"BUT WHY," Nikolai said coldly while looking at Viscount and Viscountess Dalton. "Why would you even think of recording an intimate moment such as a mother giving birth to her child?"

Viscount Carter and Viscountess Joane Dalton flinched at his cold words.

"Your Majesty, is it really important why my parents decided to take a video of me giving birth to my child?" Juliet asked him hesitantly. "I believe that my parents had to do that because of my situation. I heard that people who lost their memories would eventually retrieve their memories. And there were cases where the most recent memories would disappear once the old memories were retrieved. My parents probably took a video of me giving birth in order for me to remember that moment in case I forget it."

He didn't like how Juliet was defending her "parents."

Seeds of doubt were starting to grow in his heart, after all. And Juliet was the last person he wanted to doubt.