The First Nightmare

My eyes fly open, instantly aware that something is wrong. It's dark, but not dark enough that I can't see the grimy stone walls and floor. I sit up very slowly wondering where the hell I am. Where my bed and room went. It's so quiet you would be able to hear a pin drop. The eerie silence almost had me holding my breath and waiting for the jumpscare that were in a majority of the the movies I watched. I took in my surroundings not recognizing any of it. I mean I told mom the basement looked like a dungeon, I was just kidding, but this took it to a whole other level of creepy! I seemed to be in a dungeon room, there was no door to the room just a entrance that looked like it led to a hallway. I dared not yell out for help or to see if anyone else was there. There was a ominous feeling in the air, like if I made one small sound something would be on me in a instant. So as quietly as possible I got up from the floor. I wiped my hands on my pajama pants and my face on the sleeve of my shirt. There seemed to be some sort of greasy black substance on the stone floor, gross. Wonderful, well at least I wasn't too fond of these socks. I headed to the entrance of the room, there the hallway went left and right and there was another room across from mine. No door on theirs either, in fact it looked identical to mine. Is there someone else here as well? I thought. I crossed the hallway to look into the other room to see. I still couldn't see very well and I didn't want to wait for my eyes to adjust, so I reached for the torch that was outside the room. I paused for a second, blue flames? I've never seen blue fire before, no wonder I can't see very well. I got a hold of the torch and tried to pull it out of it's holding but it wouldn't budge no matter what I did so I gave up and instead went into the room to see if someone else was in the same position I was in. I felt my way all around the room but found no one. I sighed and went out to the hallway again, I shivered it was cold here, the stone bricks felt like solid ice against my poor toes. I decided to go left from my room since both ways looked the same to me. As I was walking down the hallway I felt eyes on me, I didn't stop but I looked behind me as I continued walking forward. I couldn't see anything so I turned back around. The feeling intenseifed, like whatever was looking at me was feeding on my unease and fear. I could see a turn at the end of the hall going to the right. Please lead to a door, I thought desperately. I REALLY want get rid of this feeling it's scaring me! God I can't believe I'd ever say that, nothing usually scares me! Just before I got to the corner the feeling disappeared for a second. I relaxed a little surprised at how tense I'd gotten in such a short amount of time. It had only taken ten minutes to walk down to the corner. I went to peak around the corner and froze. The feeling of being watched was back times ten. In fact it felt like it could be right- as I was thinking that I felt a hot breath on my face. My eyes widened in fear as I looked up into ... nothing. The torches might not let me see too much but they let me see enough that I would have seen something in front of me! I was shaking in fear at this point. It breathed on me again and because it was so cold in the dungeon I could see the breath as it breathed it on me. I sensed even if I was to try and run I wouldn't even make a step before whatever it was pounced on me and ripped me to shreds. It was huge whatever it was and I could sense a killing intent, but what scared me the most was that fact that I couldn't see it and I was standing face to face with it,or face to chest anyway. I started to back away slowly hoping, and knowing it would fail, that It would just leave me alone. Whatever it was growled and I sensed that It was about to lunge at me, which paralyzed me. My legs collapsed underneath me and I couldn't stop shaking. I heard it leap and as it was about to land on me....