[I DID it.]

Calyx was proud of himself after knocking the royal princess out.

But if he'd be honest, he was actually doubting if he caused her to faint. If he remembered it correctly, the royal princess already fainted and coughed up blood (with some Darkness mixed in it) before he stabbed her with the Twin Crescent Moons, the halberd.

[The royal princess probably fainted because of the injury she suffered from fighting the White Lion. And since I'm the owner of the White Lion, I can take credit for it, right? After all, my aunts and uncles always say that I can take anything and everything I want as long as I remain loyal to the family.]

He looked up to see his father's reaction.

The emperor was looking at the royal princess with a blank expression on his face. Even his aura was calm.

[Oh. He's not worried about the royal princess?]

Maybe his father was disappointed in the royal princess for losing to him.

Yes, that could be it.