IT WAS a total eclipse.

Neoma suddenly remembered that she had witnesses eclipses before– both during her first and second life. But she couldn't remember exactly when.

And she had a feeling that she didn't want to remember.

["Princess Neoma?"]

She flinched when she heard Trevor's voice in her head.

Ah, she almost forgot that she allowed the demon boy to temporarily connect his mind to hers. We needed to communicate discreetly after all.

["The people at the plaza are starting to panic, Princess Neoma."]

["But why?"]

["Huh? Isn't it obvious why they would panic, Princess Neoma? The moon swallowed the sun!"]

"It's just a solar eclipse though," Neoma said, confused. "The sun wasn't swallowed by the moon– the moon simply obscures it. And it happened because the moon got between Earth and the sun. Thus, the moon casts a shadow over Earth."

She only realized that her voice echoed loudly in the Hall after she spoke.