Chapter 2 'No batter time than the present!'

"Shit! Shit! Shit," I spat, fumbling with the keys to my second-hand Honda civic. My hands were trembling, and my knees threatened to buckle at any moment. I cautiously walked from my car to the little bakery across the way. 'Casey is already here...what do I tell him?' I panicked as I approached the cutesy pastel-painted door.

I stumbled through the walkway only to have all eyes turn towards me, of course, me and the obnoxiously loud chimes that went off whenever the door was opened! I could hear Casey chuckle from the back of the room, trying desperately not to get us both kicked out for disturbing the class.

"Ah, you must be our class princess? How was the beauty sleep? I do hope the chauffeur was kind enough to fill you in on what you've missed!" A loud sarcastic woman, who appeared to be in charge, bellowed. The room was filled by small gasps and giggles, 'til the head-chef stared them all down.

"Do not be late to my class again, Sarima Hulkis." The large woman, who I later discover is named Gertie, sternly ordered. "Yes! O..of course ch..ef!" I managed to say, jumbling my words as they escaped my mouth.

I found my place beside Casey at our station, knowing for certain that he could see the torment in my eyes. I washed up and started to help prepare ingredients. The hours quickly passed, and the baking class was concluded for the day. On the drive back to Casey's place, I received a half-assed apology from Cas for laughing at my prior misfortune. This did comfort me in a way; Casey shows his love in such a strange manner, yet somehow it has become the norm for us.

I would say that I am quite comfortable around Cas, we have been best friends our whole lives. 15 years we have been an unstoppable duo. Never in my life have I felt so understood by another person, aside from my big brother Marcae, that is. Oddly enough, Casey's older brother Stannos and Marcae are mortal enemies, this makes for interesting encounters and creative ways to avoid confrontation.


I turned off the car engine and started to unbuckle my seatbelt, unaware of what I would soon encounter. Casey and I sat in the parked car for a few minutes while he tried to contact his brother to get the "all clear" to head inside. After all, we wouldn't want to walk in on him and one of his many lady friends. 'Stannos is a strange guy, unnecessarily hostile towards unfamiliar people, yet he still has girls lined up around the block just to lay eyes on him! '

'Stan is an attractive guy, with his naturally fluffy almost rust coloured hair, toned swimmer's muscles, and a smile that perfectly complements his glossy brown eyes surrounded by flecks and freckles.' Don't misunderstand, I think Stan is an absolute douche, but he is an alluringly sexy douche.

'I often find myself wondering if Stan and Cas are truly brothers, aside from their devilishly good looks, they are opposites! Cas has a kindness that radiates off of him wherever he goes, while Stan intimidates everyone he comes across. I can understand why Marc hates him. I do however try my best to tolerate Stan and his tomfoolery, as not to jeopardize my friendship with Cas.'

"Hey! Sar! Snap out of it!" Cas playfully teased. "I don't think my brother is home, we can head inside now!" He noted with a grin. "Oh! Sorry I spaced! Yeah, let's go on in then." I replied with a smile, grabbing my things from the trunk and walking down the cobblestone path towards the quaint family home. Neither Cas nor I could have predicted what we saw when we stepped through that door...