"NERO, WAKE up!"

Nero, irritated by the loud voice yelling his name again and again, opened his eyes slowly. He scowled as soon as he saw William's face. But that scowl quickly disappeared when he realized that he was inside a bubble different from the one the Grand Spirit made for him earlier.

The bubble he was inside right now had a warmer feeling, and the aura was a mix of coral pink and silver.

[Ah, this is Mother's Mana…]

Now he remembered that the bubble William made for him burst when he touched his mother's block of ice for quite a long time. His mother probably created a new bubble for him, then she sent him back to the shore.

[Thank you, Mother.]

When he touched the insides of the bubble, it disappeared. Then, he felt the warm aura enter his body. He didn't know if it was just his imagination or did he really feel better now.

"What happened?" William asked, curious. "Did you meet Mona?"