Where Do I Belong?

Chapter 1

*Where Do I Belong?*

Flight land to Japan Tokyo international airport a teenager boy comes out of boarding and looked at how beautiful Tokyo airport Is. father of his call him to walk faster, they call a taxi and head for the hotel. While in the moment, looking at sky teenager boy start thinking about his life

"My name is Rohan Sharma, and I'm traveling across the world with my father, because of his work. I'm originally from India but last time I was in China and before that, in Thailand, and it's kinda fun traveling the world, BUT because of this, sometimes I wonder.... WHERE DO I BELONG? Like I don't have a place to call home because I'm changing places all the time, I don't have mother either and my father parents are long dead now. In that way I don't even has grandparents. Am I just going straight forward without even knowing WHERE DO I BELONG?... Or I'm just thinking too much? Well... I personally don't know myself..."

Lost in those thoughts Rohan fall asleep. A woman calls the name of his...

"Rohan, my little darling, come here to mama"

Rohan slowly trying to reach her as a baby, wondering...

"Yeah I know that voice, t-that's... MOM! yeah I remember playing with her, she always had a big smile on her face and whenever I messed things up and start crying. She always said"

"Hey! Don't cry like that, you're my star of HOPE and hope never cries, no matter how hard it is, Just never give up!"

Rohan instantly wakes p and find tears flowing form his eyes

"What the hell? Why there's water in my eyes. I'm not crying, Am I?..."

Father of his, calls soon later

"Hey! Boy wake up we're here, help me get stuff out"

Afterwards, they check-in hotel. Father says him to get fresh bath. Later they both start eating dinner, while at it, father of his says...

"We're going staying here for while. More than a year to be exact, so... I'm getting you in school, go to sleep now, we had to get up early"

Rohan look outside to the window view and said...

"School, huh?"



- Character: Rohan Sharma. Age 17. 163cm. 51kg. Light brown skin. Short chubby black hair. Small brown coloured eyes. Overall = CUTE