
"I have a fire burning in my pocket that must be spent." -Amiya 2020

I had finally gotten a chance to just sit down and appreciate the tokens I had received from my system. Shrugging my shoulders I took the imaginary tokens in the system and spent them on the gacha. Watching as the 10 coins spit out prizes 5 from joining Naruto's team and 2 from watching an important part in Naruto's life, aka beating up Mizuki, and the first three I earned learning about the system and it's make up, I started to appreciate my gifts. The first thing that came was 23 more Pistol ammo for my pistol. Watching as it was stored in my inventory where my guns and kunai were kept I looked at my next prize.

It was really useful. It was a health pack that had been perfected by the system. This new one left no side effects on the body and would come to kick in after 3 seconds of complete injection. Getting it once more I looked forwards to my next prize. Looking at it I almost wanted to pull a Sasuke and Hnnnn in annoyance. Putting the 30 shotgun ammo that was completely useless at least for now. I looked forward to my fifth prize hoping it could redeem the situation.

That's when it happened a sniper rifle popped up in my inventory. Looking at the level requirement I froze. A level 21 electric bullet sniper rifle with a 34% chance of adding electric damage to the set amount. Trying to pull it out I was unable to. My only option was either to keep it in my limited inventory or to sell it. Considering my options I wasn't sure what to do. I knew it would be worth a lot. However I also knew the shop in the game never gave you the price worthy of the guns you sell. Unsure how I should play it I decided to eventually just sell it. As nice as it might be, I didn't know how long it would take me to level up in this world. with a click 2390 Cash was added to my account. I was immediately greedy with it and wanted to buy new things. However first I wanted to see what else I could get.

My sixth prize was a card called a level card. It would give me a level or apparently one of my summons a level when used. According to my card it was the only way to level up my cards while I could level up others ways. Keeping it for a future summon. I looked at my seventh prize. Freezing I looked at a card in front of me multiple times to confirm if I was looking at a real thing and not a hallucination caused by me dreaming for greater power. On the card was a picture of the borderland's Kraggon Pebble. Looking at the number on top of it, the system showed the creature was level 4. Wanting to use the level card on it, I decided to wait like with my money in the shop in case something more valuable came along to use it on. What I was awarded with stopped me cold in my steps.

Right there on the card was a Kraggon But not just any Kraggon, but a Kraggon Eruptor. Seeing the level 5 That was on the card's surface I couldn't help but to read it's description aloud. Looking at how it was just like in the game I saw that it could split into 2 Kraggons or 1 Kraggon and 1 Kraggon Immolator on it's death. The only condition for this to occur was that the Card be at least level 6 as all monsters would spawn 5 levels lower than the base monster they came from. I also knew thanks to this that there would be a level requirement for Kraggons and Kraggon Immolators so they to could break apart into their own two Kraggon Pebbles each. Picking up my level card with a large grin on my face I used it immediately on my Kraggon Eruptor.

It was time for my ninth draw. I started to wonder what it could be with all the things I was getting. Honestly I got something I could see being useful, but did not expect. It turns out I can also gain random items throughout the Borderland games. This time I got a motion detecting alarm. Putting that faced at my door so I could sleep peacefully tonight I went to my final item.

Congratulation you have won a Concordian Butler Lv.36 card. One who is proficient in all kinds of weapons while knowing how to properly make you tea. Truly Phantomhive butler material.

Now with my wonderful prizes out of the way I decided before I go into the shop I wanted to ask the system a few things. System explain how the monsters work, and will the Butler be loyal to me unconditionally or does it have feelings and if I do to much it could betray me. "Well host, Monsters from the system have three categories. These are named, normal, Sentient, and spawner cards. Your current monsters are both normal cards. This means these monsters each have their own personal card which they live inside of instead of your separate internal living space for them. On top of this they only have one life to give so be careful when you use these cards. On the plus side once you summon these monsters you are able to put them back in card form. The next card called Named cards are a one time drawable card.

Once a named monster is drawn you are able to summon them from your dimension where they get to live in peace. It is possible to evolve a normal card into a named card with another special card to ever expand your generals for your future army. Named monsters since they can't be killed eternally of course needed a down side. They are only able to respawn once every 3 days, and putting them back into their card form also sets off this respawnable counter.

The third kind of card is a sentient card. These cards include monsters with enough sentience to actually feel empathy for those they kill if they know the person they are killing is actually good at heart or those with enough intelligence for conversation. These cards can betray you, but only if you force them to do the most extreme wrongs that go against their very moral code itself for the good morally acceptable ones. The evil one who love mass murder have been turned into emotionless puppets.

With these thee out of the way, the final kind of monster card is a Spawn cards. These cards summon specific structures into the world described on the card. Where they appear depend on where the host wishes to place them depending upon reason. Warning Spawners can be destroyed, but not permanently. Once a spawner is destroyed the user can use a special card in the system to revive these spawns. These can be used for world domination if it is the users wish."

Also for human's the same deal applies as with sentient monsters. Right now the loyalty for your Concordian Butler is 100 percent.

Nodding and understanding what was said, the info block on my thoughts was fully processed. "What are all these special cards you keep mentioning.

"Special cards and summoning cards are the only things that can not be bought in the borderlands system with cash belonging to the borderlands world. These range from vehicles, to rarity, level, and weapon boost increments cards for all things as well as Semi-player plus cards which simply give a person a Borderland's Icon minus it being an addition to the Gamer's mind and the ability to level so their becomes a minimum on their strengths if the correct level is reached unfortunately the fall damage perk and weapon masteries are not included in this card. Other things include extra special things such as the spawnpoint creation cards, and even portals to an empty copy of the borderlands universe where no one lives."

For once I was unable to respond to something at all. I couldn't make a joke, nor a increased breath in excitement, instead the only thing I realized was just how powerful my system was compared to others. I also worried about the power I found myself coming into. My system had the power to create a universe instead of jacking a ride into another one for my own pleasure after all.

Deciding not to comment not trusting my voice in the face of what I was sure was just a bored divine being acting as a system I decided then and there to put on a show for it so my own life wouldn't just end out of nowhere.

"That's unnecessary host, just live your life the way you want to live it, give or take the system won't be giving the host unfair advantages past what a normal rule abiding system gives. I'm a perfectly average system as you will only have so many Gachas earnable throughout your lifetime."

The words let me realize the system could read my mind, but honestly I found myself not concerned with that part. I had a being that was by all rights like stated before divine. No matter what it did from now on I knew I wouldn't ever be shocked by another piece of information again. Still listening to this being act like I was something to it made me feel honored in some weird way. It got me wondering what it truly wanted. Maybe that was it I decided looking up into the sky....

It was just lonely....