"I'M SORRY but I can't join you for lunch."

"It's okay, Father," Hanna assured her father with a smile. "It can't be helped since it's your job to maintain the peace and order here in the Royal Capital."

"Hanna is right, darling," her mother said to her father. "Hanna and I will have tea with Regina while we wait for you."

Her father, as dramatic as ever, sighed deeply and hugged them tight even though they were at the side of the road.

To be precise, the three of them were in front of the café called Sweet Indulgence.

Unfortunately, as soon as their family stepped out of the carriage, a Black Hawk Knight approached her father to bring some bad news.

Apparently, a group of rebels was wrecking havoc at the Central Plaza right now.

Thus, her father had to leave now. After all, the Royal Capital was under the jurisdiction of the Black Hawk Knights. It was Emperor Nikolai himself who assigned her father to be the leader of the Public Order.