GALE paid a visit to Mona's son.

It was true that she was very fond of Princess Neoma. But that didn't mean she didn't care about her master's other child. Although she had to say that if the real Crown Prince turned out to be as intolerable as little Nikolai, she might just forget that Mona had a son.

While sitting on the windowsill of Prince Nero's room, she quietly watched the young prince that just got out of the bathroom. He wore a dress and a wig a while ago. But this time, he didn't have his wig anymore and he wore clothes that befitted a royal prince like him.

Everything about the royal prince screams royalty.

She didn't want to say this but Prince Nero looked more majestic than Princess Neoma. Even though they resembled each other so much, she could clearly see the difference between the twins. And it was the 'aura.'

Princess Neoma had a warm aura that made people drawn to her.