Growing Kingdom.

( Yuuki's POV )

When the rest of my Sekireis came for the inauguration of our kingdom, they reported to me that a third of the country was cleared of zombies, The girls were doing a good job so they took a couple of days to rest before returning but this time Joyce and Mamako stayed with us to open a cafe Endou in our kingdom.

A couple of days after the girls returned to the W2A world we received an interesting visit, Tsubaki the kunoichi with a sexy outfit requested an audience, I received her in the throne room with Yumina and Yae by my side, the girls decided two of them would be chosen at random to sit next to me each day and they were the ones today.

Yuuki: Tsubaki, a pleasure to see you again, what is the reason for your visit?

Tsubaki: well, the news of your coronation reached us and I came here hoping to serve you.

Yuuki: serve me? Why? Did something happen with the Takeda?

Tsubaki: The Takeda no longer exist.

Tsubaki went on to tell me that although I took care of a crazed power-hungry leader, the next guy in line wasn't much better than him, The new lord neglected the people, imposed unfair taxes, and generally did whatever he wanted, he did not listen to reason from anyone and in the end the Takeda dissolved.

Well, his loss is my gain, in a moment, the population of my kingdom grew by more than sixty and counting the entire royal family the population exceeded one hundred, Masanobu, the former lord of Tsubaki, immediately began to make himself useful by helping with the urban development of the kingdom, roads, houses, all that stuff, Everything he planned seemed good to me so I left him in charge of that while I flew to the outskirts of the kingdom, I wanted to put a couple more floating islands in the sky.

I moved a little away from the kingdom, to the point where the borders of the kingdoms of Belfast, Mismide, and Regulus met, where I found another good mountain and I started to move in its direction but out of nowhere a pillar of fire appeared below me and hit me in the stomach causing good damage Since I came to this world that was the strongest attack I have ever experienced.

I looked around quickly but there was no one nearby, with my vision increased I extended my search range, until I finally located my attacker, On the distant mountain I saw a mysterious woman, I flew towards her and the closer I got, the more pillars of fire appeared but I was able to avoid them all.

When her attacks proved ineffective the girl stopped her assault but only for a moment, A huge amount of blue flames came out from his back and it took the shape of the upper body of a giant with a metal bull head, That thing raised its hand and created a massive fireball that it threw in my direction, I responded with a similar attack.

Two giant fireballs exploded in the sky, I went through the explosion and stood in front of the tower both the girl and the half-giant, the girl did not back down, which was impressive but what surprised me the most was her appearance, she was a tall girl with tanned skin and shoulder-long silvery blonde hair, She was wearing a revealing schoolgirl uniform, basically she was a gyaru, obviously someone who does not belong to this world.

Gyaru: get out of here lizard! Before I make you.

The giant swung at me but I stopped it with one hand, judging by what she said she didn't know who I was when she attacked me, she just wanted to get me away from this mountain for some reason.

Yuuki: [no, can't do, I have business with you.]

Gyaru: you can speak.

I undid my transformation and extended my hand towards her, not like the other reincarnated ones I've encountered, she hasn't done anything wrong, I think.

Yuuki: The name is Yuuki, I am the same as you, if you get what I say.

The girl was surprised to see my transformation but she prepared to fight again upon hearing what I said, a common response, I didn't take it the wrong way.

Yuuki: I already told you, I want to talk, I assure you that a fight with me will not end well for you.

Gyaru: ...Have you met more like us?

Yuuki: With you, will be three, and I know of another one in a different world.

Gyaru: ...And what happened at those times?

Yuuki: The one who brought you back to life should have told you that we are not exactly allies.

Gyaru: yeah, something like that.

Yuuki: well, what they have told you is not the truth, not the complete one at least, I would love to talk more about that if you want.

Gyaru: ...very good, follow me, my name is Ranko.

Yuuki: old name or new name.

Ranko: new life, new name.


The girl, Ranko, walked to the entrance of a cave hidden by a large rock, the interior of the cave was spacious but the place was empty.

Yuuki: You don't live here, do you?

Ranko: rude, I wanted to create a secret base here.

Yuuki: Not much of a secret base now.

We sat on some rocks and I told her what I knew about other reincarnated people, I was the ultimate goal of all of them and because of that and personal ambitions they would need power, and the quickest way to get it is to go for other reincarnated ones, meaning that she was in as much danger as me but this girl was reasonable enough to form an alliance.

I showed her the marble I had gotten from defeating my first reincarnate in that death game, of course, she didn't know what it was and she looked at me confused.

Ranko: what's that?

Yuuki: this is what gives you your powers, this is inside you, and I need it.

Ranko: ...And how do you plan to obtain it?

Once again the girl got defensive but I stayed calm and even put on a small smile.