NEOMA smiled while having breakfast with her "family." She had the chance to observe everyone because her oppa and her children because they all fell silent after hearing the predicament that she was in.

By predicament, she meant the fact that His Excellency and the nobles would grill her at the meeting later. And she also told them that she might get dethroned if she wouldn't be able to defend herself properly.

[Oh, well.]

She brought a lot of food for her oppa and "children. Right now, they were in the dining hall while eating together. They just had breakfast, and now they were having opera cake for breakfast. It was pretty heavy of a dessert for breakfast but she was in a bad mood when she asked the chef Blanco Palace to prepare the meal for her children.

And so, she chose one of her most favorite cakes for dessert.

[Plus, chocolate is always the right choice.]


She was seated in the center of the long table.