NEOMA took a deep breath and calmed herself before she spoke to Lady Sera Wisteria again. "Why?" she asked calmly. "Why are you saying this to me, Lady Wisteria?"

Lady Sera Wisteria raised an eyebrow at her question. "Why, indeed," she said. "Perhaps, this old lady is wondering if you're interested in knowing your parents' history."

"You're not old, my lady," she said politely. "And if I want to know my parents' history, then I will simply ask my father."

The older noblewoman laughed loudly. "That's true, Your Royal Highness," she said while nodding. "But what if His Majesty doesn't really know the truth about the past? To me, it seems like His Majesty and the late Lady Roseheart have been fooled and manipulated by the former Commander Quinzel."

She wanted to sigh, but she refrained from doing so to remain polite.

[I can see that Lady Wisteria holds a grudge against my appa. But I don't see the point of talking about it straight to my face.]