"WELCOME, Your Holiness," Neoma greeted the saint politely. "We're glad that you've arrived safely."

The portal of Astello Church was connected to her father's palace.

So right now, they were in the "secret prayer room" in the Yule Palace where people from the temple were usually received.

Since the saint's arrival was a secret, only she and Count Sprouse welcomed him.

Saint Forrester smiled at her. "Greetings to the Second Star of the Great Moonasterion Empire."

She just smiled at that.

"Your Holiness, Princess Neoma is acting as Prince Nero now," Count Sprouse reminded him. "Please be careful with your greetings."

The saint just smiled at the count.

"Your Holiness, may I know why you suddenly decided to visit the palace?" she asked curiously. "It's not common for saints to leave the temple, is it?"