
"Where is she?! Where's my mate?" He growled loudly making the whole crowd go completely silent. I could see other alphas hiding their mates. My eyes met luna Katie's and she frowned at me, knowing that it was me who was ashers mate. Carter told me all I needed to know about him to know he was a heartless asshole that no one liked.

He stole land, killed men, and punished his pack members for things such as not training. I didn't wanna be a luna of a pack that hated its alpha!

I frowned back at her and she mouthed an 'I'm sorry.' I gave her a confused look and her eyes left mines before she stepped from behind her mate and shouted, "Asher! she's over there behind Carter!"

I gasped and covered my mouth. "Oh God." a roar erupted in the crowd and I took that as a chance to run. Because my wolf wanted to be with her mate she didn't help me at all. I couldn't even shift, not that I wanted to, this dress was way too expensive to rip! "These damn heels!" I yelled in anger before quickly taking them off and throwing them, God knows where.

After running for one minute I heard footsteps approaching me from behind. There's that smell again.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted, trying to go faster. But my little human legs could only take me so far.

I looked behind me to see if he was there, but he was nowhere in sight. I looked back in front of me to see a huge stump on the floor. I shouted once before I tripped over the stump and knocked my head on a rock. I heard a voice before I blacked out completely.

My head was throbbing, all I could remember was being chased then everything else is blurry. My eyes began to open slowly and I looked around the room. I was in a house but it wasn't Carter packhouse.

Then I remembered. Asher. Mate. Chasing.

"Oh, my God." I sat up on my bed and took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. just after the words left my mouth three doctors and two nurses entered the room, I furrowed my eyebrows. Did I lose half my body and not remember? Why the hell are there so many doctors here?

"Good morning, luna. How are you feeling?" One of the doctors asked.

My eyes widened. "luna? I think you have the wrong person. My name is Madison Black.."

The doctors laughed. "We know, luna. Now tell me, is there any pain in your head? You hit it quite hard last night. If you were human you most likely would've died."

I gulped and sighed. I've gotta pay more attention to things. "Yeah. Just a bit of pain. Where am I? What happened?"

One of the nurses gave me water before they all began to leave. "Alpha Asher will have to speak to you about that. Have a great day luna, it's great to meet you." He grinned and left the room.

"Alpha Asher is my mate.." I whispered. "Alpha Asher is my mate!" I said again. I put my face in my hands before my thoughts traveled to my brother. He's probably worried sick!

I threw the covers off my body and didn't even acknowledge the fact that I was no longer in my cute dress. Where the hell is my phone? I put my feet on the floor and shivered at the cold feeling. I searched the room top to bottom and couldn't find my phone or heels! oh, wait... I threw my heels. damn it. I've gotta get back to my brother.

I opened the door quietly and tiptoed down the stairs, I'll give it to him, the house was designed quite well. I can't imagine that asher knows how to design.. he must've had another woman so it for him... I growled at the thought but shook my head.

Unlike Carter's packhouse, Asher's home was completely silent. nobody was here or at least not awake. That made me think.. what time is it? The doctor said good morning said it had to be early. I finally made my way through the house and made it to the front door.

I silently opened it and stepped out, my toes touching the cold, wet grass. I sighed and smiled. My heart ached and all my wolf wanted to do was go back to her mate.

He's horrible though... Carter said he was a and person. After standing there in the grass for a minute I finally convinced myself that I had to get back to Joseph.

"And where do you think you're going?" A husky voice said from behind me. My heart dropped to my stomach and my knees almost gave out on me.

I slowly turned my head the other way to see what my mate looked like. I took my sweet time taking in every single detail about him. he was wearing a business suit and an expensive watch hung around his wrist. You could just barely see his abs through his white shirt that was rolled up on his arms. god, his arms.. and biceps.

He had a body shaped by the gods! No fair! and finally, my eyes trailed up to his face. He has the sharpest jawline I've ever seen. And his lips.. so kissable. And lastly, his eyes. They were a gray color which was very rare for werewolves to have. Only a few certain family lines had eyes like that.

I gulped and stared into them like it was the last thing I'd see. I noticed that I had been staring for a while and hadn't answered his question.

"Brother... I have to see my brother.. he's at Alpha Carter's pack.." I whispered while biting my lip. He walked towards me at a quick pace and before I knew it he was only a couple of inches away from me. His height was so different from mine that I had to crane my neck up to see him when he's this close to me.

"No," he said simply while analyzing my face. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms, "what do you mean no? I have to see my brother."

He growled and grabbed my arm before beginning to drag me back into the packhouse. I kicked and screamed the entire way there. "STOP! HEY! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU AR-"

He fisted my hair and tilted my head up to him. Which silenced me quickly. Way too quickly.

"Stop.." I whispered and tried to get his hand away from my hair. When our hands touched sparks were sent throughout my arm and I gasped at the feeling. He let go of my hair and groaned. His hands trailed down my body and stopped at my waist. They rested there as his eyes wandered around my neck. I placed my hands on his chest and they trailed down to his abs.

Holy. Shit.

His head dipped down until his lips were brushing up against my neck. Is he gonna mark me? We've barely even talked to each other. Does he even know my name? I didn't even care, I had no self-control right now. Everything was confusing to me and all I wanted was for asher to mark me.

"Am I interrupting something?" A voice called out from behind him. He growled and I sighed before moving my hands away from him.

"Yes. You are."

"Sorry. I don't care for your little hookups anymore." The man laughed and Asher's eyes widened. I felt as if my heart was gonna crack into a million pieces.

"Madison.." he softly said.

I felt tears threaten to escape my eyes and I shook my head I pushed him back away from me and a wave of rejection rolled through me. It must've come from him.

"Carter was right.. you're a horrible person.. your pack hates you, he hates you... and I hate you!" I yelled out in anger before dashing out the door and running into the woods. I heard him call out for me but he didn't come after me.

I guess he doesn't care about me huh? Tears escaped my eyes and my wolf helped me find Carter's packhouse with her amazing scouting nose.

I knocked on the door roughly and a random man answered. "Do I know you..?"

"Get out of my way." I rolled my eyes and wiped a few tears off my face. I needed to find Joseph. I used my wolf scent to find his location once more and was led to a room. The door was closed and I knocked twice and got no answer. "Joseph?" I called out softly. All I wanted right now was my big brother to comfort me.

I slowly opened the door and saw Joseph trying to hide someone in his closet.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. He tried everything to try to get me to leave but I got in intruded easily, as usual, the truth always gets out.

I opened the closet door to see a girl in her bra and underwear. I sighed in disappointment and sadness.

"Isabel," I whispered.