Jae-sang and Jae-hwa

*bell rings

There was still one more class for it to end. I texted Tae oppa.

"Oppa, meet me at the coffee shop near the college." I texted.

"Ok." I got an immediate reply.

*time skip

Finally. All our classes got over.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Sure." He said and we both walked.

"I texted oppa to come to this coffee shop. So we gotta wait." I said.

"Ok. What would you like to have?" He asked.

"Chocolate shake. And one hot chocolate for Tae oppa." I said. He nodded and went to buy.

I saw Tae oppa enter the cafe.

"Oppa." I called out to him.

He sat opposite to me and asked,

"How are you doing? Good?" He asked as soon as he sat down.

"Oppa, relax. I'm alright now. I just couldn't believe she changed within two days. It was a bit heartbreaking. But I got over it cause she might understand me one day and I hope so." I said.

"Got your orders." Jungkook said and sat beside me.

"What are you doing here?" Oppa asked.

"Oppa, meet my new friend, Jungkook." I said.

"And since when?" He asked.

"Today lunch break." I said and laughed.

"You naughty girl." He said and pulled my ear.

"Ahhh!! Sorry oppa. I won't do it again." I said. He left my ear and I held it.

"Ok. I have some work with Jimin so I'll be back home by 7.00. You, new friend, bring her home safely." He said.

"Yes sir. I'll drop her safely at home." Jungkook said and Tae oppa left.

We chatted for sometime about each other and college life.

It was almost 5.30.

"Shall we head home?" He asked.

"Ok." I said and we left the cafe and walked.

"The weather's quiet nice." I said.

"Yeah. Calm and beautiful." He said.

"Have you ever come to my house before?" I asked.

"Long back ago I guess. I don't remember." He said.

"I would like to invite you to my home one day." I said.

He smiled. That smile never left his lips.

"Any happy news?" I asked.

"No, why?"

"Cause that smile of yours never left your lips."

"Yes. That we're friends now, but before how we were. And how everything came to an end with a short period of time." He said.

"Yeah. I kinda feel happy being your friend than not being. I hate my self for shouting at such a good person." I said.

"Ok, that's my house. Thanks for dropping. And can I get your number?" I asked.

"Here, this is my number. See you tomorrow. Bye."

"Reach home safe. Bye." I said and went in.

I flopped on the couch and rewinded how everything went.

"I was the one who misunderstood him. But what about Mia? How do I get to tell her what exactly happened?" I asked myself.

I went to my room and took a shower.

I wore on my PJ's and lay down in the bed. Slowly I feel asleep.


Jungkook's POV

I dropped her at home and walked to my home.

Am I really her friend? I can't believe it. Everything's settled between us.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here?" Someone said near me.

"Hyung, why I'm here? Uh- actually- um- I came drop my friend." I said.

"Who is that friend here? Anyway, good that I met you. I need your help." Hoseok hyung said and I went with him.


Y/n's POV

I woke up by some noise by the door.

I stretched myself and got down.

Tae oppa came with Jimin. He looked drunk and kept blabbering something.

"Oppa, what happened? Why is Jimin oppa like this?" I asked worried.

"Y/n, you woke up, great. I'll tell everything later. But now, can you stay at Jimin's apartment tonight." He said.

"Ok. I'll stay there tonight." I said without asking anything.

"Thanks. Here's his key. And do you want me to drive you to his apartment?"

"No oppa, I'll go on my own." I said and went to take my homework cause I can't sit simply.

"Message me once you reach." He said.

"Ok bye." I said and walked.

Jimin oppa's house was not too far, but walkable distance. It would at least be the distance between my house and school.

I was on my way to Jimin oppa's apartment. But I stopped in front of a dessert shop.

Outside the shop, there was a small boy looking at the shop.

"Hey." I went over to him and said.

He looked scared.

"Hey, I won't do anything to you. Don't worry. What is your name?"

"Jae-sang." He said in a low voice.

"Sweet name. Come with me." I said and took him inside the shop.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

He pointed his finger towards a cupcake.

"This? How many do you want?" I asked.

He showed two with his fingers.

"Excuse me, can I have two cupcakes, two biscuit packets. And that chocolate, and a water bottle." I said to the counter guy.

He gave the things I asked and I paid for it.

I turned towards the guy and said,

"Here. Take this. And is there anyone else with you?" I asked.

He nodded his head and looked out. I turned and saw a girl.

I went out with him.

"Is this you're brother?" I asked her.

"Yes." She said. She looked about 10 years and her brother looked around 5-6 years.

"What is your name?" I asked her.

"I'm Jae-hwa." She said.

"So cute. So, where are your parents?"

"They passed away." She said.

"Where are you staying then?"

"Over there." She said pointing towards a platform.

I felt really sad for them.

"Come with me. I have a surprise for you both." I said and took them with me.

*time skip

We reached Jimin oppa's apartment.

I opened the door and brought them inside.

"So, you'll stay with me here, tonight." I said.

"Thank you unnie." They both said in unison.

"Ok. Now let's go take a shower." I kept the cake and snacks I bought at the kitchen and took them to the washroom.

"Shower and come, I'll get dress for each of you." I switched on the shower and opened oppa's closet to see if he had anything.

*after sometime

They came out of the shower and I handed them oppa's t-shirt and few small dresses which fit them.

"Now, let's eat." I said as they sat on the couch.

I went to the kitchen and brought them snacks. I switched on the TV and they watched it.

I texted Tae oppa that I reached.

"Oppa, I reached Jimin oppa's apartment. If anything call me."

He texted me immediately.

"Y/n, actually can you stay there for few more days. I'll pack few of your things and I'll drop it over there."

"I'll stay here. But I, myself will get my things oppa. Don't stress yourself over me."

"Ok. Sleep tight."

"You too. Bye."

I hope he's fine. I should at least know what's going on, but I don't want Tae oppa to stress out. Let them tell when they want.

"Unnie, I'm hungry." Jae-sang said.

"I'll make some food. But first, I've something to tell you both." I sat next to them and continued,

"You'll be staying with me, from now on." I said.

They hugged me tightly.

"Thank you unnie." They said.

"Now, I'll go make some food." I said and went to the kitchen and made some ramen.

*time skip

We finished eating and were watching TV.

"It's bed time. Let's go sleep." I took them to the bed.

"You both sleep here."

"Unnie, will you sleep with us?" Jae-hwa asked.

"I have some work, so I'll join you later. And tomorrow, is Friday, and I'm going to college. So you both will be at home, I'll make food and leave. Day after tomorrow, I'll be at home and we'll play." I said.

"Ok unnie." She said and they both slept.

I sat on the couch and thought what might have happened to Jimin oppa.

I put a list of what I shall make tomorrow for them. They must crave for something.

I set an alarm for 5.00 in the morning to wake up and do all this.

"Unnie." I heard Jae-sang.

"Jae-sang, what happened?" I asked him softly.

"Unnie, can I sleep with you. I can't sleep." He said.

"Ok, I'll come." I said and went with him to the bed and slept with them.

He held my hand and slept. I fell asleep with them.

*time skip

The alarm beeped. I silently woke up and brushed my teeth.

I went to kitchen, started cutting some veggies and cooked food for them and kept it in the fridge.

I left a note on the fridge. I drew a bowl with food and an arrow mark to show the food was inside.

I took my bag pack and drove to my home.

I reached home and went inside. I rang the bell, but no one came. I had a spare key, so I opened it and went to my room.

As I entered my room, there was a small box, with my name written on it and it was from Tae oppa.

I packed all my things, and headed down. I had Tae oppa's gift in my hand.

I drank some water and sat on the couch and looked at the gift.

Why suddenly, he would've kept gift?

I opened it and saw a letter which said.....

To be continued...