"WHAT in the world are you saying, Brigitte Griffiths– you wench!" King Landon yelled, his veins popping out of his neck. "Are you implying we poisoned Prince Nero?!"

Neoma smiled, then she continued drinking the poisoned tea.

"What do you mean by 'we,' Your Majesty?" Princess Brigitte asked the king coldly. "Your Majesty and Prince Blake were the ones who ordered the chef to poison the Crown Prince of the empire."

The king turned pale, as if he was about to faint anytime.

"Brigitte!" Prince Blake yelled, his angry face the exact replica of the king's expression earlier. "Do you realize what you're doing right now?"

"I'm saving myself," the first princess said bluntly. "From now on, I'm disowning my family, so I'm not a member of the royal family anymore."

Prince Blake was left speechless.

Queen Emma, Princess Beatrice, and Princess Barbara didn't look surprised. But the three obviously looked scared.