Unfortunate Situations

Have you ever been in a place you wish you hadn't ever gone to, or have you ever been in that one moment in your life where a guy tries to break up with you but isn't sure how to voice his thoughts. No, you couldn't get a man in the first place. I have the exact same problem. At least the situation I found myself in now is a lot like I imagined that situation to be like.

Well in my current situation having just watched my newest creations getting destroyed and now facing a fireball the size of a person to the face I definitely wanted to voice a few choice words to destiny. (Random thought, but if destiny is something that decides your life, then isn't it the author of your life. And since the author is destiny, didn't I just curse myself. Welp that's unique. But if you want a system you better butter up to an author or they won't turn you into the Mc.)

Thankfully a certain man on the field noticed my predicament of facing a fireball, so he started to dash over in my direction as quickly as possible. Of course I had my own plans and I didn't feel like leaving my life in Kakashi's hands. Using another chakra tag I used the summoning hand signs for the Kraggons, and wasted chakra that formed a cloud to bring forth my Kraggon Eruption. Immediately two people stopped dead in their tracks. One, the Uchiha who watched in horror and fascination as the creature seemed to eat most of the fire and belched out the chakra into the air. Kakashi on the other hand just stopped in a cold sweat as he could feel the power coming from the creature in front of him. He honestly didn't feel like facing this fine creature this wonderful Wednesday.

"He really wanted to ask questions, but that was stopped as he heard and felt something at his waist. It had been at that moment that Naruto grabbed the bells using himself disguised as a kunai which he had thrown using a shadow clone justu. With that Naruto was able to get away with the bells.

Looking at the similar play to what happened in the original story with Zabuza I wondered what he would do this time around for that particular battle. Well, well, well. Now while I wouldn't call this teamwork, considering you all were able to use techniques without getting in each others ways, I'm talking to you Amiya, and you Sasuke. Seriously I don't know what were you thinking popping up into the middle of a battle knowing you just escaped your own hostage situation.

While I was annoyed I knew not to say anything as it was truly a stupid thing for me to do, even if I had no clue about me popping up at that exact moment. Also not that he knew but considering I just saw a giant creature that would likely kill me, I was more than willing to escape that place. Still I took this as a lesson on not entering my summoner lands without first making sure I was somewhere alone, and safe. Imagine if I spawned back inside a person, or somehow something weird happened in the space travel and my soul got separated from my body and entered another person's body. While this may sound fantasy like, I was now in a world I had just thought to be imaginary less than 48 hours ago.

"Still seeing that at least one of you was able to figure out the point of the test right away, and both of you were untricked into calling this whole exercise a lie about it dealing with teamwork, I say you all pass, congratulations. Too bad; I had originally wanted to tie one of you up to a pole and get the other two to feed him something even if I said not to. Whatever should I do, no bondage play. Boohoo. Wiping the imaginary tear he continued.

Well now that the test is obviously over, and you three have passed would you all mind answering a few questions of mine. While I might be a bit lazy, I still need to know where a couple of you got those crazy justus. Especially you Amiya, just where did you get the scroll for whatever creature that is, " pointing at the Kraggon Kakashi showed an obviously confused face at not recognizing the scroll.

Plus feeling a bit of danger from the creature definitely put him on guard around the girl a slight bit more. On top of that the funijustu tag she had that could only be made by a select few people made him second guess her identity. He honestly had no idea personally where the tag could be produced, and knowing the girl was chakraless, it was obviously someone else produced them. Still thanks to his Sharigan he could promise it was the work of a master. The amount of chakra used was also equivalent to a chunin's level which was a little interesting as it was the largest chakra storage seal he had ever heard of.

"Oh you mean Mr. Kraggon I said aloud as if I was surprised he was asking about it. I had a goal to spread my Kraggon scroll around to a few people in order to control them better later on, plus it would actually help them against anyone I don't like, so it's not like I'm completely scamming them out of a different potential summon.

"Kraggon," the man seemed to test the word on his lips. "Is it some kind of dragon." Hitting the nail right on the head I gave him a slight nod. Blinking a few times as this situation seemed to be the most ridiculous thing the man had heard in a long time he couldn't resist asking, "OK so you got the dragons where?" Smiling back not revealing a hint of my lying lips and tongue I started my fake my second background story. "Well you see I met a certain man when I was younger here in Konoha. He was drunk and passed out in the middle of the street. Trying to help him he originally thought I was a thief and tried to teach me a lesson.

Thankfully I managed to convince him I was just worried about him. Taking my thoughts to heart he saw my problem and started slightly helping me with them. He taught me he made this specific tag and told me how I could make them with the help of another willing person's chakra. From there I have spent the last 8 or so years giving my all to practicing this and making these tags. One day seeing that I had made really good progress in his own words. He decided to instill into me his summoning contract. The Kraggons.

Seeing no lie in the girls expression he let his guard once more drop. He was also impressed with the girl's talents for fuinjustu. Even if her age didn't match her experience that made this situation all the more impressive. Still he needed to figure out who this person was in the future. The village could use his talents. "Do you still work under him." Putting on a sad expression I gave off that one message of you shouldn't have asked and made me remember. Not speaking another word Kakashi looked at Naruto and questioned where he got his clone technique acting like he was totally unknowing towards who Naruto Uzumaki was besides him being a student. Feeling bored I found myself starting to find my way home, but only after hearing that we should meet up at 7 o clock in the morning at the Mission Admissions Office.