CH.228: Chief Mendez.

( Yuuki's POV )

Luis had his "plan", so he started walking away, but Leon called him once more.

Leon: Wait, why are you helping us?

Luis: Because it makes me feel better.

His words were like a confession of guilt about what had happened in this village, he didn't seem like a bad guy to me, and it's not like I care much about someone's past, so that wasn't a big deal for me.

Ashley: No, I don't want to become one of those things.

Leon: You won't end up like that.

Even though a solution for the parasite was within reach, Ashley couldn't help but fall into a bit of despair, her normal reaction reminded me how I and everyone around me can easily adapt.

Yuuki: the bingo enjoyer is right, I can remove the parasite right now.

I stood in front of Ashley who looked at me confused, so I gave her an innocent smile to appease her and gestured for her to crouch down.

Yuuki: Don't move, I might hurt you by accident.

Ashley: eh? Arg.

Without the smile leaving my face, I buried my hand in Ashley's chest in the place where I had seen Luis' wound, of course, that wasn't an attack, I just made my hand intangible, to extract the parasite, but for Leon, it seemed like something else entirely, he moved to grab me but at that instant, Mythra appeared behind him, and twisted his hand behind his back.

Mythra: Please do not interfere with my master.

I quickly found the parasite latching onto Ashley's organs, I yanked it out, which caused her some pain, but at the same time, I healed her internal wounds with magic.

When I pulled my hand away, I had the parasite in my palm, It was still alive and struggling, but before it could escape my grip, I crushed it, Ashley touched the spot where I put my hand, and she was in disbelief that her clothes hadn't even wrinkled.

Yuuki: What did I tell you, easy.

Ashley: How did you do that?

Yuuki: the less you know about me the better.

When I extracted the parasite from Ashley, Leon was contacted by a colleague and she told him that the extraction of the two of them would not be possible due to the bad weather then he said he would look for a safe place to wait for extraction, although I don't think there are many of those in this village.


Leon and Ashley walked in the same direction as Luis, and since our next destination was also the castle, we walked behind them, Leon was quite wary of us but didn't object to the support we provided.

Ashley wasn't that careful, she looked back at me repeatedly, and it was apparent that she wanted to ask me questions.

Yuuki: If it's nothing personal, I'll answer your questions.

Ashley: umm? If you could remove the parasite, why did you let Luis go alone?

Yuuki: Same as you, he will be safer if he doesn't know much about me, there's another friend of mine who's watching him, so he'll be fine.

Leon: Do you have a way to escape from here?

Yuuki: In a way, but our "escape" couldn't take you guys anywhere close to home, if that's what you're asking.

Leon: How many of you are here? Who are you?

Yuuki: There are only five of us here, and you can describe us as a secret organization, if I tell you more, it won't be so secret anymore.

Leon: What kind of organization uses children for their operations?

Yuuki: You should have figured out by now that I'm not a normal "child" and Erica came here without permission, so that's not exactly accurate.

Erica: Hey, soon I'll be doing this kind of missions, this is training.

Leon: And what is your mission here?

Yuuki: Well, besides the kidnappers-

Leon: los iluminados, that's what they call themselves.

Yuuki: Thank you, apart from los iluminados, there is another dangerous group trying to achieve something, our objective is to stop that.

Leon: uhm Just what I needed.

Yuuki: You tell me, this was supposed to be a quick exploration.

Along our way, we came across more infected villagers and a couple of crazy women with chainsaws, all the enemies we encountered made me think that Luis took some kind of secret path to the castle, it would have been nice if he had shown us the way.

Mythra: Master, behind us.

Yuuki: Yes, I already noticed.

I could feel someone slowly making their way towards us, and that was no simple villager, that was one of the big three, the village chief, Mendez, The girls and I stopped and turned around, and the other two were confused at our sudden stop.

Ashley: What's wrong?

Yuuki: One of the top dogs is approaching, you should go ahead, and we will cover you.

Ashley: But-

Yuuki: You guys have your mission, right? Don't stop for us.

I gave Leon a quick glance, and he gave me a nod, then he grabbed Ashley and continued on their way, and when they were out of sight, I pulled out my bony tails.

Erica: hey Are those tails an alien thing?

Yuuki: No, this is an artificial organ.

I raised my gun, and within seconds, a massive man in a black jacket and hat appeared in front of us, he was muttering some religious things.

' so they are that kind of cult '

Without waiting for him to approach, I fired a few bullets at his head, but he only flinched a little, and then Shera shot an arrow at the giant man's shoulder.

Méndez: argh Almighty, give me the power to cleanse these evil souls.

Yuuki: I'll pass on that.

I used my tails to propel myself and in the air, I activated [Boost] x5 to send out a powerful kick, that was much more than the tall man was expecting and even though he put his hand out to stop me he couldn't do it, When my kick made contact his hand was pushed against the side of his head and he was pushed a good few feet back.