DURING Nero's last day off before he officially entered the Royal Moon Academy, Calyx Dalton had returned to the palace with his 'butler' named Raven.

Was he surprised?

Of course not.


Since only Calyx Dalton and Raven were here yet, Nero and his father brought the two crows into the tea room while waiting for the other guests.

He and his father were sitting side-by-side on the sofa.

Calyx Dalton was sitting on the chair across from them, while Raven was standing behind the younger crow.

"Mother and my grandparents will arrive soon," Calyx Dalton said cheerfully after he greeted Nero and Emperor Nikolai politely. "I arrived earlier since I had to visit the academy and drop my things at the dormitory."

Ah, right.

There was a dormitory in the academy.