SIENNA watched Yoan's reaction while they were watching the cruel, bloody fight between Neoma de Moonasterio and Calyx Dalton.

Of course, they had to sneak in because the security around the academy was tight.

Even so, they still managed to find a good spot to watch the match– and that spot was the roof of the arena's left-wing. They had to use a concealment spell so no one would see them, though.

But they weren't the only ones who thought that it was a good spot to watch.

Jeno Dankworth, one of Neoma de Moonasterio's "children," was watching the match while standing on the roof of the arena's right wing. He concealed himself with his Mist. The young man noticed her and Yoan earlier, but he ignored them since he recognized Yoan as 'Ruto.'

"That Princess Neoma de Moonasterio…"

Sienna turned to Yoan whose eyes were glued to Neoma de Moonasterio. "What about her?"

Yoan clutched his chest tight. "She's a madwoman, isn't she?"