The Beginning

(Third Person POV)

One sunny afternoon, without a cloud in the sky, was a woman going through labor. She was undeniably a woman of great beauty, with long silver hair, white skin, sky blue eyes, and a body with a nice figure. She was in an one of the many expansive room within a mansion of extreme luxury, there was state-of-the-art medical devices spread throughout the room. Surrounded by a team of nurses the soon-to-be mother of two was in some of the safest hands throughout the entire world.

Miyuki was clenching the bedsheets while screaming her lungs out, so it was fairly obvious that she was in pain. She had thought that childbirth would hurt less the second time around, it didn't, at least it felt just as excruciating as the first time she had gone through it.

Gripping her small dress, Suzuki was pacing up and down the hall right outside the operating room, worried out of her mind, not knowing if her mother was okay or not. At 45.5 in or 115.5 cm, Suzuki was tall for a child at 5 years old as , she had pale blue hair flowing just past her shoulders, eyes the color of gold, and a cute face that also showed her strong will within her small frame. Suzuki had found out a few weeks ago that the child was going to be a girl, but she hoped that the child had the pale blue hair of father, not the silver hair of mother.

(Suzuki POV)

'I hope mama is okay, I hope she stops screaming soon, all I hear is her screaming. C'mon, c'mon please hurry, I want mama to be okay!' I chanted while pacing outside the door. 'Ah, mama stopped screaming, it's a wonder how mama was screaming for so long. Wait, WAIT, she stopped!'

(Third Person POV)

Running up to the door, Suzuki started pounding on the door to be let into the room.

"Mama can I come in?" yelled Suzuki, practically bursting due to impatience.

"Yes, you may come in, the Madam has given birth to a baby girl." Responded one of the Nurses who was standing by the door, while letting the young child into the room.

Running up to her mother, Suzuki saw that the child had silver hair was slightly saddened, but saw that the child had golden eyes just like her.

"To bad she didn't have pale blue hair like me and papa, but at least she has golden eyes like us." Suzuki remarked while looking at the baby in Miyuki's arms.

"Ah it's not quite that Suzu dear, I don't know if you can see it from your angle, but she actually has one sky blue eye from me, and one golden eye from papa." Miyuki said while gently cradling her new child.

"Ohhhh, she really has one eye of each color!" exclaimed Suzuki once she got a better look at her new little sister. "Mama! What's her name? And do you think that papa's going to be sad when he sees that she looks more like you than him?"

"Calm down Suzu, she isn't going to go anywhere," replied Miyuki, happy that her oldest child cared for the new member in the family, "Her name is going to be Erina, so treat her nicely okay? And I don't know, Garret will probably be very happy, because he doesn't really care what Erina looks like, just that she is born safely."

"Do you know when papa will come back from work mama?" Asked Suzuki while poking the cheeks of her new little sister Erina, "Ohhhhh, the cheeks are very soft and squishy mama! Have you felt them yet?"

"You're right Suzu, the cheeks are very soft! Also Garret will be coming back later tonight, his work at the government is really important so he couldn't come back sooner Suzu." Replied Miyuki while poking Erina's other cheek.

At this point, one of the nurses walked over to the mother daughter cheek poking team and interrupted them saying, "Excuse me Madam, if you could stop poking your childs cheeks and give her to us, we would like to run some tests to check if Erina has any health abnormalities."

Blushing from embarrasment, Miyuki quickly handed Erina over to the nurses to make sure that her new child is healthy.

After handing over Erina, Miyuki leaned over to Suzuki and whispered, "Suzu, I am actually very worried about your new little sister. When I held her I noticed that she weighed much less than when you were born."

Hearing the worry in her mother's voice, Suzuki asked, "Mama, she will be okay right?"

"Yes, Erina will be okay, we have the money, and the technology to make sure she isn't in any danger. So don't worry okay?" Comforted Miyuki wanting to sooth the worries of her oldest child.

"Okay mama, I'll make sure to protect her no matter what! I'll do my duty as older sister and be a good role model!" Exclaimed Suzuki, brimming with resolve to help her new little sister, "Even if she has no problems, I'll still protect her!" [AN: The birth of a siscon? Don't worry though it's not going to be incest.]

"What a good child, I hope you just treat Erina nicely, then mama will be happy okay?" Miyuki answered, happy with Suzuki's resolve.

Walking over to the Miyuki, one of the nurses apologized, "I am sorry Madam, but it seems that there have been some complications with Erina's medical check up, so it won't be until later tonight that the comprehensive medical check-up will be over." Saying this, the Nurse backed away to allow Miyuki and Suzuki to talk between themselves.

"Mama, mama, this is bad right?" Cried Suzuki after hearing the explanation given by the nurse.

"Don't worry Suzu, everything will be okay." Reassured Miyuki, even though she didn't know if the situation was bad or not she had to be strong for Suzuki, "Why don't you sit next to me and I'll read to a story okay?"

Anxiously waiting for the results, Suzuki spent the afternoon with Miyuki to pass the time in the company of each other.