"YOUR ROYAL Highness, you're insane."

Neoma laughed at what Princess Brigitte said. "I'll take that as a compliment, Princess Brigitte."

"His Royal Highness isn't just insane," Hanna, who sat beside the first princess, said with a smile. "He's also brazen, Princess Brigitte."

Right now, the three of them were in the royal parlor.

Supposedly, only the royal family members were allowed to use that room. But since she brought Princess Brigitte and Hanna with her, it was fine. The servants even brought refreshments with them without a question.

"I didn't expect that you'd take my side, Your Royal Highness," Princess Brigitte, who sat on the sofa from across her, said. "After all, the noblemen of the Royal Capital are the worst kind of men that I have encountered so far. And since you're the only son of His Majesty, I had some prejudice against you."