GAVIN suddenly felt like Death itself was breathing at the back of his neck.

He immediately opened his eyes and found the source of his discomfort.

That was when he saw it.

A pair of glowing red eyes were glaring at him.

[His Majesty…]

He subconsciously let go of Lady Mona Roseheart.

If looks could kill, he would have dropped dead by now. Since Emperor Nikolai was a little friendly to him, he almost forgot how scary he could be.

[But what is the emperor doing here?]

"Gavin, do you know how long you've gone missing?" Emperor Nikolai asked when he probably noticed that he looked confused. "Three months. You've been missing for three months."

To say that he was shocked would be an understatement.

[I've been unconscious for three months?]

His gaze subconsciously fell on his now skinny arms.