Nikolai was about to behead the kitchen staff that dared to insult Mona when Glenn risked his life to stop him. Of course, he calmed down a little. Even in a rage of fit, he wouldn't hurt or kill a trusted ally like Glenn. Still, being held back pissed him off. "Glenn, if you don't want to be severely punished, shut it."

"It's not like that, Your Majesty," Glenn said, then he pointed at a maid running towards in their direction. "Isn't that lady one of Lady Roseheart's maids? It seems like she has an urgent message for you."

Glenn was right.

A maid wouldn't risk her life to approach him if it wasn't for something urgent or important. Since the servant was working for Mona, he was concerned. He dropped his arm that held his sword and spoke to the maid.

"What happened to Mona?" he asked coldly. "That better be important."