So I needed to follow them once they went into the forest. Simple, the problem was that the madame was watching me like a hawk. Seriously, why was she so concerned with what I did. I wasn't here to steal her job, I was in fact only here to watch over her, something we both knew. So just why was she constantly staring. Was she paranoid that I would be watching from the shadows when she least expected it and report her to the demons. Her son was also here, so I guess if she was forced to leave she would lose the last time she could be with him.
Even though that was all possible, it didn't tell me concretely what the woman's issue with me was. Walking around the house and going in a round about course around the house dodging any cameras in place I found myself in front of the kids as well as the newest third one. Seems he got introduced to the situation sooner than in the original series. He would be my biggest problem with my plan of helping these kids escape.
So I needed to tackle the problem earlier. "Ahhhhh, the madame's little watcher." My apologies for introducing myself late. I'm Amiya the newest Mom of our wonderful establishment. Two faces paled, one smirked saddened, and me well I had my sarcastic mouth twitching watching their reactions.
"Look's like there's nothing that we can really do except talk about this all in the open, huh. A shame I suppose, but I hope I'm right about your wish to help us. I know these two idiots would have already been shipped off if you weren't. They were gagging and chocking at every little act of kindness they saw from you and your co-workers." Nodding in a obvious, yes I waited for him to continue on. "Did every group of yours manage to escape from what you know?"
"Sadly not I lowered my head with a sigh. Roughly 15% have failed, but that was because they tried to leave with all the youngest children on top of themselves and there choice canceled out the advantages my training gave them at hiding and running as well as fighting the correct targets so you can truly get away."
Nodding appreciating the supposed honesty he considered my offer. Frankly he knew he couldn't lie to his mom as she knew him to well, but he needed to do something to keep his escaping relationship hidden from her. Maybe he could try that mushroom he heard about in the forest in a book. He thought it caused selective amnesia temporarily depending on what the person what thinking when they ate the mushroom. That could work actually. Taking a pencil and getting some paper he drawled a mushroom in incredible detail.
"Here I agree to help you with this. I'll write a message to myself using a password telling myself not to go and try and figure out what's going on. I'll get you to get me this mushroom that way I can forget this conversation happened. While I know I could keep myself in mom's presence without drawing to much suspicion worrying about these two. If I started showing any reaction towards you in front of her I'll jeopardize everything. Since that's the case, please try and keep these two safe. I'll leave them in your hands. Your the best chance I got. As for you Norman, keep her safe you hear me. If I find out she's feeling sad or scared and your not there to help I'll personally give you a few punches to make you remember today. Also don't forget, but act fearful towards our hopeful savior here. We don't want "MOM" getting to suspicious with her now do we. Well beyond what she already is suspicious of."
With that the conversation started calming down and a few more things were discussed such as why he kept his info on the demon's hidden and his position in this orphanage. They were partially horrified, and at the same time weirdly comforted. They could tell he wasn't lying and that meant a lot to them right now with the dangers that seemed to grow around them.
Leaving coming back and once more leaving having given the mushroom to him we all now had our plans in place. And there isn't as much fear towards there future situation. It seemed to calm there minds and allow certain parts of them to calm down keeping the cover better in this timeline of this world.