Army Base.

( Yuuki's POV )

Upon arriving at the military base, the two soldiers who were guarding the entrance immediately greeted us, pointing their pistols at us, Rika's partner got off to talk to them and after they confirmed his identity, he entered the base while we waited outside for twenty minutes.

Yuuki: Is it okay, you not going with him?

Rika: It's not, but I already made it clear to him that I wasn't going to return to the army.

Rika stayed with us waiting and while I was resting my chin on the steering wheel I tried to chat with Rika to distract myself from my slight annoyance, I'm a pretty patient person but these guys were looking down on me too much.

Rika: by the way, you modified my Jeep, right?

Yuuki: oh yeah, this baby is better than ever for exampl-

As we spoke the soldiers finally opened the gates of the base and signaled for us to enter, Once inside, Rika's partner took her to speak with her superior while the rest of us were taken with other survivors that the army had rescued.

But they were fewer than the ones we had rescued on the first day of the apocalypse and their mood was not good either, well it was obvious that they weren't being mistreated but they didn't feel safe here either.

Kaie: Yuuki what do we do now?

Yuuki: let's talk to these people, I think many of them will be interested in moving to our camp.


When the sun went down Rika finally came back and we gathered behind the tents that were set up for the survivors, there Rika told us everything that her superior had asked her, Rika's partner had reported to them about the state of our camp and Rika was called to confirm that everything was true.

It was obvious that this was going to happen so I had told Rika before that she did not have to hide information on our behalf, what they decide will seal the type of relationship that we will have.

Rika asked if her superior was in contact with some other base or if he was receiving orders from the higher authorities of the government but he refused to answer, It seems that my suspicions were correct and the chain of command of the army had disappeared.

Rika: I also told him that you were one of the leaders of the camp and he just smiled.

Yuuki: *sigh* that guy doesn't know who he's messing with.

Yuuki: At least it looks like he won't make a move today, I'm going to talk to the other girls and tomorrow we'll head back to our camp.

It was getting late and although the zombies were no problem with our Wanzers as escort, the Megalos were much more active at night and we are in no hurry to return.


( Akitsu's POV )

After Yuuki decided to stay here for the day we retreated to the survivor tents that were divided by gender, I wanted to sleep next to Yuki to protect him like every day but he refused saying that we should follow the rules of the base and not antagonize them, at least for now.

I was lying there pretending to be asleep and not just because the beds were uncomfortable, Yuuki doesn't trust the people in this base and I need to be ready for anything.

???: are we really going to do this? we are protecting them, they all owe us at least this.

I heard some whispers outside the store and then a couple of soldiers entered the store, careful not to make too much noise, but it was easy for us Sekireis to hear them.

Kaie: [ this isn't good. ]

Kaie was also awake and when the soldiers who entered stood in front of Shizuka's bed she sent me a mental message, We prepared to attack but before they could make a move Yuuki appeared behind them and used his kaguns to cover their mouths and throw them to the ground.

His anger was visible in his eyes and we could hear how some of his bones broke under the pressure of his kagunes, As Yuuki was about to teleport I jumped into his arms, and in a moment we were transported close to our Wanzers who were on standby, Stella jumped off one of the wanzers and we all watched as Yuuki threw the soldiers against one of the legs of Stella's wanzer.

Stella: hey~ be careful not to dirty my ride.

Yuuki: I can't promise anything, listen idiots for what you tried to do you can consider yourself already dead so don't bother complaining, now if you answer all my questions honestly your deaths will be painless.

Yuuki uncovered the mouth of one of the soldiers but we immediately understood that he was not going to cooperate.

Soldier 1: stupid kid, you think you can get away wi-urghh.

The first soldier showed no remorse and tried to act tough so Yuuki broke his nose with a punch to shut him up, he followed up with a blow that broke his teeth.

Yuuki raised his fist a third time with so much more power that it would certainly have killed the soldier but I grabbed his arm before it could connect, For what he tried to do to one of our sisters, I am sure that no one in our family would spare this guy's life, but Yuuki doesn't have to carry all of that all the time.

Yuuki turned around and looked me straight in the eyes, I'm not good at expressing myself but since my ashikabi Yuuki understood me perfectly, he took a few steps back and let us take care of the interrogation.

The soldier that Yuuki hit had his face disfigured and he was having trouble breathing so Stella shot him in the head, si sus superiores the second soldier behaved much more cooperative than his partner and he answered all the questions that Stella asked him, like, if this was the first time they did something like this, if their superior have an idea of what they were doing or what the daily operations of their base were.

When we got all the information he had, I pierce his head with an icicle and Yuuki was in charge of getting rid of the bodies and then he teleported the other girls in our group and we spent the night outside the military base.