Going Home?

I wake up and see a doctor at my bedside.

" Good Morning Ms. Spade! It looks like you irratated your wound last night, do you toss and turn a lot or sleep on your side?" he asked.

" um yeah both actually." I said a little embarrassed. I probably tossed and turned more then usual because my teddy bear was missing. I like to hug something when I'm sleeping, it comforts me. Even more so now that I have these horrible nightmares.

" I see, well because of that you reopened your wound. We will need to keep you for another day." he said looking at me. " Everything feeling ok? Besides your leg of course."

" No I feel fine, my leg itches though." I said looking at him.

He had soft brown hair with blonde streaks in it. His hair was just below his shoulders and nice and straight, it fell into his eyes as he examined my leg. He looked to be medium build and just a bit taller then me. Ah! What am I doing, why am I checking him out? I must still be tired.

"Oh I'm sorry what was that?" I asked when I noticed he was looking at me with amusement. He chuckled, " did you see something you liked?"

I blushed and pretended to not know what he was talking about as I looked the other direction. " What are you talking about? How's my leg?" I asked. He chuckled again. " well I won't need to restitch it. it's not as bad as I thought, but I would still like to keep you here for another day just in case." He said coming closer. "u..um...!" I studdered moving away a little. He smiled, " I need to check your head now, your leg wasn't the only one hurt."

"Oh right, sorry." I said embarrassed and let him look at my head. Oh my! he has beautiful blue eyes, I've never seen such a brilliant blue eye color before. mom says her eyes are blue but they are totally grey! his are like a Egyptian blue with lighter flecks of blue and gold. Man, how did I not notice his eyes first? I blushed again and looked away, stop looking at him! I think. I suddenly get a bit dizzy though and put my hand on the bed to support myself hoping to keep myself up and to let him keep looking at my head.

" whoa, you ok?" he asked worriedly, and put a arm around my shoulder to help keep me up.

"yeah just a bit dizzy." I said blinking.

"yeah you're staying another day, I'll give a doctors note to your mom when she visits." he said laying me down on the bed. "you have some deep bruising on your head but we have been giving you pain meds so you won't have to deal with that." he said pulling the covers over me. The door opened then and my dad came in in his work clothes.

" how's my baby girl doing?" he asked walking to the other side of the bed.

" Ok dad, just tired now." I sighed. DAD! not in front of people!! He must have seen the look on my face because he then whispered a sorry. " just getting to work dad?" I asked.

" yeah, I told you I'd come check in on you."

he said. " how is she doing Seth?" he asked the doctor who was updating my chart. My eyes widened, that's Seth? Seth Fisher is dad's friend at work, says he's a good hard worker and that all the ladies at work like him. They finished talking and dad kissed my forehead. " Alright I'll let you get some sleep, I've got work to do, love you." he said leaving the room.

It would be weird if I liked dad's friend right? ah forget it I'm tired I'm just going to go to sleep I think as I close my eyes a drift off.