NEOMA took a deep breath once she was back inside Madam Hammock's residence.

She already excused herself from Rubin and Regina before she lost control. Although she was good at hiding her fangs when she needed to, she couldn't do the same with Regina Crowell. Moreover, had she stayed longer, she would have revealed that she knew about the Crow.

"Remember that girl very well, Lewis," Neoma said, then she looked up at Lewis who stood in front of her. "Regina Crowell is my enemy."

Lewis nodded firmly.

"Gosh, have you seen her?" she said while shaking her head. "Her angelic face doesn't match her rotten personality. But not gonna lie– she's really pretty. No wonder Rubin is so enamored with her."

"Miss Crowell is ugly."

She blinked in surprise at what Lewis said. This was the first time that he heard him directly insult a person. "Woah, Lewis. I know that she's an enemy. But we shouldn't lie like that."