The bet

*next day

I got up and refreshed myself. I took the list I wrote yesterday and went out.

To my surprise, I saw jungkook all ready and seated on the couch.

"You're all ready." I said as I came down.

"Didn't you sleep all night?"

"N-no. I slept well."

"Then why are do you have bags under your eyes?" I asked.

"Umm... well yes. I didn't sleep last night. I was looking for the address of the colleges, so..." I cut him.

"Are you out of your mind. Who the hell cares where the college is. We could've looked it on the way. You're really not worrying about yourself. What if something happens to you?" I said worried.

"I'm sorry." His voice was tired.

"It's ok. But now, go take some rest. Then only we're leaving. And we're not going to the colleges today. I'll find some other day for it."

He nodded and walked towards me. His breathing was heavy.

He suddenly fell on my shoulder.

"Kookie? Kookie?" I called him, he didn't respond.

I felt his whole body on me.


He fainted. He was really difficult to carry. I dragged him and somehow put him in my aunt's bed cause it was down.

I set him straight. I sprinkled some water and I was a bit relieved as he showed a reaction to it.

"Kookie?" I called.

His eyelids were half open.

"I'll get some food for you." I went to the kitchen and made some porridge for him.

I came back within few minutes. I made him sit straight and kept a pillow at his back.

"Don't stress yourself. Relax." He said in a low voice.

"Eat." I said and held the spoon with porridge near his mouth.

He opened his mouth and I fed him.

He became a bit refreshed after eating.

"Drink some water." I fed him.

"Now, take some rest. Now you know what happens when you don't sleep." I said and he smiled.

I got up but he held my hand.

"Y/n, stay here, please."

I sat beside him with a pillow. He shifted his head onto my lap. He held my hand, near his chest and hugged it.

I caressed his head with my free hand.

My heart started beating fast. Something was happening. My mind said something and my heart said something.

No, just forget it.

I rested my hands near his head.

Simply sitting, I also feel asleep.


Jungkook's POV

The moment I woke up, I saw myself in a bedroom.

All my thoughts were, how did she manage to bring me here.

She was really worried. She immediately went and made some porridge for me.

I felt weak. For the first time in my life, I've felt weaker.

She helped me sit up. She fed me. She cared for me.

She was about to leave when I held her said her to stay.

My mother also wouldn't have cared this much for me. I used to have some people do it. But my mom came only few times, and the rest of the time it was some worker.

I lay on her lap and held her hand tight and hugged it. She caressed me hair. I smiled and slept.

I imagined how it would be to sleep on my Mother's lap.

I fell asleep soon.

*time skip

I felt a bit strong. I got up and looked around.

Y/n was fast asleep. I put her in the bed properly, and covered her with a Blanket. She slept like a baby.

I refreshed myself and went out, listening to some music and making lunch.

*after sometime

I finished everything and set it all on the table.

Y/n hasn't woke up yet.

I went to check on her.

She was still asleep. I went over to her and woke her up.


She half opened her eyes and said,

"Two more minutes please!" And slept again.

I sat by the bed and woke her up again.

She got up and hugged me, with her eyes closed.

"Tae oppa, please! I'll go after two minutes. We're gonna do nothing going early." She slept on me.

My heart started beating fast. She was hugging me and resting her head on my chest.

I didn't feel like saying anything. I wanted to stay like this. Nothing came out of my mouth.

I came back to my sense and tapped her.

"Tae oppa!!" She whined.

"I-I'm Jungkook." Finally I said something.

She broke the hug and looked at me.

"Sorry." She said tubbing her eyes.

"How long was I asleep?"

"More than two hours, I guess."

"Ok, get ready. We have to go to the venue." She said and went to refresh.

I went to change and waited for her to come.


Y/n's POV

I went to my room and realised what I just did.

Was I hugging him and sleeping?

There's really gotta be something. I'll see it soon.

I refreshed and wore a black, crop top with jeans and sneakers.

I headed down and saw jungkook ready and fresh.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Yeah. Let's eat." He said and headed to the table.

"You cooked? When?"

"While you were sleeping. Come fast or we'll get late." I sat with him and we started eating.

We finished eating and moved to the venue.

*at the venue

I was helping them decorate the walls and Jungkook was at the front, looking after the font and designs for the cut-out board.

A random guy approached me and asked,

"Are you Y/n?"


"I'm Jung hyun's friend, Mark. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Is there anything I can do?"

"Actually, if you're free tonight, how about we go on a date?" He asked.

"Actually, I'm sorry, you're too late. I'm taken." I said.

"But Jung hyung said you're single. I've never seen you with anyone."

"You see, we're keeping it as a secret from others."

"So who's this person?"

"You see that guy at the front? He and I are. And it's already been a year or so." I said pointing at jungkook.

"He's Jung hyun's brother right?"

I nodded my head.

"I've never seen you guys together."

"Are you deaf? I said we were keeping it as a secret. We don't show it out but at home, only that."

"You both stay together?"


I continued.

"Maybe Jung hyun oppa played on you."

He left off in anger.

He stopped by Jungkook and asked him something.

As he left Jungkook came over to me.


Jungkook's POV

I was busy choosing the font.

"Kook!" I heard a familiar voice. I saw Mark hyung.

"Hyung, what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to know few things."

I was listening to him carefully.

"Do you stay with Y/n?"

"How do you know her?"

"Just answer. Yes or no?"

"Yeah, i do."

"Does her family know?"

"She has a brother only and yes he was the one who said me to."

"Does your brother know?"

"Yeah. Everyone in my family knows. Hyung is anything wrong with you?"

"No. You have such a nice family and girlfriend." He said and left.

I just rewinded what he said. Did he say 'girlfriend'? I do t have a girl friend... wait!

I excused myself to the worker and went over to y/n.


Y/n's POV

"What was that?" He asked.

"What was what?"

"What did you tell Mark hyung?"

"Nothing." I said continuing my work.

"Tell me in detail of what you want to know."

"What did Mark hyung tell you?"

I stopped my work, faced him and said,

"He asked me out."

"What did you say?"

"I said I like someone else."

"Who's that someone else?"

"Umm.... y-you?" I said looking confused.

"Why did you?"

"What the hell do you think I should do? Some random guy comes over and asks me out, how do you expect me to react? Say yes to him without knowing about him? Relationship aside now. And I just want you to be my fake boyfriend. If you want I'll also do the same as a returning thing." I said.

"About your help, yeah I'd need that. But what if he says to my brother?"

"Let him. If we are true to ourselves and know what we're doing and know it's right, why should we care about what others say?"

He smiled. I smiled.

I continued my work. He was standing there.

"What are you doing here? Go do your work." I said.

"No, just wondering you're really happy for my brother's wedding. How would you be for your brother's wedding? Jumping up and down and running, that's what I assume."

"I won't do that. I'd be like The Flash. Rushing here and there. Basically flying. So don't imagine how I'll be then. I'll be terrible, that's all I can say."

He laughed.

"I'm sure it's gonna be Jenny." I said.

"How sure are you?"

"I know I don't know her yet. You remember, that day while he was reading some text, I'm sure it would be her. He looked so happy. That was the first time I've ever seen him happy. He's been on my happiness all the time. But now it's different. I'm actually happy for him."

"Let's keep a bet." He said.

"For what?"

"Tae hyung is gonna propose Jenny soon." He said.

"No way. That's not gonna happen."

"What if it does?"

"What if either of us win?"

"Spend an entire day on the other's expense."

"That's so amazing. I'm so into this bet. So if I win, I get to spend the entire day on your expense?"

"Yes and the same goes to me. Let's just wait and watch."

"Now, did you choose the font?"

"Ani." He said like a kid.

"Go do that first." I said pushing him and continued my work.

* time skip

Finally half of the work was over.

Me and Jungkook sat down and took some breath in.

"Can you believe, hyung is gonna get married in two days."

"Yeah. Even I can't believe that Unnie's gonna get pregnant and you're gonna become an uncle soon. So better get ready to do your job as an uncle to your brother's son/daughter." I made fun of him.

"Stop!" He said feeling shy.

"I'm saying the truth. It's gonna happen one day."

"Shall we take a leave then?" I nodded and we left.

On our way,

"Hey, how about we go meet Chun and cho?" I asked.

"Yeah let's go. It's been so long."

He said and drove to their home.

To be continued.....