slamming down Ren towards the ground as she smirked. Ren simply groaned. Yang moved away from Nora as she slammed down her hammer, both of them fighting in terms of power.

Nora smashed the watermelon and sent Yang towards the roof, and crashing through the ceiling. Blake backflipped from the remains of the roof and grabbed a sausage string and whipped it towards Nora.

Nora backlashed from the whip and was sent crashing towards the vending machines. Mark stood wipping his face from the cream and casually stuffed a pancake into Nora's mouth.

"Mak? Mmmfff-mpph!" Nora gulped the pancakes on her throat and was given a glass of milk from Mark. Nora grinned and took the glass from his palms and drank it whole. Mark's palms sparked with electricity and slammed the vending machine with electricity.

The vending machine shot high-speed electrified soda cans of speed towards Blake as she stumbled against the can explosions. Pyrrha, using her semblance, controlled the cans and threw a stream of soda explosions at Blake, sending her off into the wall.

"MARK! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SIDED WITH THE ENEMY!! YOU TRAITOR!!" Ruby noticed Mark casually standing with Team JNPR while crossing his arms. Mark simply rolled his eyes and proceeded to climb the castle of tables.

"Who said I was working with someone else? I work alone!" Mark called out as he was at the top of the castle. Nora looked horrified when she saw Mark standing on her throne. How dare he!

"YOU DARE SIT ON THE QUEEN'S THRONE?!" Nora shouted. Mark cracked his neck with a grunt and glanced behind the castle. Behind, there were Red Glyphs preparing to throw enormous amounts of food as Mark observed.

Stacking the food by using the efforts of shadow clones (Blake's Semblance), Polarity (Pyrrha's Semblance), Speed (Ruby's Semblance), and using a mass of soda cans as the centre of explosion (Nora's Semblance), it will be electrifed using her semblance and cause a massive chain reaction of a 'food explosion'. And also using the Glyphs to keep it contained and pressured.

"Nope. I'll be right here on the top, thank you." A rumbling sound was heard behind the castle of tables as all of the characters (sans Mark) looked with wide eyes at the food bomb.

"Don't bother running, cuz you're too late." He waved with a finger salute.

He backflipped behind the tables as the horde of food was unleashed towards the poor characters. Pyrrha tried to block the food horde using her semblance but she was engulfed from the food explosion.

Nora, Ren, Jaune, and Ruby looked horrified and ran for their lives. But it was too late. All of them, including Blake and Weiss was engulfed from the explosion of food as they hopelessly felt the full force of food.

Mark landed on the floor without any harm and adjusted his blazer. He began recalling Yang. He trailed off when he noticed Sun, Neptune, and Glynda, who was pissed.

Glynda, using her semblance moved all of the tables and chairs to their right place accurately. With a frown, she scoffed. "Children... do not play with your food." She calmly said, while the food-covered students stood in guilt. She glared at Mark.

Mark simply sipped on his tea mug and audibly sipped LOUDLY to annoy the Professor even more. The students held their snickers trying not to laugh. Glynda scowled even more and crossed her arms.

"AAAAAAHHH-OOF!" Mark yanked Yang's falling body by the collars and shattered the tables under him from the force. Mark let her go, Yang gave a small 'thanks' as they all bursted into laughter (except Mark).

Glynda grumbles as she softened when a hand was placed on her shoulder. "Let it go." Ozpin calmly said to her. Glynda sighs at the sight.

"They're supposed to be the defenders of the world." She says, concerned about their childish attics of the students. After all, she was their professor. Mark casually sips his mug as Yang without warning puts a noogie around him.

"And they will be, but right now they're still children." Ozpin watches Mark ranting as Team RWBY laughs at him. "So why not let them play their part? After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever..." Ozpin walks away from Glynda.

Mark, hearing this, mentally frowned at that. 'I wonder why...' He thought, before trailling off when Yang decided to plunge another pie at his face. The pie slipped from his deadpanned face as the nearby students cackled.


Taking a fast shower, I needed to organise my thoughts. Hush. Mainly focuses on kidnapping women under-age, blond, lilac-eyes, in which all of the description leads to... Yang.

A stalker maybe? I wasn't so sure about that, considering her 'stupid naive' personality to punch instead of thinking, and someone admiring her was... improbable. And stupid, considering that she was the blondshell of the team and will get your ass whooped in a second.

There was a chance this guy was a student from Shade, the same academy that blondie was in. Or not. Who in the hell is going to know Yang outside from her school? Except Raven, Taiyang, Qrow, etc... but I don't know if they're out to kidnap blonds just because it matches Yang's description. Thus, the only theory was that the kidnapper was in Shade, or that he was a Self-Insert worshiping Yang as their waifu. Fans can be dangerous.

I needed information, and I could just hack the Beacon's secret data of their students of a semblance capable of phasing through walls...

I can't do that yet because I'm in a library. "Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!" Ruby calls out. Remnant the Game. What a pile of boring dog shit that has the texture of plastic and paper. I'd rather play little rat-shits that play that...

Yang balls her fists. "Bring it on!" She calls out.

Ignoring the game, I leaned my seat from my table and looked around to see anyone near me. No one but Weiss and Blake, Pyrrha and Jaune doing/helping studies, Ren and Nora fails to study.

I sensed (ooh, I can sense Aura now) Sun and Neptune coming into the library just a moment now. Just far away. Wait, I can sense... another Aura signature coming into the library? And it's not canon?

I turned around far away to see a black raven haired kid with grey tips, onyx eyes, and glasses. He kinda looked like a nerd. But his physique was well-built, enough for killing Grimm. I don't remember him being in this episode...

"Oh hey, Yang." The kid called out, noticing Yang.

"Onyx! Whatup man, I haven't seen you in a while!" Yang pleasedly called out while holding her cards. Team RWBY blinked and noticed Onyx waving towards them.

"Onyx? You went to Beacon too?!" Ruby called out, shocked. The amount of disbelief I'm feeling right now was enough to freeze me in place. Lemme just shout my frustra- WHO THE FUCK IS ONYX?!

"Mark, this is our study tutor Onyx! He's cool, smart, and really nice! He's our old friend from Shade Academy. I didn't knew you were here, Onyx!" Ruby said, surprised at the fact of her tutor friend was in Beacon with her.

I was more fucking surprised when the Shade student was so close to Ruby and Yang. Hell, he could be Hush for all I know. He could be. Not he is.

His body is short, lean, athletic, more focused on speed and agility. Hush's body was more big, muscle-ly, huge, body-building, and heavy. Then again, his body can change from the Venom rip-off...

I clenched my fists into the chair. I froze, checking I wasn't dreaming and clenched it again. I stared at my hand to see a black glow surrounding my palms and the chair. I tapped the chair.

"Uh... did I do something wrong...?" Onyx's voice snapped me from my thoughts as I faced him. I lent a hand automatically.

"Mark. Just Mark." Onyx looked unsure and shook my hand anyways. Also noting that he had a weak grip. I let the handshake go, and let Onyx and Yang have a conversation.

"Mark, why are you so 'cold' to Onyx? You never- wait. Actually, nevermind." Ruby stopped and realised my 'cold(?)' personality to others and being a weirdo. I rolled my eyes instead.

"Finally realised that I don't talk to people very often?" I scoffed. No answer. Ruby chose to ignore me. Well, I know that she has something against me... good. Make people away from me.

"No, you're being quite unusually rude to him." Weiss answered as she placed down a card. Ruby nodded in agreement as I rested my hand on my face and groaned. Women, I'll tell ya.

"How much have you've know about this guy?" I leaned closer to them. Blake answered instead, much to my surprise.

"To the point where we know that Yang secretly hangs out with Onyx, why?" I choked down own my throat after hearing that. Ruby rushed in to help me.

"You alright?" She asked, concerned about my health.

"I'm fine... must've had a bad lunch today." Ruby, Weiss, and Blake averted their eyes away from me to their embarassed reasons. I rubbed my neck a bit and stared at Onyx.

He's definitely not from canon. And I think... he really is Hush...? But why kidnap blonds when you have Yang basically having as your girlfriend? This is the part where I'm confused. Onyx's Semblance from what I can tell, is "Reinforcement", considering the black glow on the chair protected it.

His body is no Hush. I can think that he uses his Semblance to defend himself and probably uses a gunshield (because every weapon has a gun) as a shielder to defend attacks from enemies.

His hands? Doesn't even have the hands of a skill mercenary or an assassin. His grip is too weak, small, and inexperienced for any knife skills. And... his aura is completely different to Hush.

Hush was more savage, rough, and insane. This guy's Aura is more calm, collected, and different. Then again, this is Remnant. Crazy shit happens everytime. Onyx might be Hush, but I can't prove he's running around kidnapping women for his excessive admirations towards Yang.

All I know, it isn't enough.

And there goes Neptune flirting with Weiss as Jaune questions life itself. Sun fails to execute Black Sun, and Nora simply says 'women'.

With a grunt, I lifted myself out of the table. "Where are you going?" Weiss asked, noticing me leaving the library.

"The forges." I simply commented and walked to the library entrance. I needed a weapon to defend myself. As much as I didn't need em, I needed an excuse for my weapon-less status.

"Waitaminuteyoucanusetheforgeswhydidn'tyoutellme-" Ruby sped in front of me, eyes glimmering in excitement for some reason. I shut her up by shoving a unwrapped cookie on her mouth.

"I've always wondered how effective it is to shut people up by food." Ruby blushed and munched on her cookie and pouted considerably angry. I merely crossed my arms.

"Why didn't tell me you could make weapons?!" She shouted.

"I didn't want to...?" I simply raised my eyebrows. She pouted harder this time, letting out a few tears from her puppy eyes to guilt-trip me. I deadpanned and unwrapped another cookie and shoved one up her mouth.

"Mmmfffph! MMMPh...?!" Ruby stared at the brown petals in front of her as she realised Mark ran away. Fuming, she ran across the library with a heavy blush and chased after Mark for being a meanie.

Omake: Espeon's Coffee

Espeon yawned and stretched himself the usual routine. Mark was late, doing his batman stuff outside of school. But that wasn't the case. It was that he had to endure THREE FUCKING DAYS without coffee.

Coffee was good, especially dealt from the hands of a premature billion year old who had the time to paint himself as an idiot and was too lazy trying to do anything. So he had to improvise on obtaining coffee to himself.

Sneaking past the offices and security, he landed himself in the kitchen or private staff room of the Professors of Beacon. They had good coffee brands, rough, dark, sweet, or just straight up ash.

Anyways, he did his usual routine of making coffee. Yada yada yada, coffee beans go inside the machine, said coffee bean more reinforced with his Grass type moves, such and such...


And it was done. One blend of coffee goodness, ready to be served. He levitated the coffee mug on his lips. Tasted gooood. Suddenly, his ears perked up and sensed an odd pair of-

"..." Espeon stared at the two professors.

Ozpin and Oobleck stared back at Espeon, and smelled their way in of the unnatural good blend of coffee to their nostrils. Both stared back, and to the coffee mug.

"Well... this is quite odd." Ozpin began, not sure how to deal with a cat levitating a coffee mug and to brew such a damn good coffee.

"What is this? The creature knows a variety of intelligence of brewing coffee? This is unexpected and marvellous that even a cat knows how to brew coffee!" Oobleck exclaimed. The sound of audible sipping cut their thoughts as Espeon drank the mug.

"Now... if you would drop the mug... and let us taste the. Coffee." Oobleck and Ozpin leaned closer towards Espeon as Espeon just stared. He glanced at the window, catching the notices of the two professors.

"Don't you dare. It's been awhile I smelled damn good coffee..." Oobleck leaned closer. Espeon frowned. It was his FUCKING COFFEE. Not these old guys pretending to be important and superior to children. Although they tried...

"Why do I have a feeling to murder this cat?" Ooh, so they were psychic then? But in no way in hell, THEY WEREN'T GOING TO GET MY COFFEE~!!!


"After it!"