Chapter 12-Adventures with a little Lolita

He met up with Ling Ling at the base of the building as they headed up to the rooftops.

Showing him her laptop Itachi decided to not even question how she got cameras in all the rooms of the house.

The little loli sat dangerously at the edge of the 20 story building feet hanging off the edge without a care in the world.

They had a large view over the residential district and they would be able to quickly react to anything that happened.

They kept track of the woman, husband, and kid as they watched through the house. The woman took a shower, so Ling Ling turned the screen dark after waiting 20 minutes the sound of the water running was still present as she took a rather long bath.

"You might want to check on the woman" Itachi said as he turned away. Hearing her gasp he turned around as she viewed the scene of a bunch of human skin without any blood sitting on the floor like a snake shedded its skin.

"Hmm it really is that thing. it seems to come out at night only" Ling Ling muttered to herself as she looked for it. "Go get it, I will keep watch over things here and make sure the child is ok.

I will update you through the earpiece." Deciding to show off a bit he backflipped off the roof much to the shock of the brown haired girl as he swiftly fell towards the ground enjoying the feeling of freefall.

Nearing the ground he quickly deacreased the gravity around him as he lightly touched down greatly confusing the young girl since the gravity magic has no signs of activation and she would never guess it since the number of users in china is only in the 2 digits.

"Was that the wind element to deacrease his fall?" She muttered to herself confused how he touched down so lightly. She had figured out he had the fire element and the summon element shocking her when she discovered with a bit of snooping that he had a dragon like creature that should be somewhere around a strong warrion rank beast.

"I will discover your secrets" she thought determined as there was never anything she couldn't find out. Itchi hurriedly ran across the grounds as he received instructions to ask the administration for females 20 and below also a mage living in the area. After showing his Clearsky badge he received instructions that their were 6 households with those requirements.

"which one is the closest to our surveillance?" asked Ling Ling.

"Golden Jade Pavilion, 18th floor, room 102. There are three young ladies from Pearl Institution that reside here. By the way, they often make noise at night and someone has filed complaints on them once or twice already."

"Then it has gotta be them. The 18th floor of Golden Jade Pavillion can be seen from the bedroom of that lady. I reckon that the three young ladies were targeted quite some time ago," said Ling Ling.

Running upstairs Itachi knocked on the door revealing three flirtacious college girls who upon seeing Itachi instantly had a few ideas.

"Hey handsome, even if you wanted to meet us so bad coming to our room is a bit forward" she said seductively curling her lip at Itachi.

Having no time Itachi only flashed out his badge shouting "Move" as he charged into the room doing a quick survey. Sure enough he heard a scream as a the demoness monster appeared at the end of a hallway right behind one of the females.

Upon seeing him, it turned and fled jumping out the window followed by the quickly chasing Itachi.

As he was in freefall he heard Ling Ling panicking a bit in his ear. "Her husband…her husband is also shedding!" Lingling's voice seemed to contain some fear. As the father was near the young boy who they needed to protect."

Letting the demoness go he quickly activated wind track as he darted into the home coming across the sheding husband as he stood threateningly near the kid. Suddenly Ling Ling's frantic shouting rang in his ear "The Demoness is Behind You!!" sensing movement behind him Itachi threw a full powered flame burst with his spirit seed activated hitting the monster with a staggering blow that slammed it through a couple walls as Itachi lowered the heat as to not completely incinerate it.

Turning back to the Husband he threw a incinerate flame ball covering the his body with an intense heat.

Ling Ling shocked at seeing his blue flame along with the easy way he dealt with them quickly ran down meeting him in the room. Both people returned to normal shedding off the monster skin confirming her hypothesis.

"They were infected by a parasite" she said watching them awaken with the man gasping for help

They called an ambulance and Ling Ling also called the city hunters squad to take care of the small matters as the mission was pretty much considered complete.

Returning home, he could feel Kayda's energy surging greatly as she seemed to be undergoing some kind of breakthrough most likely into the childhood stage.

With Kayda being asleep he had no idea when she would wake up as a dragon undergoing a breakthrough in development stages was no small matter. If he had to guess, he thought she would at least be a strong ranked commander or even evolving rank commander. By the time she woke up knowing how strong her potential was.

Soon he got a call from Ling Ling "Come here I managed to make a tracker with the demoness flesh and I should be able to locate if there are any more nearby since others might be infected". Making his way over he sat down next to Ling Ling on the university bench.

Opening her laptop she inserted the flashdrive as a white dot showed their location.

Suddenly the entire map filled with red dots as Itachi sighed a bit 'I guess it happened after all he thought' Ling Ling instantly turned serious"Somehow the whole school has been infected." they watched all the dots move towards one location as Ling Ling turned confused "where is everyone going?" she said confused

"There is a concert at the university and everyone is going to that. I need you to contact the hunter agency and block off the building to prevent others getting infected. I going to go in to help kill the parasites.

Whispering Ling Ling frightingly said "Night has come" Nodding Itachi patted Ling Ling's head "Stay here and stay safe" before quickly making his way over into the building

Walking into the darkly lit building he could faintly hear the loud concert going on full blast unaware of the potential danger lurking on the horizon.

Entering the building, Itachi was instantly put on alert as he saw a yellow demoness on the ceiling followed by Ling Lings hurried voice "there is a red dot right on you!" Seeing the beast lunge at him he simply grabbed it by its through before sending a weak fire to kill off the parasite.

The skin shed off revealing a pretty girl as Itachi pulled a blanked from his pocket dimension to cover the girl. She weakly opened her eyes "Water" she croacked her dry cracked lips bleeding as she seemed to be very dehydrated.

Itachi slowly trickled water down her throat as she recovered calling Ling Ling to come help this girl. Picking her up he set her down outside waiting a moment for Ling Ling to show up.

Wait here, I'll call people to take you to the hospital." He reassured the girl who was slowly recovering.

"Don't…don't go…" The girl looked at Itachi with her eyes turning red. Her body was still shivering non stop, she was still extremely scared. Wrapping the blanket around her tighter, Itachi Spotted Ling Ling in the distance before he headed back in the building.

He ran over the area guided by Ling Ling as he killed off as many parastites as he could. On down the road, He ran into a mid tier light and earth mage called Zhao Manyan who was quite useful as his light magic purified them without causing many burns like Itachi.

Itachi quickly filled the defensive mage in with all the details how many young girls were infected by a parasite monster and the concert was currently being surrounded by magic association officials to prevent the spread.

Outside many officials gathered as Ling Ling stood together with captain of the City Hunter squad Liang Yujie. One of the captains subordinates walked up before starting to speak.

"I have gone through it. This type of demon is called the Scale Skin Phantom. Generally speaking, the Scale Skin Phantom does not possess the ability to infect through blood. I believe the Scale Skin Phantom that we're dealing with right now is a variant; it has evolved into a creature that we have not encountered before." A handsome man in a leather jacket stood underneath the colossal sky-colored Beast, speaking to the Liang Yunjie above respectfully.

"At this moment, we are unable to count how many Scale Skin Phantoms are in there. Furthermore, from the information that I've received, this kind of Magical Beast will commit collective suicide if it thinks it will die.

This kind of collective suicide method is actually a way for them to transfer their energy to the Mother Scale Skin Phantom. Additionally, after they've committed collective suicide, the person being taken advantage of will have their entire life force drained, and die!" the man with the leather jacket informed everyone.

"So basically, we cannot inadvertently alert the enemy?" the commander on the large beast asked for clarity.

"Yes. At the very least, we cannot let the Mother Scale Skin Phantom know that we're undertaking a large scale operation. Otherwise, the people whom the parasites are attached to will immediately be abandoned by it."

Ling Ling walked forward holding her laptop for everyone to see "While there is no definitative pattern, all the parasites seem to be visiting this room at some point and I think thats where the mother may be. It's the hydraulic life room where the idol would go before being pushed through the ceiling

onto the stage" she said

"Hmm you said that your partner is inside the building? We can't alarm the beast with outside forces since we are pretty much in a hostage situation. If he is strong enough I would suggest having him sneak in and take her out."

Deciding that would be the best course of action Ling Ling contacted Itachi informing him of the current situation as a large group of hunters were surrounding the buildling and they couldn't come in because they feared they would give her time to force everyone to kill themselves.

Itachi told Zhao Manyan to stay behind as he quickly made their way over while Ling Ling informed them how all the red dots were moving towards the center. Not too long ago, the red dots were wandering around the entire gymnasium, looking for their objectives.

However, now, they were all gathered in the very center.Their intentions were far too obvious. If the people who came here to listen to the performance were drained and infected, then the Mother Scale Skin Phantom's strength could very possibly reach the Commander level.

At that time, it would be very difficult to kill the Mother Beast. Furthermore, the four thousand-plus people in the arena would be held hostage by it while it created an unprecedented horror!

Arriving in front of the room he saw the conversation going between the cute idol Cucu and the technician controling the lift. "Auntie, you can let me down. I am ready!" She opened her eyes as she spoke to the technician auntie who was in control of the lift.

"Don't be nervous!" the technician auntie said as she chuckled.

"I am fine."

"Oh, what I meant is that you don't have to be nervous over anything. Because today, I am the main character here." The technician auntie who appeared to be somewhat benevolent suddenly displayed a strange smile.

She smiled while she sized up the girl's body. It looked like her mouth could open impossibly wide, and her sharp teeth were stained with brown blood.

Activating the lever for the stage to rise she jumpted up as her previously human looking appearance changed to dark green scaled grotesque appearance as her rubber like arms extended out covered in claws.

The idol watched on in horror as a long green tongue came out hissing in human speech" I bet you taste amazing" it said staring at the tender girl with jade like skin and long brown hair that shined behind her.

Roaring out all the previously hidden parasites lodged in the females came out as the rest of the people ran screaming out of the venue seeing hundreds of monsters appear out of nowhere.

The monser quickly shot out its barbed tongue eager to taste the blood of this girl before suddenly a figure came out of nowhere catching the strong warrior ranked beasts tongue with little effort. Gallantly standing in front of the cute idol he decided he would show off a bit as he grabbed its tongue before sling shotting it into the wall.

After a few moments of shifting rubble it stepped out hissing menacingly "I will kill you for interfering" it said before leaping at Itachi with its long claws extended.

Deciding he could use a bit of sparing he ran up trading blows with the relatively strong warrior ranked beast able to quite easily contend as his strength had reached a shocking level from his 6 intermediate star clouds constantly filling his body with energy along with his gravity training.

It was actually very benificial as he had already broken through the fifth spiritual barrier making him able to affect gravity to a multiplier of 20 in either direction along with a formidable boost in his telekinesis power.

Enjoying this fight Itachi messed with it a little bit as he controlled a few rocks to run into her over and over again battering down the extremely pissed off monster.

Dodging a few claw slashs narrowly brushing past his face he stepped forward he sinking his flame covered fist deeply into the monster doubling it over before viciously bringing his knee up into its face as it flew back in a bloody arc as its face with its face completely covered in blood.

Growling it stood up with its back to the wall. "I will absorb the strength of the parasites and then you won't even hope to be able to compare to me"

Not giving her the chance, he decided to finish her off as he sent a full powered flaming fist stronger than normal mid tier magic by over 20 times with his x10 from his seed and x2 from his stars comparable to the high ranks of high tier magic.

Bearing down on the unfortunate monster, the highly condensed fire ball literally disintegrated the poor thing, the entire wall behind her exploded as the attack cleared out a 20 meter long trench past the shocked nearby City squad members who stared at the destruction from the highly destructive blue fire.

Behind him all the parasites behind him died off leaving much of the shedding females slowly waking up.. Itachi slowly walking out with his hands in his pockets as he turned to face Ling Ling, the captain sitting on his large tiger like summon beast, and the rest of the crowd who were looking at him in shock.

Raising his hand he simply said "It was quite stong, but luckily I managed to prevail in the end. It even it even hit me with a critical attack near the end" Itachi said with a serious face looking down at a small cut on his arm that he purposely kept from closing."

No one moved as they were still in shock taking in his bullshit words 'Luckily managed to prevail? You fucking disintegrated the poor thing along with obliterating half the buildng.' ' Coming off with a scratch is a serious wound? Your doing this on purpose you Asshole, Go Fuck Yourself'

Ling Ling recovering from her surprise looked at him with a strange expression before turning to face others "Guys this is my partner, a..... first year student at the Azure campus." The group ran forward hitting him with a barrage of questions most of which he didn't bother to answer "What was that strong fire magic are you a high tier mage?" Itachi only shook his head not offering any form of explanation.

The intelligent ones would realise the blue fire was a spirit seed and he was in the mood to answer stupid questions. "How are you so strong while also being so young?" a young woman mid tier city squad mage said with a somewhat worshipful look on her face as she gazed at the handsome young man.

"Practice" Itachi simply said with a lazy expression on his face. "Now can I go now? I'm exhausted from all the fighting. Give me an award or something if it puts you in a better light since I pretty much did your job for you" Itachi said before saying goodbye to Ling Ling and turning to leave.

Wisely not answering that provoking statement captain Liang Junjie only nodded he ordered the rest of his team members moved in to clean up the scene and help all those wounded.

Walking back home Itachi once again glanced at the small bleeding scratch on his arm 'I better get paid or something for this' he thought annoyed 'I even shed blood on this mission he said squeezing out a small drop of blood onto the ground out the tiny cut before he closed up the wound and made his way home for his well deserved rest after such a hard day.