As much as a wanted to go multiverse, I think it would better if I just ended it here. I enjoyed making it a lot, but I would prefer to work on other stuff rather than continuing something I don't really have much Ideas or inspiration for.
It was my first fan fic ever written primarily as a versatile mage fan fic since there weren't any others of its kind. The last chapter pretty much left it open if I ever come back to this while giving closure at the same time since the arc ended.
To all those who commented and supported it with reviews and powerstones thank you for your support. Opening web-novel to see all the support you guys gave was one of the most fulfilling feelings in the world. I will definitely continue to do my best to try and write interesting stories on here becoming a writer.
Maybe eventually I will write my own original novel, but for now I will just continue writing fan fics for shows and topics that really interest me.
If any of you want to check out what I'm working on right now, you can check out my new idea which is Killua in My Hero Academia. Now, typically I wouldn't want to do one for such a popular and overused fan fic concept such as MHA, but I got inspired to write it by reading a really good one with a similar concept on called My Hunter Academia.
There really arn't many similar fan fics out there, and definitely none on webnovel. The primary ship for my new work is Killua and Himiko since they are literally perfect for each other.
Both are victims of circumstance. Killua being born into a family of assassins, and Toga being born with a quirk hardwiring her to have an interest in blood which was seen as morbid and creepy ruining her childhood. There also may be other love interests if I feel a strong connection since I am open to harem.
Other potential fan fic ideas I had for the future was a POJ either Pertemis, or her and an anime character ship. A few others include OC's into Super Gene, Seven deadly sins, Soul land, Only I level up, and Martial God Asura.
A few of these are wuxia since it would be very interesting to see a good wuxia fan fic besides the typical ATG bs harem collecting novel. Not any good MGA fan fics either since they are hard to write, although the world scale is so huge that it would have plenty of potential material to jump around through
Dato(<—Not my name), that blond kid sitting next to you in HS...
(Hehe find me if you can biatch, I ain't being locked in no basement forced to write chapters all day)