The Noose of The Hanged Man

To be honest... I didn't really think about proving and getting evidence against this guy. That guy I meant was Hush. I've always deducted villains either by OC, personality change, non-canon, and gut feeling of my experiences. Not by purely intellect.

I never got the enough clues, evidence, assumptions, and data. Letting Jaune know about my identity was a risk. He is one to keep secrets, due to the fact he forged his transcripts to come to Beacon.

He needed to forge and fake his own transcipts because he's weak, unskilled, and worthless. I won't question WHY he had get all the trouble getting a forged transcript to get his weakass into Beacon, but I guess it's the lines of 'self-improvement' or 'I won't be pathetic!'...

Aside from the weak protagonist who wants to prove himself, I had decided Onyx would be a possible candidate. Sure, there's other students who would be Hush, I'm just saying Onyx could not be Hush-

What am I saying? Of course he is Hush! There is no reason I would assume Onyx would not be Hush, because of the reason he had an abusive family life, treats Yang as his greatest friend, all the factors needed for a yandere psychopath who hunts blondies because he worships Yang like a goddess because he isn't taught to deal with society. But I don't know why he kidnaps blondies...

But there is one fact that doesn't prove that he is Hush. His Semblance. All I know, is that Semblances reflect on the person's Aura considering their personality or soul. His Semblance is Reinforcement. Probably relating to having a closed and protected life, rather getting a power to destroy what stands in their way, it's a power that protects their loved ones. Reinforcement in order to protect.

To be honest, I don't think most people would rather get a power to protect than a power to destroy. Humans, in their deepest forms, all want the same thing. Power. Power to do everything.

When life gives you obstacles, you get over it like a normal person would.

But this isn't a 'normal' world. It doesn't follow the rules of any real world society, and what are rules to against powers that crush walls, control weathers, and have unlimited power to fuel your egotistical needs? Power can corrupt.

And they will do anything in their power to get rid of what stands in their way. It's a stupid semblance that shouldn't exist from someone like Onyx, but the facts don't lie. He has the semblance.

For any obscure trick, I don't know. I really doubt anyone could change their semblance. But, semblance can be taken away. For example Mercury Black. For any of you guys who don't know RWBY, Mercury Black is the son of a mercenary father that he killed (probably) from his crutches, without the use of a semblance.

He has Aura, but he doesn't use his semblance. Or he can't. Let's just say Marcus Black, his father, can steal semblances. That's a fact proven in RWBY. This means that semblances can be manipulated or stolen by others.

But you can't just change a semblance like that. Unless... personality disorder? No, that's a way of thinking that doesn't contribute to society and deemed insane from abusive backgrounds... All I can guess that he has split personalities, but...

The human mind is only limited to one personality, person, and soul. You can't just have two personalities, like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde bullshit. That man invented a potion that makes a man without conscience. No sense of right or wrong. Having two different split personalities, just like the two sides of the coin, can be possible having two semblances at once.

Dr Jekyll, being the embodiment of good could have a healing semblance. Mr Hyde could have a destructive semblance that allows him to shoot Omega Beams from his eyes.

Onyx could have the disorder. Could. If you think about it, where in a world like Remnant (sorry for those non-readers of RWBY to describe this), where in the chances would you have getting a split personality disorder?

Either a freaking potion, abusive lifestyle from demon-worshiping nuns, sheer bullshittery caused by the Author for plot development, or...

Yeah, I guess that sums it all up. Onyx could have a split personality disorder from unknown reasons, and he could be hunting blondies for all Gods in Remnant knows. Yes, there are divine beings in Remnant. Gods of Light and Darkness. Two draconic idiots who didn't follow 'How to create a World for Dummies' guide.

Maybe I should get omnipotent powers just to spite them.

You may think: 'Oh wow, Mark. You already know who's Hush! It's Onyx, right? You said it yourself because you're not stupid enough to kill yourself and end your own pain~ So WhY ArEn'T YoU KiLlInG HiM NoW?!'

It's very simple. Because FUCKING PLOT ARMOUR-

I'm kidding. It's because he knows where the big sister of the crying little girl earlier, and if I don't save her on time, I get bad karma. And no one likes bad karma or letting a person die when you can save them.

He's currently on Beacon. Now, I can't just sneak my ass into Beacon while there are multiple cameras literally everywhere on Beacon. One thing I know about Ozpin, is that he has the time to check every cameras to report any suspicious activity regarding to Maidens and Salem.

I could just sneak in there using my +1000 stat Stealth from Assassins and Skyrim, but it doesn't mean I won't get noticed. I need this guy to be alive. When I'm in Beacon, unnoticed while inside his dorm room, I'm going to threaten him where's his secret man-cave.

He obviously doesn't know where it is, either he lies or he does have split personalities and doesn't remember his 'evil' side's memories, he's going to scream. Like, manly screaming.

That alerts everyone in the dorm rooms, and team RWBY heroically rushes for help to their friend as they beat the living shit out of me and I get arrested. I doubt I could escape from the likes of Glynda, who has a semblance that is self-explantory.


Can grab or yoink me anytime who she wanted to. Add in complete distrust from Team RWBY and fucked reputation.

While I go in jail and rot for my life as I commit suicide. Yikes. I did not want to imagine that... Anyways, I'm clearly outmatched for the entirity of Beacon hauling my ass, and which leaves me into a conclusion: I need to catch Hush in the night. Outside from Beacon.

I needed to catch Hush. Where was that son of bitch? Even though I put a tracker, he was very observing to notice it was there... But how can I catch a shark... tut, tut, tut... You would need a bait.

A very humorous thought crossed my mind. I snorted at the hilarity of such concept. I could just kidnap Yang myself and Hush could come and 'save' her, but that was stupid. Ruby, Blake, Weiss and hell to all of the entire army of Beacon is coming after me if I do that.

As to why I found that amusing, I imagined Yang's legs dangling in a tall building as she struggled for escape. Yes, yes! Fall to your doom, you blond bimbo!

Ehem. Off-topic. While normal people shouldn't even think of this since I'm her friend, and also the fact she could kick my ass if she wanted to, but that's if she HAD her shotgun gauntlets to save herself. People nowadays are too dependent on their weapons. i.e. Ruby with her Crescent Rose.

Aah, yes. Bait. Where was I going to get me bait? I slowly glanced at my phone.



Inside the dorm rooms of team RWBY, they all wondered and shared their opinions as to why would Mark leave. Some say he really did leave. Ruby had said Mark left for an important reason that he couldn't tell them. Blake had noticable bags under her eyes.

"The Professors are saying he really did left, and we should leave it alone. He's gone, and that's the end of it." Weiss stated, crossing her arms. She did not want to hide her displeasure against Mark, but it was regretful and a loss to their team.

"What if he didn't? What if he left for a very important reason that he didn't want us to know? Yang knows that he's very, very..." "Stubborn and reckless." Blake added. "Yeah, that... and all we might know, he might be kidnapped or doing a special mission." She said. The rest thought about that.

Mark was indeed reckless and stubborn. He was someone who thought he could deal a mountain-sized Grimm with nothing but cutlery sets.

"If he really did leave us for an important reason, how are we going to find him, Rubes?" Yang asked her sister. Ruby grinned, as she zipped to the wardrobe and fitted herself with detective costume.

"'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth!' I'm going to find Mark! The Case of the Mysterious Disappearance of Mark, as Detective Ruby chases on the case!" Ruby exclaimed while wearing a deerstalker cap and magnifying glass.

"Eeevee!" Oh, and Eevee's wearing a bowler hat and a small neck-tie ribbon on his fur, resting on Ruby's shoulders while cawing adorably. Yang awed, immediately hugging Ruby tightly.

"Awwww~ My little Ruby sis is becoming a little detective! I'm so proud of you~" Ruby struggled against the hug as Yang's 'melons' were suffocating her. One of Weiss' eyes twitched, annoyed of this fact. She glanced at her own chest.

"You're choking me, Yang!" Ruby pushed Yang out of the way, Yang falling on the ground with an 'oof'. Blake paused and recalled what Ruby had said.

"Ruby... did you reference a book?" Blake asked, knowing the tone of referring novels very well as a novel reader herself, but Ruby wasn't the one to read novels when she had- ahem, 'suitable' childish choices of books...

"Yeah. I just found it when this book landed right on top of my head. It's called Sherlock Holmes." She revealed the book in front of her. It was a book as 'Sherlock Holmes' as it's only defining bookcover. Ruby was curious why it landed on her head. She had a look inside it, and she read it over and over.

Blake took the book and inspected it. "I never saw this book before..." She commented, as a reader herself, she didn't remember this type of book in Tukson's book store. Novels were mostly about inner self or adventure, such as The Man with Two Souls, fighting control of his body.

But a detective style genre? It was a first, that Blake had encountered. She had lifted the first chapter of the book. She flipped a bit more, curiosity growing inside her as she read on. It was beginning to get interesting as Yang interrupted her.

"Anything interesting yet? What are your comments about this book, Blakey?" Yang grinned. Blake sighed and shut the book.

"I give it... a new fresh of air and interesting." Blake commented. Yang grabbed the book from her hands. Blake protested the sudden theft as Yang flipped open the book.

"Now I really want to read it." She said while grinning. Weiss raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you of all people prefered punching and flirting rather than reading books." Weiss huffed, while Yang gave a stink eye to Weiss.

"Hey! I do read books, it's that some of them aren't that entertaining, Weiss-cream!" Yang protested as Weiss simply huffed instead. She had her uncle as her teacher in Shade, for crying outloud.

"I bet 10 Lien you won't get past the first chapter." She muttered silently, watching Yang and Blake read through the book. For a moment, she heard absolute silence coming from both of them, as they were too immersed in reading it.

It was curious to see Yang of all people, to be fully immersed from a book. Weiss herself walked towards them to get a closer look, and she read the contents. Eevee cawed adorably as Ruby played around acting Sherlock and Watson, on the case for missing Mark, as the three were did not notice them. They were focused on the book.

"I have to say, it is interesting. London? Steam? Pre-Kingdom Era-like illustrations? I wonder who made it..." Weiss commented, awed at the uniqueness and setting of the book. Yang gave a so-so motion. Blake hummed.

"Eh, it ain't my style. I'm going to do some training in the gym." Yang said with a huff, lifting herself out of bed as she left the dorms. Blake shut the book, and then suddenly, a chilling shiver came from her spine as she physically recoiled.

"What was that?!" She called out. Weiss and Ruby waved their heads around to see nothing. Blake facepalmed herself, and maybe the sleep was getting to her. Unbeknownst to them, two eyes glared through the window, as if burning through the glass.

"Baaa-chhack!" The chicken cried. Somehow, there was a chicken in Beacon Academy. It was thirsty for blood and war...


Jaune sat, covered in sweat as he finished Pyrrha's training session. "Oh my Oum, finally it's over!" He slumped down on the floor, exhausted. Pyrrha lent him a bottle as he accepted it. He drank the whole bottle as he wiped his sweat.

Pyrrha noticed his sudden change. "You're a bit more excited for training. Maybe it's because you worked yourself to hard?" Pyrrha suggested as she sat down with him. Jaune thought about it.

"Yeah... I need to get stronger." Jaune recalled his moments when Mark had the spare time to training (more like beating the unholy hell out of him) and what he got was more than training could do.


#Flashback Starts#

"S-sooo... why are we doing this again?" Jaune carefully asked as Mark was dressed in his black suit, in which he dubbed the 'batsuit', and it was more scary up close to meet the real-deal. They were in the Emerald Forest, deep in the woods away from surveillance.

"I'm going to teach a lesson so you won't die." His raspy, dark voice caught him off-guard as Jaune stepped back away from him. Jaune prepared his sword and shield, in a defensive position towards-

And it went so fast. He broke through his defenses like it was butter, backhanded his shield, ripped away the sword out his hands, and lastly kicked to the gut and it hurt.

"Run." Jaune's heart felt like it was grabbed by dark hands. Jaune ran, fearing for his life as Mark wasn't your average blazer-wearing sarcasm filled person anymore.

He was something absolutely terrifying.

Sweat and adrenaline pumped his body to move. Run as fast as he can. He had no time to think. The bloodlust radiating from him wanted him to move. He was going to die.

He ran, his muscles tensing from the sudden stress put on his legs as he ran through the forest. He stopped, thinking that it was a good enough distance. He then realised. His sword. His shield.

He groaned, thinking himself as an idiot for doing this. How was he going to get back to his friends?

"I didn't tell you to stop." Jaune's arm was suddenly twisted and dislocated from his sockets as he howled in pain. Jaune fell down, clutching his arm as he was stared down from the most scariest motherfucking thing he ever saw.

"Fight or Die." He was gripped by the collars and thrown away like a ragdoll, his Aura shielding him from the blow. He howled, still hurting from the pain as his arm was dislocated. He struggled, lifting himself with one arm.

"Your sword is only enough. Let's begin." Crocea Mors was given to him, as he glared at the embodiment of death and terror in front of him. It was pissing him off. Whatever bubbled inside his emotions wanted to punch Mark to the jaw.

"Heggghh...!" Jaune barely lifted himself up and grabbed his sword. Fortunately Mark didn't dislocate his sword-arm, so he only could use his sword against him.

Jaune ran with a cry as he swung his sword against him. Mark dodged the blow by stepping back from the large swings until he parried the attack with his wrist fins and locked his blade.

A metal screech came up close as Mark slid his fins towards Jaune, his eyes daring to do something at him. Jaune gritted his teeth as he pulled away his sword and swung upclose to Mark.

And what he got was a punch to the face. He stummbled back, loosening his grip on the sword as he repositioned himself immediately. His eyes widened when Mark was gone. His eyes warried, searching where the hell was he.

"Watch your back-" A heavy kick came from his back and faceplanted his body to the ground. He gritted his teeth and lifted himself again, waving his sword to preparation.

"Listen." The dark rapsy voice was so close to his ears as he snapped his head around to see nothing behind. He waved his eyes around the forest, ignoring what he said and focusing on finding him.

"You're focusing on finding me, but you're not focusing on protecting yourself!" Mark sweeped his legs under and caused him to fall down again with a painful groan. It was hurting so much. His arms, his body, his stomach, the fear, the pain, the rage Mark had placed within him...

"Your training has gotten nowhere near. You're weak and defenseless." Jaune glanced up to see Mark crouching down from his sides, as he glared and balled his fists.

"F-fuck you..." He barely called out. Mark said nothing.

"What drived you to get to this point? Self-loathing? Angry at yourself for being pathetic? Or did you want to prove yourself that you're not the damsel in distress, calling for help...?" Jaune gritted his teeth. He didn't want to answer.

"Stop. You have too much emotion boiling inside you. The wrong type of emotions that drives you." He leaned closer to Jaune's face, tapping on his forehead. Jaune grunted.

"Especially when our 'neighbours' like to sense them..." A growl came behind both of them as Jaune glanced in fear an Alpha Beowolf came nearing towards them. Mark frowned behind his cowl and without looking, threw and stuck a batarang on the beast's skull.

It exploded on impact, killing the Grimm immediately as it disappeared into black ashes. Jaune widened his eyes, impressed at the show of skill Mark had. His mouth was gaping. "I... AAUURGH!" A needle was stabbed on his chest as his whole body screamed in pain.

"That will help you deal with them. Survive. I won't kill you..." Mark was suddenly walking back on the forest, leaving Jaune alone from the pack of Beowolves. Jaune's fear reached him, reaching his hands for help.

"W-wait...!" He protested, calling out for help. Mark turned around.

"But I won't save you." He coldly stated, zipping through the forest leaving Jaune alone. FUCKING BASTARD! HE REALLY DID LEAVE HIM ALONE TO DIE!

He thought about everything. His family, his sisters, and his friends. He was going to die. He thought about Mark. The fucking bastard who left him to die. His rage boiled inside him.

Jaune gritted his teeth as he was forced to block from the Beowolf's jaw, his sword on the teeth backing away from his death. He wasn't going to die. He kicked the maw of the Beowolf away from him.

"HHUURRRGH!!!" Jaune, with all of his might, swung and sliced clean off the Beowolf's head using Crocea Mors. It was a fluke, a lucky shot. He oversaw the Beowolf growling to them.

"WHO WANTS SOME?!" Jaune didn't care he was angry. He wasn't the one to be pissed to the point of shouting easily, but Mark had pissed him off. The Beowolf pack charged, all wanting a bite from the Arc.


He didn't realise when it was dark. Jaune Arc was barely standing, all bloodied and bruised to the point where his Aura was the only thing that kept him up. He slumped down, using Crocea Mors as a resting pole.

"Good. You survived." The bastard's voice came, as Jaune glared at the source of the voice, Mark in his batsuit crossing his arms. Jaune didn't care about that, because he was dying. He lost a lot of blood during the fight. He didn't know how he survived... he couldn't remember.

"I know why you sent me here... you wanted me to die, keeping your secret safe, making as if this was an accident..." Jaune replied. Cutting loose ends. He watched too much X-ray comics that he knew how villains worked.

"If I wanted you dead, we wouldn't be here talking. I wanted you to experience what you were drove by. What makes you move? To act? To train further so you won't be a weakling anymore?" He explained.

"I'll make this an exception because people need a push to get themselves where they wanted. You're powered by will. The will to act, and without it, all of your training you've done is worthless." Mark leaned closer to Jaune's arm. He twisted and without a word, he readjusted his arm socket with a painful scream.

"AAAAAAARRRRRGHHHH!!!!" His screams called out from the forest. It was lucky that no Grimm had noticed it. Mark grunted and pulled out another needle from his belt and stabbed his skin.

"That'll help you deal with the pain. Jaune... for all of your life as you could remember, you've been a failure. You don't like it, do you?" Mark asked him. Jaune breathed in heavy and gave his silence as his response.

"You're trying to prove yourself you're not a failure. But the truth is, you haven't been trying enough to prove that. You're lacking will. You groan, you rant, you bitch around saying you can't do it. Thinking you have security and protection that you won't feel the consequence of your actions..." He stopped, giving a moment to Jaune as he thought about his life.

"You're not trying hard enough because you're not afraid. You're really not afraid of dying to a Grimm as you struggle when someone finally helps you kill that Grimm. You say you're trying hard enough, but you aren't. You won't think of driving further because you depend... on everyone else." He finished, as Jaune recalled his friends saving his ass multiple times.

"When you're alone, afraid and fearful... how are you going to deal with the monsters under your bed? You're going to die. Not unless if you try hard enough so you won't depend on anyone else!" Mark suddenly gripped his collars and threw him to his feet.

"I am trying hard enough! I help my friends and I help them back! FOR ALL OF MY LIFE, I'VE BEEN WORKING MY ASS OFF TO NOT BECOME A WEAK BASTARD! YOU'RE ASKING ME FOR WHAT YOU THINK I NEED TO BECOME BUT I CAN'T!!!" Jaune shouted back.

"You refuse to think you're not trying hard enough! With that kind of thinking, that's exactly why you don't need friends! Friends reminds you of your limitations, not keep on your limitations!" Mark shoved him away as Jaune gritted his teeth.

"Hit me." He said.

"What?" Jaune hesistated.

"I said hit me." Mark stated, confusing Jaune further.

"If you say you're trying your hardest to become what you aren't, then you're capable of landing a blow to me. So hit me." Mark stated as Jaune clenched his fists and swung a fist towards Mark.

Mark had grabbed his fist and twisted Jaune's body and slammed him to the ground. Jaune spat, coughing from the pain coming from his back. "Bastard...! What's all this about?!" He shouted.

"I didn't say I would let you hit me. If you don't land a hit to my head when the sun rises, I'll hang your corpse to your dorm room." Jaune paled like a whitesheet when he heard that, not wanting to die from him.

"And maybe I'll cut off your head and send it as a present to Pyrrha." Rage boiled inside him instantly. NOW that was personal! He wasn't going to let him cut his head and let his partner suffer!

"RRRRAAAGGH!!" Jaune lashed out, Mark unfazed from the fury as Jaune lifted himself up and sent an uppercut towards Mark. Mark simply moved his head back from the fist as he watched Jaune stand his ground.

"I... I... I won't let you... hurt Pyrrha...!" Jaune gritted his teeth but it was beginning to slow down for him. He was exhausted, but he still held on as he gritted his teeth, clenched his fists as much as blood came out, and threw his arms straight at Mark.

Mark sidestepped from the attack and let Jaune move as he stumbled, losing his ground from the blood-loss. Mark, realising it was enough for the boy, leaned closer to knock him out.

"Kek!..." Mark felt a blow from his head. He stumbled backwards, surprised from the blow from Jaune as he acted as if he was exhausted but when in reality, he had one surprise left. Jaune huffed as he lost consciousness and fell down.

"Jaune... learn from this. The training is nothing. Will is everything. The will to act. And I have to admit... why the hell haven't you shown your willpower earlier?" Jaune said nothing as he imagined himself a middle finger.

Mark scoffed. "Everyone just hates me, don't they?"

#Flashback Ends#

Jaune recalled his moments. It was one night after his whole life changed. He knew Mark was a fucking asshole. And he knew not to depend on his friends, but himself better. He was weak, and what Mark had taught him was to never forget the will to become stronger.

Gosh, he was reading too much X-ray comics. Cheesy lines just didn't fit him. "I guess I knew I just had to work hard enough now." Jaune told his partner, Pyrrha smiling as she pat his shoulders.

"I'll help you along the way, Jaune." Pyrrha stated. Jaune smiled, thinking Pyrrha was a good friend. Unlike a certain someone... speaking of, where was he?


"This was your idea? Using me as bait?" Eveline glared at me skeptically. I nodded and prepared my stuff. I met Eveline again, and Jason and his brother... Fenrir? Yeah, that was his name, and took his job taking care of children in the orphanage.

"You don't just treat people like objects, Mark. What makes you think I'll help you catch the stalker again? More, how in Oum do you think this would even work?!" She exclaimed. It was the night, fresh for Hush to come out and kidnap her. You might question my sanity on how Hush would even kidnap her again, but I've got no choice.

The blondie girl on the hospital recently got murdered, (no surprise) and the other blonds are too preoccupied for even Hush to kidnap them. Something about constant studies and homework led them to have nightly-tutors. And I've

"I got nothing else to do. We're going on a date." I casually replied. Eveline lit like a tomato and spluttered unintelligable words I couldn't understand. I am digging a deeper hole...

"WHAT?!" "WHAT?!" Two voices. I turned around to see Jason's brother, Fenrir peeking from the door as he shouted. Eveline noticed this and looked at me as if I was flat-out insane.

"Actually, no. Correction: You two need to get some breaks from the constant work you had to do in the orphanage. I've changed my mind. Forget Hush, you two go." I ordered, both Fenrir and Eveline spluttering wrecks as they shouted protests.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! I have to take a break... with him?!" Eveline pointed at Fenrir. Ooh, tsunadere meter. Don't know why the Author indulged himself in random romance, but I'll roll with it...

"I-I don't think it's a good idea! I have to take care of the kids, my brother-" He stopped himself. Either it was my piercing glare or it was the menacing aura coming from Mrs Brown behind us.

She smiled darkly that put shivers down both faunus' spines. "I think. It's a good idea. You two have been good after all, it might be a good time to have some breaks, don't you think?" She said. When I thought about it, I don't think Hush will be stupid enough to go after Eveline again. Points taken away from myself for thinking a BS plan to lure Hush...

"Mom... I just can't work with... him..." Eveline averted her eyes away from the oblivious Fenrir. What was it, Eveline was... 16? And Fenrir was almost 18. 2 year gap was good for dating age. What should I call the shipping name?

Eveline means Life and Animal in Hebrew, and Fenrir means something in Wolf in Viking language... Sulfur Lupus?

"Mrs Brown, I will be fine taking care of my brother and the orphans. I don't think I'll need breaks after I..." He stopped himself. They knew why Fenrir overworked himself in the orphanage.

Apparently he thought it was good to leave Jason in the orphanage for being a failure for his little brother, so he worked in secret in a drug cartel to send money to Jason's child support. When that didn't work, Jason and Fenrir rekindled their relationship and worked himself as atonement for being a sad excuse for a brother.

"It's alright, bro. You can take a break." Jason added in his two cents. Fenrir hesistated, still stubborn for not taking pleasure of joy when he did something unforgivable.

I, well, just had enough from this lovey-dokey BS. "JUST GO ALREADY-"


Well that was awkward. I shouted so hard it made a linebreak so we won't have to deal with Eveline and Fenrir's date. Yay. It's all fair and confusing to y'all. What should I do... I think I did put a tracker at Onyx if I recall correctly.

Where's my phone tracker gimick- Oop, there it is. He's... still at Beacon?

I mean, why is he still at Beacon? It's perfectly normal for people in Beacon to stay in the school like as if it's their home, or something. If he was Hush, wouldn't he just leave the school already? Maybe he didn't leave school afterall.

What should I do... I've discovered recent White Fang warehouses and caused a major pain in the ass of Cindy's plans, and the Atlas Military are here, probably searching my ass to... flex on their resources and power to Vale on being the superior faction in Remnant...?

I don't know anything... Something about their stuck-up personalities and arrogance thinking Atlas is the superior faction in Remnant, PERIOD.

'Haha, I'm James Ironwood. Look at my army and my flexing. I'm so cool and handsome! All the ladies should love me~' I thought a chibi-Ironwood flexing his power to... Glynda? I guess there was some theories that Ironwood had a crush to Glynda, I don't know. Something something.

"I'm just a guy trying to find my purpose in life, because my last purpose was to sleep forever..." I muttered. Sleeping forever was my method of 'dying' because I would feel nothing, just without any senses or feelings to think about. Just... blankness.

After I was changed, I just... you know, when I think about it, I don't have a purpose in life. It was just me, being an asshole to everyone and solving shit because I have nothing to do. I have no sex drive, nor I can find entertainment.

What did I want?