Belong In Heart

Chapter 10

*Belong In Heart*

"Wake up! Wake up!"

A young woman trying wake him up. As he spoke with laziness

"Let me sleep, just for more five minutes"

"Haaah?! You are saying that for an hour now. If you don't get up, I'm gonna call your dad"

By hearing word 'Dad' the young man quickly woke up. The young man walk towards the mirror and adjust his suit. The young man was none other than, Aged Rohan or what people call him 'the top businessman in world, 'Seth Rohan Sharma'. The founder of Sania enterprise'. Sectary of his, scold him, as she calmly yet aggressively said

"Boss, how many time do I have to tell you, you should act like a businessman. I wonder how would you do without me"

"Well. I have you. So why, worry?"

Those words makes her youthful face blush. She was also very beautiful with having brown honey coloured eyes, and very similar hair to eyes, that were tying with a ponytail. She scold him further more

"Hmph! Stop flirting with me when you had someone else. At least tell me her name. You always saying, there is someone out there, but who?"

"Hmm. That's… a secret"

"Argh! I hate you!"

Sectary of his eventually began to pouting. Seeing her this way. Rohan could not help, but laugh.

Soon later, they head for the meeting. While, Rohan pass by the lobbies of employees. The aura he released, made people whom slacking get in for work, immediately. Whomever he passed by could not help, but admire his sole presence.

"You saw that? Oh my god! Our boss is so handsome. I wish, he was my boyfriend"

The gossips, that happens back in days turned into praise. After meeting was over. They decided to stop to near by coffee shop. While taking a sip, sectary were rechecking the paper work, while Rohan yet again found asleep. Seeing him this way, sectary get very annoyed, but looking at his sleepy face was no less than reward, so she let him be. Then suddenly she said while looking at papers

"Okay. So, next stop is Japan, Huh?"

Hearing that, Rohan sleep fade away immediately leaving big question mark on his face. The sectary said with blunt face

"Oh! Finally, I was able get your attention"

"Japan? Why?"

"Ask clients that. And why are you so thrilled. Hate Japanese? Racist?"

"You sure do know how to pull your boss leg, don't you"

"And you also completely know how to put all the work onto your sectary shoulders"

He completely ignored her sarcasm, and continue with a deep long breath

"Japan, Huh?"

Some days later. Rohan sit in his private plane. Opposite to him, was sectary looking outside window view. Seeing her this way, Rohan began a conversation

"Hey! You're always have been curious about my past haven't you?"

Sectary was stunned, about Rohan knowing her wish, but what could she expect form person also known as 'Child of Mnemosyne'. She answer by nodding her head

"Nice! So let me tell you a story. Of a weakling, who always ask, Where Do I Belong?"

And then, he began to tell the story. The further she listen to it. The more complicated her expressions became. Journey to Japan comes near the destination. At the exact moment story began hit the climax. Soon later without their noticing, they landed at Japan. And with thus story ended. After hearing the complicated past of Rohan, sectary was emotion less. Not knowing, what to say or do. With hesitation, she asked

"You haven't seen her for more than 10 years? B-But.. Why?"

Hearing those words. Rohan spin head around to other side and awkwardly answer

"Well… Hehehe"

After hearing the reasoning sectary was clueless about, whether should she laugh or scold him? As she asked with confused expressions

"Haaah! You didn't go to her, just because you said something very embarrassing that day?"

Rohan covers his face with magazine. Then sectary curiously pinch to his knee and asked with a smug face

"Hey! Hey! Tell me, what did you tell her?"

Rohan calls her closer and whisper something in her ear. The thing he whispered made her face, burn red. As she immediately back off and looked at Rohan intensely while protecting her body


"Yes… But I didn't know you were this kind of man, boss"

Afterwards, they existed the plane and set off for next journey, but this time, Rohan head for different destination, leaving her sectary in charge for meeting. While in the moment looking at blue sky, Rohan start thinking about his life

"My mother always said that 'I belong in her heart'. As a kid, I never understand what she meant, but looking back at events form my life. I was able see through many things and that's one of them. A person never needs place to call it home, because…"

While thinking Rohan fall asleep and woke after reaching the destination. Rohan exist the car as he look at place. Small little drop of water appeared in his eyes. The place was none other than the school. The spot, where he made best memories with his friends. Rohan entered in it and head for rooftop. While going upstairs, he saw a familiar face. Her brown hair were short and curly. While wearing housewife clothes she held a baby in arm. Suddenly one more face appeared behind her after examining both of them, he could tell immediately, that they were Haruka and Kyosuke. Despite being aged, Kyosuke still look exact same. As he wears a white t-shirt and black jeans that made him shine, like usual. After seeing them this way, Rohan could not help, but get very confused. He knew there was something fishy going on, between them back then, but this was… Unexpected! After their eyes met upon each other. A loud voice comes form both side

"W-Why are you here?!"

"W-Why baby is here?!"

"Wh-Wha? Hey! That's rude, you know"

The reunion after 10 years between friends, was filled with questions. They wanted to talk, but situation was more than awkward. Haruka and Rohan asked rude questions form each other over and over, until Kyosuke stops the loud conversation that were putting bad impression on students. A student noticed, Rohan and knew him, immediately. As he speaks with hesitation

"Y-You are, Seth Rohan Sharma, aren't you. The top businessman. I saw you on news this morning!"

Be known by that information. The school filled with chaos. Students begin to ask him for autograph or other things… Seeing that, Haruka leave a message behind for him, before involving in confusion

"Go up, she's …!"

Hearing that, Rohan runs for top leaving everyone behind and let Haruka handle the situation. While Haruka exactly know the way out, as she made super cute face and said with very soft and gentle voice

"Hey… Is he that important?"

Hearing those lovely words, every boy students stood still. Some with red faces and some with nose bleeds. While Kyosuke just calmly stop every girl students. With thus somehow Rohan life was saved, but the next task was nearly impossible for him to face. As he stand right in front of rooftop door. His hesitation was inevitable. He hadn't seen her for over 10 years. She maybe already married like those two. The heart beat of Rohan began to get faster every second, but then suddenly, he feel warm push form behind. Rohan quickly look behind, but saw no one, but because of that. His heart doesn't feel heavy anymore as he opened the door, with moving his lips

"Thanks, mom…"

Door opens with strong gale of wind blows with it. Before his eyes was a woman. A glimpse, he got of younger her. Then seeing her in school teacher uniform with wearing glasses. She looked at this way. She was even prettier. Her expression was puzzled, but soon later, it's filled with brightness. The words subconsciously came out form his mouth


With large smile on her face she gladly reply


Rohan continue with his last message

"A person never needs a place to call it home, because as long that person can be in their loved one's heart, there will always be a place to call it home…"
