The Boy I Met

Chapter 4


In dark black room. Chika sitting on red chair as if she was waiting for something. Thinking….

"I remember that day crystal clear, it was 4 months ago when it's all happened. I've been by Kyosuke side since we were children, we play together, we grew together, he was been popular but still, he always chose me over anyone form the very beginning, and that's make me happiest but also because of that sole thing, I always had been bullied, but I never let Kyosuke know about it. I hold everything inside me. That day was the same, I got bullied, just to make me and Kyosuke apart, but that day…. I didn't hold it anymore, I unleash all the anger store inside me for years. I… hurt them…. I make them afraid of me…. I let them know that I will not hold back anymore…. BUT! what I did was wrong and there was guilt inside me growling…. But soon Later they come to me with a friendship request. It was the first time, a bully comes to me with an apology. I was so happy… little do I know, it was all a trap…. They lured me into motel with some random boy. Making a video as a proof that I will sleep with anyone just for money…. Made it go viral, made fake rumours flying all over the school. When I heard about it. I was in complete shock, but there was a little hope in me. I was sure Kyosuke believe me. He will never let me go… BUT! When I tried to approach him, he completely ignored me as if he doesn't even know me… that time my heart beating so fast that it feels like it would explode anytime… He didn't believe me, my friends didn't believe me, no one believe me. Days pass by… I was living like a dead person with no hope left inside me.…."

Chika grab her chest tightly, trembling. Then suddenly she loosen the grip and smile….

"And then… I met a boy. That day was valentine. I saw girls all around Kyosuke giving him chocolates. It's make me very irate. in that irritation I goes to the rooftop calm myself down and find HIM…."

Chika stand up form red chair she was sitting on, walking into light behind the cottons. Someone announcing her name…

"So give big applause to the top student in girls category, Chika Sasuga (Clap!) (Clap!) (Clap!)"

Chika takes a deep long breath to calm her self down. Thinking…

"Not gonna lie, at first glance he seems like an idiot, staring at me… the way he got panicked easily it was like Kyosuke when he was little. It made me laugh. I laughed, in previous month I didn't even smile, but he made me laugh…. Time pass by, we spend each day together, studying if nothing less. I thought he doesn't know about rumours yet, and I know when he does, he gonna leave me just like everyone else does. The more days pass the more scared I became. Scared of being apart again, but I know it was inevitable. I was prepared for that. I don't want my hopes up… And then, one day he ask… it was kinda shock that he asked me.I don't know what to answer, so I just say what he want to hear. he stayed quite and that's was his reply…. It's all over now atleast that's what I thought… BUT then suddenly… (I will not believe it) Those are the words my heart wants to hear most. He believed me even when I told rumours were true... And he said I made him believe that rumours weren't true so that's what I'm going to do now. I'm going to tell the whole school, that I….."

Chika walks onto stage and saw the all the students in school giving her congrats, but then suddenly gossips start again. Teacher calls her to gave a speech.

"Umm… I have 2 things to say…. 1st thank you very much... and 2nd is….."

Chika pick a mic and walks in the centre of stage and shout loudly….



The whole school goes into shock. Not knowing what to say or think including, the teachers… but then, a voice comes form crowd

"I'm Rohan an Indian!… and also a virgin"

Everyone looks in direction of voice and saw Rohan embarassed, yet smiling, then more voices comes saying their names...

"I'm Kyosuke a japanese virgin...."

"I'm Haruka also a japanese virgin..."

In an instant the school whom filled with gossips become lousy and cheerful. Chika looked at Rohan. Thinking....

"You came in my life like a Star of hope. I can't repay you, but I will say this one more time…. THANK YOU! Rohan Sharma"