Meeting Georgius And First Years

Please read Author at the end.As you guys know i am a newbie finally i find the perfect way of describing myself better. "....." for Talking,(...)for Inner thoughts and for my thoughts"(....)"from now on

"Who are you little one" Dragon asks with curiousty

Little one answer directly because he can't measure this Dragon's strenght nor he can feel his aura.☆Info:Aura is a type of energy that exist in all living beings Little Dragon start feel his aura when he ate a life stealer dagon vine in his second day on cave,if it was somebody else they would have been death but he is a living cheat so there was no problem.

"I don't know i born 5 days ago in that cave" pointing cave behind him he answer the Dragon's question.

A little shock could be seen on the Dragon's face and he ask another question to Little Dragon."Do you know who are your parents?

"I don't know i try to find who are they but i couldn't." Then Dragon thinks for a second.

"Do you want to come with me to Dinas Emrys i would like take you under my wings little one if you accept as me as your parent"Little Dragon without even for a second think about refusing."I would like to but what should i call you i don't know your name?

Dragon smiles and answers"My name is Tidal Dragon Georgius also know as Leviathan of Raging Quakes.You don't have a name it seem but you can earn it in Dinas Emrys there is lots of ways you can prove yourself so don't worry about it and with my vast knowledge and wisdom you can even soar beyond heavens."Little Dragon smiles with ambition and that makes Georgius grin widely then he takes little dragon to his back and they slowly fly towards Dinas Emrys on the way Georgius talk with little dragon and he has to say this little one is really incredible the way he thinks and from the way he answer Georgius understand there was lots of unawakened potenial in this one with his thousand years of life exprience he could understand nature of others and he really like his new son it is same for little one too.After his birth alone he thought he was gone be a loner for long time but without him know it thanks to whim of ??? everything favours to him."(Cheat!!!!!!!😖)"

After they get near to Dinas Emrys he could tell that Dinas Emrys was a heaven for dragons from here and but after entering was another thing to fashinated.Long and small green hills and mountains which height of thems reaches sky on the hill there was thousands of years old trees from what he understand with his aura mastery.Georgius with who he is understand what Little Dragon does and with a small smile that nobody has seen continues to fly in various part of Dinas Emrys,On the way lots of dragons greeted and bowed to Georgius and confused with who the Little Dragon is one higher rank dragon asks to him which answer of question shocked all dragons around them.

After this small meeting all dragons gone to other ways to talk about this topic to others normally dragons don't gossip but someone like Georgius brings a son out of nowhere they felt like something big will be coming in next few years and they were not wrong.After small meeting Georgius and Little Dragon"I will call them duo sometimes💫"reaches one of the higher part of mountain with lots of riches from plants to gems and various treasures can be seen from entrance and that urges Little Dragon more discover his new world from starting here"(He doesn't even consider my hard work i put in cave part as a great place)"

Little Dragon's curiosity gets better of him and asks Georgius"Are these treasure's just you earned" and Georgius chuckles"Yes i accumulated them in years but do not waiver at their light because they are my treasure and being greedy doesn't help dragons in long run so remember it well" taking his first lesson from his wise father Little Dragon gets more motivated for his what his future be like.

After teaching necessary things to Little one Georgius flies to one of the current Dragon King's Lair Tannin The Meteor Dragon.Eventually Tannin heard what happened today and was going to ask Georgius about it but before he can ask to him Georgius himself comes to visit Tannin.As old friends they know each other very well.After talking what happened with the little one he explains his insight of him and unique features he possess at the end of this talk Tannin really bewildered by what Little Dragon currently capable of Aura mastery training starts at reaching high class but 5 days old dragon mastered it god knows when did this little guy learned such a thing even just thinking about it boils his blood more then before and he wants to see this youngling's future.


There is thousands of young dragons and one toddler"(They don't know he is a toddler)" on the arena after a beast trumpet was blown they start fighting each other but one of them was like the star of a show started fight tens of them after this dragon defeat hundreds of young dragons"(which their ages between 15 to 30)" all other dragons attack this one for showing themselves but all of the things they do ended in vain they all lose to this dragon at every specific way,at the end of 2 hours a old dragon with white scales and and white long beard landed near to winner and blown the beast trumpet and takes the interest of everybody who watched this battle and states.

"Here today a new potenial champion borned and his name will be granted to him today by the actions he took until now let me announce his name to you dear audience his name is


Judreosdyr=Leader of YoungOnes"(It is a temporary name Dragons changes their name with times)"